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Эта версия GitHub Enterprise Server была прекращена 2024-03-26. Исправления выпускаться не будут даже при критических проблемах безопасности. Для повышения производительности, повышения безопасности и новых функций выполните обновление до последней версии GitHub Enterprise Server. Чтобы получить справку по обновлению, обратитесь в службу поддержки GitHub Enterprise.

Входные объекты можно описать как составные, так как они включают набор входных полей, определяющих объект.

В этой статье

Сведения о входных объектах

Входные объекты можно описать как составные, так как они включают набор входных полей, определяющих объект.

Например, CommitAuthor принимает поле с именем emails. Предоставление значения для emails преобразует CommitAuthor в список объектов User, содержащих этот адрес электронной почты. Обратите внимание, что объекты могут иметь входные объекты, тогда как изменения требуют их наличия.

Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Формирование вызовов с помощью GraphQL.


Autogenerated input type of AbortQueuedMigrations.

Поля ввода для AbortQueuedMigrationsInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

ownerId (ID!)

The ID of the organization that is running the migrations.


Autogenerated input type of AddAssigneesToAssignable.

Поля ввода для AddAssigneesToAssignableInput


assignableId (ID!)

The id of the assignable object to add assignees to.

assigneeIds ([ID!]!)

The id of users to add as assignees.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Autogenerated input type of AddComment.

Поля ввода для AddCommentInput


body (String!)

The contents of the comment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

subjectId (ID!)

The Node ID of the subject to modify.


Autogenerated input type of AddDiscussionComment.

Поля ввода для AddDiscussionCommentInput


body (String!)

The contents of the comment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

discussionId (ID!)

The Node ID of the discussion to comment on.

replyToId (ID)

The Node ID of the discussion comment within this discussion to reply to.


Autogenerated input type of AddDiscussionPollVote.

Поля ввода для AddDiscussionPollVoteInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pollOptionId (ID!)

The Node ID of the discussion poll option to vote for.


Autogenerated input type of AddEnterpriseAdmin.

Поля ввода для AddEnterpriseAdminInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise account to which the administrator should be added.

login (String!)

The login of the user to add as an administrator.


Autogenerated input type of AddEnterpriseOrganizationMember.

Поля ввода для AddEnterpriseOrganizationMemberInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise which owns the organization.

organizationId (ID!)

The ID of the organization the users will be added to.

role (OrganizationMemberRole)

The role to assign the users in the organization.

userIds ([ID!]!)

The IDs of the enterprise members to add.


Autogenerated input type of AddLabelsToLabelable.

Поля ввода для AddLabelsToLabelableInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

labelIds ([ID!]!)

The ids of the labels to add.

labelableId (ID!)

The id of the labelable object to add labels to.


Autogenerated input type of AddProjectCard.

Поля ввода для AddProjectCardInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

contentId (ID)

The content of the card. Must be a member of the ProjectCardItem union.

note (String)

The note on the card.

projectColumnId (ID!)

The Node ID of the ProjectColumn.


Autogenerated input type of AddProjectColumn.

Поля ввода для AddProjectColumnInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

name (String!)

The name of the column.

projectId (ID!)

The Node ID of the project.


Autogenerated input type of AddProjectV2DraftIssue.

Поля ввода для AddProjectV2DraftIssueInput


assigneeIds ([ID!])

The IDs of the assignees of the draft issue.

body (String)

The body of the draft issue.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project to add the draft issue to.

title (String!)

The title of the draft issue.


Autogenerated input type of AddProjectV2ItemById.

Поля ввода для AddProjectV2ItemByIdInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

contentId (ID!)

The id of the Issue or Pull Request to add.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project to add the item to.


Autogenerated input type of AddPullRequestReviewComment.

Поля ввода для AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput


body (String!)

The text of the comment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

commitOID (GitObjectID)

The SHA of the commit to comment on.

inReplyTo (ID)

The comment id to reply to.

path (String)

The relative path of the file to comment on.

position (Int)

The line index in the diff to comment on.

pullRequestId (ID)

The node ID of the pull request reviewing.

pullRequestReviewId (ID)

The Node ID of the review to modify.


Autogenerated input type of AddPullRequestReview.

Поля ввода для AddPullRequestReviewInput


body (String)

The contents of the review body comment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

comments ([DraftPullRequestReviewComment])

The review line comments.

commitOID (GitObjectID)

The commit OID the review pertains to.

event (PullRequestReviewEvent)

The event to perform on the pull request review.

pullRequestId (ID!)

The Node ID of the pull request to modify.

threads ([DraftPullRequestReviewThread])

The review line comment threads.


Autogenerated input type of AddPullRequestReviewThread.

Поля ввода для AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput


body (String!)

