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Эта версия GitHub Enterprise Server была прекращена 2024-03-26. Исправления выпускаться не будут даже при критических проблемах безопасности. Для повышения производительности, повышения безопасности и новых функций выполните обновление до последней версии GitHub Enterprise Server. Чтобы получить справку по обновлению, обратитесь в службу поддержки GitHub Enterprise.

После обновления экземпляра Enterprise Server администратором сайта до Enterprise Server 3.9 или более поздней версии, REST API будет версии. Сведения о том, как найти версию экземпляра, см. в разделе "Сведения о версиях документов GitHub". Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе "О управлении версиями API".

Конечные точки REST API для деревьев Git

Используйте REST API для взаимодействия с объектами дерева в базе данных Git на GitHub Enterprise Server.

Сведения о деревьях Git

Объект дерева Git создает иерархию между файлами в репозитории Git. Объект дерева Git можно использовать для создания связи между каталогами и содержащимися в них файлами. Эти конечные точки позволяют считывать объекты дерева из базы данных Git в GitHub Enterprise Server и записывать их в него.

Create a tree

The tree creation API accepts nested entries. If you specify both a tree and a nested path modifying that tree, this endpoint will overwrite the contents of the tree with the new path contents, and create a new tree structure.

If you use this endpoint to add, delete, or modify the file contents in a tree, you will need to commit the tree and then update a branch to point to the commit. For more information see "Create a commit" and "Update a reference."

Returns an error if you try to delete a file that does not exist.

Параметры для "Create a tree"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
owner string Обязательное поле

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string Обязательное поле

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
tree array of objects Обязательное поле

Objects (of path, mode, type, and sha) specifying a tree structure.

Имя., Тип, Description
path string

The file referenced in the tree.

mode string

The file mode; one of 100644 for file (blob), 100755 for executable (blob), 040000 for subdirectory (tree), 160000 for submodule (commit), or 120000 for a blob that specifies the path of a symlink.

Возможные значения: 100644, 100755, 040000, 160000, 120000

type string

Either blob, tree, or commit.

Возможные значения: blob, tree, commit

sha string or null

The SHA1 checksum ID of the object in the tree. Also called tree.sha. If the value is null then the file will be deleted.

Note: Use either tree.sha or content to specify the contents of the entry. Using both tree.sha and content will return an error.

content string

The content you want this file to have. GitHub will write this blob out and use that SHA for this entry. Use either this, or tree.sha.

Note: Use either tree.sha or content to specify the contents of the entry. Using both tree.sha and content will return an error.

base_tree string

The SHA1 of an existing Git tree object which will be used as the base for the new tree. If provided, a new Git tree object will be created from entries in the Git tree object pointed to by base_tree and entries defined in the tree parameter. Entries defined in the tree parameter will overwrite items from base_tree with the same path. If you're creating new changes on a branch, then normally you'd set base_tree to the SHA1 of the Git tree object of the current latest commit on the branch you're working on. If not provided, GitHub will create a new Git tree object from only the entries defined in the tree parameter. If you create a new commit pointing to such a tree, then all files which were a part of the parent commit's tree and were not defined in the tree parameter will be listed as deleted by the new commit.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Create a tree"

Код состоянияОписание





Resource not found




Validation failed, or the endpoint has been spammed.

Примеры кода для "Create a tree"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/git/trees \ -d '{"base_tree":"9fb037999f264ba9a7fc6274d15fa3ae2ab98312","tree":[{"path":"file.rb","mode":"100644","type":"blob","sha":"44b4fc6d56897b048c772eb4087f854f46256132"}]}'


Status: 201
{ "sha": "cd8274d15fa3ae2ab983129fb037999f264ba9a7", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/Hello-World/trees/cd8274d15fa3ae2ab983129fb037999f264ba9a7", "tree": [ { "path": "file.rb", "mode": "100644", "type": "blob", "size": 132, "sha": "7c258a9869f33c1e1e1f74fbb32f07c86cb5a75b", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/Hello-World/git/blobs/7c258a9869f33c1e1e1f74fbb32f07c86cb5a75b" } ], "truncated": true }

Get a tree

Returns a single tree using the SHA1 value or ref name for that tree.

If truncated is true in the response then the number of items in the tree array exceeded our maximum limit. If you need to fetch more items, use the non-recursive method of fetching trees, and fetch one sub-tree at a time.

Note: The limit for the tree array is 100,000 entries with a maximum size of 7 MB when using the recursive parameter.

Параметры для "Get a tree"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
owner string Обязательное поле

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string Обязательное поле

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

tree_sha string Обязательное поле

The SHA1 value or ref (branch or tag) name of the tree.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
recursive string

Setting this parameter to any value returns the objects or subtrees referenced by the tree specified in :tree_sha. For example, setting recursive to any of the following will enable returning objects or subtrees: 0, 1, "true", and "false". Omit this parameter to prevent recursively returning objects or subtrees.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get a tree"

Код состоянияОписание



Resource not found




Validation failed, or the endpoint has been spammed.

Примеры кода для "Get a tree"

Примеры запросов

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/git/trees/TREE_SHA

Default response

Status: 200
{ "sha": "9fb037999f264ba9a7fc6274d15fa3ae2ab98312", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/Hello-World/trees/9fb037999f264ba9a7fc6274d15fa3ae2ab98312", "tree": [ { "path": "file.rb", "mode": "100644", "type": "blob", "size": 30, "sha": "44b4fc6d56897b048c772eb4087f854f46256132", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/Hello-World/git/blobs/44b4fc6d56897b048c772eb4087f854f46256132" }, { "path": "subdir", "mode": "040000", "type": "tree", "sha": "f484d249c660418515fb01c2b9662073663c242e", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/Hello-World/git/blobs/f484d249c660418515fb01c2b9662073663c242e" }, { "path": "exec_file", "mode": "100755", "type": "blob", "size": 75, "sha": "45b983be36b73c0788dc9cbcb76cbb80fc7bb057", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/Hello-World/git/blobs/45b983be36b73c0788dc9cbcb76cbb80fc7bb057" } ], "truncated": false }