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Listing dependencies configured for version updates

You can view the dependencies that Dependabot monitors for updates.


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Viewing dependencies monitored by Dependabot

After you've enabled version updates, you can confirm that your configuration is correct using the Dependabot tab in the dependency graph for the repository. For more information, see 配置 Dependabot 版本更新.

  1. 在 GitHub 上,导航到存储库的主页面。

  2. 在存储库名称下,单击 “见解”。

    存储库的主页的屏幕截图。 在水平导航栏中,标有图形图标和“见解”的选项卡以深橙色标出。

  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击“依赖项关系图”。


  4. 在“依赖项关系图”下,单击“Dependabot”。

  5. Optionally, to view the files monitored for a package manager, to the right of the package manager, click .

    Screenshot of the Dependabot tab under "Insights". A dropdown menu, labeled with a kebab icon, is highlighted with an orange outline.

If any dependencies are missing, check the log files for errors. If any package managers are missing, review the configuration file.

For information about Dependabot job logs, see Viewing Dependabot job logs.