Body of the thread's first comment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

line (Int!)

The line of the blob to which the thread refers. The end of the line range for multi-line comments.

path (String!)

Path to the file being commented on.

pullRequestId (ID)

The node ID of the pull request reviewing.

pullRequestReviewId (ID)

The Node ID of the review to modify.

side (DiffSide)

The side of the diff on which the line resides. For multi-line comments, this is the side for the end of the line range.

startLine (Int)

The first line of the range to which the comment refers.

startSide (DiffSide)

The side of the diff on which the start line resides.


Autogenerated input type of AddReaction.

Поля ввода для AddReactionInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

content (ReactionContent!)

The name of the emoji to react with.

subjectId (ID!)

The Node ID of the subject to modify.


Autogenerated input type of AddStar.

Поля ввода для AddStarInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

starrableId (ID!)

The Starrable ID to star.


Autogenerated input type of AddUpvote.

Поля ввода для AddUpvoteInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

subjectId (ID!)

The Node ID of the discussion or comment to upvote.


Autogenerated input type of AddVerifiableDomain.

Поля ввода для AddVerifiableDomainInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

domain (URI!)

The URL of the domain.

ownerId (ID!)

The ID of the owner to add the domain to.


Autogenerated input type of ApproveDeployments.

Поля ввода для ApproveDeploymentsInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

comment (String)

Optional comment for approving deployments.

environmentIds ([ID!]!)

The ids of environments to reject deployments.

workflowRunId (ID!)

The node ID of the workflow run containing the pending deployments.


Autogenerated input type of ApproveVerifiableDomain.

Поля ввода для ApproveVerifiableDomainInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the verifiable domain to approve.


Autogenerated input type of ArchiveProjectV2Item.

Поля ввода для ArchiveProjectV2ItemInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

itemId (ID!)

The ID of the ProjectV2Item to archive.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project to archive the item from.


Autogenerated input type of ArchiveRepository.

Поля ввода для ArchiveRepositoryInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repositoryId (ID!)

The ID of the repository to mark as archived.


Ordering options for Audit Log connections.

Поля ввода для AuditLogOrder


direction (OrderDirection)

The ordering direction.

field (AuditLogOrderField)

The field to order Audit Logs by.


Autogenerated input type of ChangeUserStatus.

Поля ввода для ChangeUserStatusInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

emoji (String)

The emoji to represent your status. Can either be a native Unicode emoji or an emoji name with colons, e.g., 😀.

expiresAt (DateTime)

If set, the user status will not be shown after this date.

limitedAvailability (Boolean)

Whether this status should indicate you are not fully available on GitHub, e.g., you are away.

message (String)

A short description of your current status.

organizationId (ID)

The ID of the organization whose members will be allowed to see the status. If omitted, the status will be publicly visible.


Information from a check run analysis to specific lines of code.

Поля ввода для CheckAnnotationData


annotationLevel (CheckAnnotationLevel!)

Represents an annotation's information level.

location (CheckAnnotationRange!)

The location of the annotation.

message (String!)

A short description of the feedback for these lines of code.

path (String!)

The path of the file to add an annotation to.

rawDetails (String)

Details about this annotation.

title (String)

The title that represents the annotation.


Information from a check run analysis to specific lines of code.

Поля ввода для CheckAnnotationRange


endColumn (Int)

The ending column of the range.

endLine (Int!)

The ending line of the range.

startColumn (Int)

The starting column of the range.

startLine (Int!)

The starting line of the range.


Possible further actions the integrator can perform.

Поля ввода для CheckRunAction


description (String!)

A short explanation of what this action would do.

identifier (String!)

A reference for the action on the integrator's system.

label (String!)

The text to be displayed on a button in the web UI.


The filters that are available when fetching check runs.

Поля ввода для CheckRunFilter


appId (Int)

Filters the check runs created by this application ID.

checkName (String)

Filters the check runs by this name.

checkType (CheckRunType)

Filters the check runs by this type.

conclusions ([CheckConclusionState!])

Filters the check runs by these conclusions.

status (CheckStatusState)

Filters the check runs by this status. Superceded by statuses.

statuses ([CheckStatusState!])

Filters the check runs by this status. Overrides status.


Descriptive details about the check run.

Поля ввода для CheckRunOutput


annotations ([CheckAnnotationData!])

The annotations that are made as part of the check run.

images ([CheckRunOutputImage!])

Images attached to the check run output displayed in the GitHub pull request UI.

summary (String!)

The summary of the check run (supports Commonmark).

text (String)

The details of the check run (supports Commonmark).

title (String!)

A title to provide for this check run.


Images attached to the check run output displayed in the GitHub pull request UI.

Поля ввода для CheckRunOutputImage


alt (String!)

The alternative text for the image.

caption (String)

A short image description.

imageUrl (URI!)

The full URL of the image.


The auto-trigger preferences that are available for check suites.

Поля ввода для CheckSuiteAutoTriggerPreference


appId (ID!)

The node ID of the application that owns the check suite.

setting (Boolean!)

Set to true to enable automatic creation of CheckSuite events upon pushes to the repository.


The filters that are available when fetching check suites.

Поля ввода для CheckSuiteFilter


appId (Int)

Filters the check suites created by this application ID.

checkName (String)

Filters the check suites by this name.


Autogenerated input type of ClearLabelsFromLabelable.

Поля ввода для ClearLabelsFromLabelableInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

labelableId (ID!)

The id of the labelable object to clear the labels from.


Autogenerated input type of ClearProjectV2ItemFieldValue.

Поля ввода для ClearProjectV2ItemFieldValueInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

fieldId (ID!)

The ID of the field to be cleared.

itemId (ID!)

The ID of the item to be cleared.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project.


Autogenerated input type of CloneProject.

Поля ввода для CloneProjectInput


body (String)

The description of the project.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

includeWorkflows (Boolean!)

Whether or not to clone the source project's workflows.

name (String!)

The name of the project.

public (Boolean)

The visibility of the project, defaults to false (private).

sourceId (ID!)

The source project to clone.

targetOwnerId (ID!)

The owner ID to create the project under.


Autogenerated input type of CloneTemplateRepository.

Поля ввода для CloneTemplateRepositoryInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

description (String)

A short description of the new repository.

includeAllBranches (Boolean)

Whether to copy all branches from the template to the new repository. Defaults to copying only the default branch of the template.

name (String!)

The name of the new repository.

ownerId (ID!)

The ID of the owner for the new repository.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the template repository.

visibility (RepositoryVisibility!)

Indicates the repository's visibility level.


Autogenerated input type of CloseIssue.

Поля ввода для CloseIssueInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issueId (ID!)

ID of the issue to be closed.

stateReason (IssueClosedStateReason)

The reason the issue is to be closed.


Autogenerated input type of ClosePullRequest.

Поля ввода для ClosePullRequestInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestId (ID!)

ID of the pull request to be closed.


Specifies an author for filtering Git commits.

Поля ввода для CommitAuthor


emails ([String!])

Email addresses to filter by. Commits authored by any of the specified email addresses will be returned.

id (ID)

ID of a User to filter by. If non-null, only commits authored by this user will be returned. This field takes precedence over emails.


Ordering options for commit contribution connections.

Поля ввода для CommitContributionOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (CommitContributionOrderField!)

The field by which to order commit contributions.


A message to include with a new commit.

Поля ввода для CommitMessage


body (String)

The body of the message.

headline (String!)

The headline of the message.


A git ref for a commit to be appended to.

The ref must be a branch, i.e. its fully qualified name must start with refs/heads/ (although the input is not required to be fully qualified).

The Ref may be specified by its global node ID or by the repositoryNameWithOwner and branchName.


Specify a branch using a global node ID:

{ "id": "MDM6UmVmMTpyZWZzL2hlYWRzL21haW4=" }

Specify a branch using repositoryNameWithOwner and branchName:

  "repositoryNameWithOwner": "github/graphql-client",
  "branchName": "main"

Поля ввода для CommittableBranch


branchName (String)

The unqualified name of the branch to append the commit to.

id (ID)

The Node ID of the Ref to be updated.

repositoryNameWithOwner (String)

The nameWithOwner of the repository to commit to.


Ordering options for contribution connections.

Поля ввода для ContributionOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.


Autogenerated input type of ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssue.

Поля ввода для ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssueInput


body (String)

The body of the newly created issue.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectCardId (ID!)

The ProjectCard ID to convert.

repositoryId (ID!)

The ID of the repository to create the issue in.

title (String)

The title of the newly created issue. Defaults to the card's note text.


Autogenerated input type of ConvertPullRequestToDraft.

Поля ввода для ConvertPullRequestToDraftInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestId (ID!)

ID of the pull request to convert to draft.


Autogenerated input type of CreateBranchProtectionRule.

Поля ввода для CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput


allowsDeletions (Boolean)

Can this branch be deleted.

allowsForcePushes (Boolean)

Are force pushes allowed on this branch.

blocksCreations (Boolean)

Is branch creation a protected operation.

bypassForcePushActorIds ([ID!])

A list of User, Team, or App IDs allowed to bypass force push targeting matching branches.

bypassPullRequestActorIds ([ID!])

A list of User, Team, or App IDs allowed to bypass pull requests targeting matching branches.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

dismissesStaleReviews (Boolean)

Will new commits pushed to matching branches dismiss pull request review approvals.

isAdminEnforced (Boolean)

Can admins overwrite branch protection.

lockAllowsFetchAndMerge (Boolean)

Whether users can pull changes from upstream when the branch is locked. Set to true to allow fork syncing. Set to false to prevent fork syncing.

lockBranch (Boolean)

Whether to set the branch as read-only. If this is true, users will not be able to push to the branch.

pattern (String!)

The glob-like pattern used to determine matching branches.

pushActorIds ([ID!])

A list of User, Team, or App IDs allowed to push to matching branches.

repositoryId (ID!)

The global relay id of the repository in which a new branch protection rule should be created in.

requireLastPushApproval (Boolean)

Whether the most recent push must be approved by someone other than the person who pushed it.

requiredApprovingReviewCount (Int)

Number of approving reviews required to update matching branches.

requiredStatusCheckContexts ([String!])

List of required status check contexts that must pass for commits to be accepted to matching branches.

requiredStatusChecks ([RequiredStatusCheckInput!])

The list of required status checks.

requiresApprovingReviews (Boolean)

Are approving reviews required to update matching branches.

requiresCodeOwnerReviews (Boolean)

Are reviews from code owners required to update matching branches.

requiresCommitSignatures (Boolean)

Are commits required to be signed.

requiresConversationResolution (Boolean)

Are conversations required to be resolved before merging.

requiresLinearHistory (Boolean)

Are merge commits prohibited from being pushed to this branch.

requiresStatusChecks (Boolean)

Are status checks required to update matching branches.

requiresStrictStatusChecks (Boolean)

Are branches required to be up to date before merging.

restrictsPushes (Boolean)

Is pushing to matching branches restricted.

restrictsReviewDismissals (Boolean)

Is dismissal of pull request reviews restricted.

reviewDismissalActorIds ([ID!])

A list of User, Team, or App IDs allowed to dismiss reviews on pull requests targeting matching branches.


Autogenerated input type of CreateCheckRun.

Поля ввода для CreateCheckRunInput


actions ([CheckRunAction!])

Possible further actions the integrator can perform, which a user may trigger.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

completedAt (DateTime)

The time that the check run finished.

conclusion (CheckConclusionState)

The final conclusion of the check.

detailsUrl (URI)

The URL of the integrator's site that has the full details of the check.

externalId (String)

A reference for the run on the integrator's system.

headSha (GitObjectID!)

The SHA of the head commit.

name (String!)

The name of the check.

output (CheckRunOutput)

Descriptive details about the run.

repositoryId (ID!)

The node ID of the repository.

startedAt (DateTime)

The time that the check run began.

status (RequestableCheckStatusState)

The current status.


Autogenerated input type of CreateCheckSuite.

Поля ввода для CreateCheckSuiteInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

headSha (GitObjectID!)

The SHA of the head commit.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the repository.


Autogenerated input type of CreateCommitOnBranch.

Поля ввода для CreateCommitOnBranchInput


branch (CommittableBranch!)

The Ref to be updated. Must be a branch.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

expectedHeadOid (GitObjectID!)

The git commit oid expected at the head of the branch prior to the commit.

fileChanges (FileChanges)

A description of changes to files in this commit.

message (CommitMessage!)

The commit message the be included with the commit.


Autogenerated input type of CreateDeployment.


CreateDeploymentInput is available under the Deployments preview. В течение периода предварительного просмотра API может быть изменен без уведомления.

Поля ввода для CreateDeploymentInput


autoMerge (Boolean)

Attempt to automatically merge the default branch into the requested ref, defaults to true.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

description (String)

Short description of the deployment.

environment (String)

Name for the target deployment environment.

payload (String)

JSON payload with extra information about the deployment.

refId (ID!)

The node ID of the ref to be deployed.

repositoryId (ID!)

The node ID of the repository.

requiredContexts ([String!])

The status contexts to verify against commit status checks. To bypass required contexts, pass an empty array. Defaults to all unique contexts.

task (String)

Specifies a task to execute.


Autogenerated input type of CreateDeploymentStatus.


CreateDeploymentStatusInput is available under the Deployments preview. В течение периода предварительного просмотра API может быть изменен без уведомления.

Поля ввода для CreateDeploymentStatusInput


autoInactive (Boolean)

Adds a new inactive status to all non-transient, non-production environment deployments with the same repository and environment name as the created status's deployment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

deploymentId (ID!)

The node ID of the deployment.

description (String)

A short description of the status. Maximum length of 140 characters.

environment (String)

If provided, updates the environment of the deploy. Otherwise, does not modify the environment.

environmentUrl (String)

Sets the URL for accessing your environment.

logUrl (String)

The log URL to associate with this status. This URL should contain output to keep the user updated while the task is running or serve as historical information for what happened in the deployment.

state (DeploymentStatusState!)

The state of the deployment.


Autogenerated input type of CreateDiscussion.

Поля ввода для CreateDiscussionInput


body (String!)

The body of the discussion.

categoryId (ID!)

The id of the discussion category to associate with this discussion.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repositoryId (ID!)

The id of the repository on which to create the discussion.

title (String!)

The title of the discussion.


Autogenerated input type of CreateEnterpriseOrganization.

Поля ввода для CreateEnterpriseOrganizationInput


adminLogins ([String!]!)

The logins for the administrators of the new organization.

billingEmail (String!)

The email used for sending billing receipts.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise owning the new organization.

login (String!)

The login of the new organization.

profileName (String!)

The profile name of the new organization.


Autogenerated input type of CreateEnvironment.

Поля ввода для CreateEnvironmentInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

name (String!)

The name of the environment.

repositoryId (ID!)

The node ID of the repository.


Autogenerated input type of CreateIpAllowListEntry.

Поля ввода для CreateIpAllowListEntryInput


allowListValue (String!)

An IP address or range of addresses in CIDR notation.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

isActive (Boolean!)

Whether the IP allow list entry is active when an IP allow list is enabled.

name (String)

An optional name for the IP allow list entry.

ownerId (ID!)

The ID of the owner for which to create the new IP allow list entry.


Autogenerated input type of CreateIssue.

Поля ввода для CreateIssueInput


assigneeIds ([ID!])

The Node ID for the user assignee for this issue.

body (String)

The body for the issue description.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issueTemplate (String)

The name of an issue template in the repository, assigns labels and assignees from the template to the issue.

labelIds ([ID!])

An array of Node IDs of labels for this issue.

milestoneId (ID)

The Node ID of the milestone for this issue.

projectIds ([ID!])

An array of Node IDs for projects associated with this issue.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the repository.

title (String!)

The title for the issue.


Autogenerated input type of CreateLabel.


CreateLabelInput is available under the Labels preview. В течение периода предварительного просмотра API может быть изменен без уведомления.

Поля ввода для CreateLabelInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

color (String!)

A 6 character hex code, without the leading #, identifying the color of the label.

description (String)

A brief description of the label, such as its purpose.

name (String!)

The name of the label.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the repository.


Autogenerated input type of CreateLinkedBranch.

Поля ввода для CreateLinkedBranchInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issueId (ID!)

ID of the issue to link to.

name (String)

The name of the new branch. Defaults to issue number and title.

oid (GitObjectID!)

The commit SHA to base the new branch on.

repositoryId (ID)

ID of the repository to create the branch in. Defaults to the issue repository.


Autogenerated input type of CreateMigrationSource.

Поля ввода для CreateMigrationSourceInput


accessToken (String)

The Octoshift migration source access token.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

githubPat (String)

The GitHub personal access token of the user importing to the target repository.

name (String!)

The Octoshift migration source name.

ownerId (ID!)

The ID of the organization that will own the Octoshift migration source.

type (MigrationSourceType!)

The Octoshift migration source type.

url (String!)

The Octoshift migration source URL.


Autogenerated input type of CreateProject.

Поля ввода для CreateProjectInput


body (String)

The description of project.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

name (String!)

The name of project.

ownerId (ID!)

The owner ID to create the project under.

repositoryIds ([ID!])

A list of repository IDs to create as linked repositories for the project.

template (ProjectTemplate)

The name of the GitHub-provided template.


Autogenerated input type of CreateProjectV2.

Поля ввода для CreateProjectV2Input


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

ownerId (ID!)

The owner ID to create the project under.

repositoryId (ID)

The repository to link the project to.

teamId (ID)

The team to link the project to. The team will be granted read permissions.

title (String!)

The title of the project.


Autogenerated input type of CreatePullRequest.

Поля ввода для CreatePullRequestInput


baseRefName (String!)

The name of the branch you want your changes pulled into. This should be an existing branch on the current repository. You cannot update the base branch on a pull request to point to another repository.

body (String)

The contents of the pull request.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

draft (Boolean)

Indicates whether this pull request should be a draft.

headRefName (String!)

The name of the branch where your changes are implemented. For cross-repository pull requests in the same network, namespace head_ref_name with a user like this: username:branch.

maintainerCanModify (Boolean)

Indicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the repository.

title (String!)

The title of the pull request.


Autogenerated input type of CreateRef.

Поля ввода для CreateRefInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

name (String!)

The fully qualified name of the new Ref (ie: refs/heads/my_new_branch).

oid (GitObjectID!)

The GitObjectID that the new Ref shall target. Must point to a commit.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the Repository to create the Ref in.


Autogenerated input type of CreateRepository.

Поля ввода для CreateRepositoryInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

description (String)

A short description of the new repository.

hasIssuesEnabled (Boolean)

Indicates if the repository should have the issues feature enabled.

hasWikiEnabled (Boolean)

Indicates if the repository should have the wiki feature enabled.

homepageUrl (URI)

The URL for a web page about this repository.

name (String!)

The name of the new repository.

ownerId (ID)

The ID of the owner for the new repository.

teamId (ID)

When an organization is specified as the owner, this ID identifies the team that should be granted access to the new repository.

template (Boolean)

Whether this repository should be marked as a template such that anyone who can access it can create new repositories with the same files and directory structure.

visibility (RepositoryVisibility!)

Indicates the repository's visibility level.


Autogenerated input type of CreateTeamDiscussionComment.

Поля ввода для CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput


body (String!)

The content of the comment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

discussionId (ID!)

The ID of the discussion to which the comment belongs.


Autogenerated input type of CreateTeamDiscussion.

Поля ввода для CreateTeamDiscussionInput


body (String!)

The content of the discussion.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

private (Boolean)

If true, restricts the visibility of this discussion to team members and organization admins. If false or not specified, allows any organization member to view this discussion.

teamId (ID!)

The ID of the team to which the discussion belongs.

title (String!)

The title of the discussion.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteBranchProtectionRule.

Поля ввода для DeleteBranchProtectionRuleInput


branchProtectionRuleId (ID!)

The global relay id of the branch protection rule to be deleted.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteDeployment.

Поля ввода для DeleteDeploymentInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The Node ID of the deployment to be deleted.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteDiscussionComment.

Поля ввода для DeleteDiscussionCommentInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The Node id of the discussion comment to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteDiscussion.

Поля ввода для DeleteDiscussionInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The id of the discussion to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteEnvironment.

Поля ввода для DeleteEnvironmentInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The Node ID of the environment to be deleted.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteIpAllowListEntry.

Поля ввода для DeleteIpAllowListEntryInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

ipAllowListEntryId (ID!)

The ID of the IP allow list entry to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteIssueComment.

Поля ввода для DeleteIssueCommentInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the comment to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteIssue.

Поля ввода для DeleteIssueInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issueId (ID!)

The ID of the issue to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteLabel.


DeleteLabelInput is available under the Labels preview. В течение периода предварительного просмотра API может быть изменен без уведомления.

Поля ввода для DeleteLabelInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The Node ID of the label to be deleted.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteLinkedBranch.

Поля ввода для DeleteLinkedBranchInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

linkedBranchId (ID!)

The ID of the linked branch.


Autogenerated input type of DeletePackageVersion.

Поля ввода для DeletePackageVersionInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

packageVersionId (ID!)

The ID of the package version to be deleted.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteProjectCard.

Поля ввода для DeleteProjectCardInput


cardId (ID!)

The id of the card to delete.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteProjectColumn.

Поля ввода для DeleteProjectColumnInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

columnId (ID!)

The id of the column to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteProject.

Поля ввода для DeleteProjectInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectId (ID!)

The Project ID to update.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteProjectV2Item.

Поля ввода для DeleteProjectV2ItemInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

itemId (ID!)

The ID of the item to be removed.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project from which the item should be removed.


Autogenerated input type of DeletePullRequestReviewComment.

Поля ввода для DeletePullRequestReviewCommentInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the comment to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeletePullRequestReview.

Поля ввода для DeletePullRequestReviewInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReviewId (ID!)

The Node ID of the pull request review to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteRef.

Поля ввода для DeleteRefInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

refId (ID!)

The Node ID of the Ref to be deleted.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteTeamDiscussionComment.

Поля ввода для DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the comment to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteTeamDiscussion.

Поля ввода для DeleteTeamDiscussionInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The discussion ID to delete.


Autogenerated input type of DeleteVerifiableDomain.

Поля ввода для DeleteVerifiableDomainInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the verifiable domain to delete.


Ordering options for deployment connections.

Поля ввода для DeploymentOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (DeploymentOrderField!)

The field to order deployments by.


Autogenerated input type of DisablePullRequestAutoMerge.

Поля ввода для DisablePullRequestAutoMergeInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestId (ID!)

ID of the pull request to disable auto merge on.


Ways in which lists of discussions can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для DiscussionOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order discussions by the specified field.

field (DiscussionOrderField!)

The field by which to order discussions.


Ordering options for discussion poll option connections.

Поля ввода для DiscussionPollOptionOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (DiscussionPollOptionOrderField!)

The field to order poll options by.


Autogenerated input type of DismissPullRequestReview.

Поля ввода для DismissPullRequestReviewInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

message (String!)

The contents of the pull request review dismissal message.

pullRequestReviewId (ID!)

The Node ID of the pull request review to modify.


Autogenerated input type of DismissRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.

Поля ввода для DismissRepositoryVulnerabilityAlertInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

dismissReason (DismissReason!)

The reason the Dependabot alert is being dismissed.

repositoryVulnerabilityAlertId (ID!)

The Dependabot alert ID to dismiss.


Specifies a review comment to be left with a Pull Request Review.

Поля ввода для DraftPullRequestReviewComment


body (String!)

Body of the comment to leave.

path (String!)

Path to the file being commented on.

position (Int!)

Position in the file to leave a comment on.


Specifies a review comment thread to be left with a Pull Request Review.

Поля ввода для DraftPullRequestReviewThread


body (String!)

Body of the comment to leave.

line (Int!)

The line of the blob to which the thread refers. The end of the line range for multi-line comments.

path (String!)

Path to the file being commented on.

side (DiffSide)

The side of the diff on which the line resides. For multi-line comments, this is the side for the end of the line range.

startLine (Int)

The first line of the range to which the comment refers.

startSide (DiffSide)

The side of the diff on which the start line resides.


Autogenerated input type of EnablePullRequestAutoMerge.

Поля ввода для EnablePullRequestAutoMergeInput


authorEmail (String)

The email address to associate with this merge.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

commitBody (String)

Commit body to use for the commit when the PR is mergable; if omitted, a default message will be used. NOTE: when merging with a merge queue any input value for commit message is ignored.

commitHeadline (String)

Commit headline to use for the commit when the PR is mergable; if omitted, a default message will be used. NOTE: when merging with a merge queue any input value for commit headline is ignored.

mergeMethod (PullRequestMergeMethod)

The merge method to use. If omitted, defaults to MERGE. NOTE: when merging with a merge queue any input value for merge method is ignored.

pullRequestId (ID!)

ID of the pull request to enable auto-merge on.


Ordering options for enterprise administrator invitation connections.

Поля ввода для EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrderField!)

The field to order enterprise administrator invitations by.


Ordering options for enterprise member connections.

Поля ввода для EnterpriseMemberOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (EnterpriseMemberOrderField!)

The field to order enterprise members by.


Ordering options for Enterprise Server user account email connections.

Поля ввода для EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrderField!)

The field to order emails by.


Ordering options for Enterprise Server user account connections.

Поля ввода для EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrderField!)

The field to order user accounts by.


Ordering options for Enterprise Server user accounts upload connections.

Поля ввода для EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrderField!)

The field to order user accounts uploads by.


A command to add a file at the given path with the given contents as part of a commit. Any existing file at that that path will be replaced.

Поля ввода для FileAddition


contents (Base64String!)

The base64 encoded contents of the file.

path (String!)

The path in the repository where the file will be located.


A description of a set of changes to a file tree to be made as part of a git commit, modeled as zero or more file additions and zero or more file deletions.

Both fields are optional; omitting both will produce a commit with no file changes.

deletions and additions describe changes to files identified by their path in the git tree using unix-style path separators, i.e. /. The root of a git tree is an empty string, so paths are not slash-prefixed.

path values must be unique across all additions and deletions provided. Any duplication will result in a validation error.


File contents must be provided in full for each FileAddition.

The contents of a FileAddition must be encoded using RFC 4648 compliant base64, i.e. correct padding is required and no characters outside the standard alphabet may be used. Invalid base64 encoding will be rejected with a validation error.

The encoded contents may be binary.

For text files, no assumptions are made about the character encoding of the file contents (after base64 decoding). No charset transcoding or line-ending normalization will be performed; it is the client's responsibility to manage the character encoding of files they provide. However, for maximum compatibility we recommend using UTF-8 encoding and ensuring that all files in a repository use a consistent line-ending convention (\n or \r\n), and that all files end with a newline.

Modeling file changes

Each of the the five types of conceptual changes that can be made in a git commit can be described using the FileChanges type as follows:

  1. New file addition: create file hello world\n at path docs/README.txt:

      "additions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt",
          "contents": base64encode("hello world\n")
  2. Existing file modification: change existing docs/README.txt to have new content new content here\n:

      "additions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt",
          "contents": base64encode("new content here\n")
  3. Existing file deletion: remove existing file docs/README.txt. Note that the path is required to exist -- specifying a path that does not exist on the given branch will abort the commit and return an error.

      "deletions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt"
  4. File rename with no changes: rename docs/README.txt with previous content hello world\n to the same content at newdocs/README.txt:

      "deletions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt",
      "additions" [
          "path": "newdocs/README.txt",
          "contents": base64encode("hello world\n")
  5. File rename with changes: rename docs/README.txt with previous content hello world\n to a file at path newdocs/README.txt with content new contents\n:

      "deletions" [
          "path": "docs/README.txt",
      "additions" [
          "path": "newdocs/README.txt",
          "contents": base64encode("new contents\n")

Поля ввода для FileChanges


additions ([FileAddition!])

File to add or change.

deletions ([FileDeletion!])

Files to delete.


A command to delete the file at the given path as part of a commit.

Поля ввода для FileDeletion


path (String!)

The path to delete.


Autogenerated input type of FollowOrganization.

Поля ввода для FollowOrganizationInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

organizationId (ID!)

ID of the organization to follow.


Autogenerated input type of FollowUser.

Поля ввода для FollowUserInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

userId (ID!)

ID of the user to follow.


Ordering options for gist connections.

Поля ввода для GistOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (GistOrderField!)

The field to order repositories by.


Autogenerated input type of GrantEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRole.

Поля ввода для GrantEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRoleInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise to which all organizations managed by it will be granted the migrator role.

login (String!)

The login of the user to grant the migrator role.


Autogenerated input type of GrantMigratorRole.

Поля ввода для GrantMigratorRoleInput


actor (String!)

The user login or Team slug to grant the migrator role.

actorType (ActorType!)

Specifies the type of the actor, can be either USER or TEAM.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

organizationId (ID!)

The ID of the organization that the user/team belongs to.


Autogenerated input type of ImportProject.

Поля ввода для ImportProjectInput


body (String)

The description of Project.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

columnImports ([ProjectColumnImport!]!)

A list of columns containing issues and pull requests.

name (String!)

The name of Project.

ownerName (String!)

The name of the Organization or User to create the Project under.

public (Boolean)

Whether the Project is public or not.


Ordering options for IP allow list entry connections.

Поля ввода для IpAllowListEntryOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (IpAllowListEntryOrderField!)

The field to order IP allow list entries by.


Ways in which lists of issue comments can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для IssueCommentOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order issue comments by the specified field.

field (IssueCommentOrderField!)

The field in which to order issue comments by.


Ways in which to filter lists of issues.

Поля ввода для IssueFilters


assignee (String)

List issues assigned to given name. Pass in null for issues with no assigned user, and * for issues assigned to any user.

createdBy (String)

List issues created by given name.

labels ([String!])

List issues where the list of label names exist on the issue.

mentioned (String)

List issues where the given name is mentioned in the issue.

milestone (String)

List issues by given milestone argument. If an string representation of an integer is passed, it should refer to a milestone by its database ID. Pass in null for issues with no milestone, and * for issues that are assigned to any milestone.

milestoneNumber (String)

List issues by given milestone argument. If an string representation of an integer is passed, it should refer to a milestone by its number field. Pass in null for issues with no milestone, and * for issues that are assigned to any milestone.

since (DateTime)

List issues that have been updated at or after the given date.

states ([IssueState!])

List issues filtered by the list of states given.

viewerSubscribed (Boolean)

List issues subscribed to by viewer.


Ways in which lists of issues can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для IssueOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order issues by the specified field.

field (IssueOrderField!)

The field in which to order issues by.


Ways in which lists of labels can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для LabelOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order labels by the specified field.

field (LabelOrderField!)

The field in which to order labels by.


Ordering options for language connections.

Поля ввода для LanguageOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (LanguageOrderField!)

The field to order languages by.


Autogenerated input type of LinkProjectV2ToRepository.

Поля ввода для LinkProjectV2ToRepositoryInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the project to link to the repository.

repositoryId (ID!)

The ID of the repository to link to the project.


Autogenerated input type of LinkProjectV2ToTeam.

Поля ввода для LinkProjectV2ToTeamInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the project to link to the team.

teamId (ID!)

The ID of the team to link to the project.


Autogenerated input type of LinkRepositoryToProject.

Поля ввода для LinkRepositoryToProjectInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project to link to a Repository.

repositoryId (ID!)

The ID of the Repository to link to a Project.


Autogenerated input type of LockLockable.

Поля ввода для LockLockableInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

lockReason (LockReason)

A reason for why the item will be locked.

lockableId (ID!)

ID of the item to be locked.


Autogenerated input type of MarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswer.

Поля ввода для MarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The Node ID of the discussion comment to mark as an answer.


Autogenerated input type of MarkFileAsViewed.

Поля ввода для MarkFileAsViewedInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

path (String!)

The path of the file to mark as viewed.

pullRequestId (ID!)

The Node ID of the pull request.


Autogenerated input type of MarkPullRequestReadyForReview.

Поля ввода для MarkPullRequestReadyForReviewInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestId (ID!)

ID of the pull request to be marked as ready for review.


Autogenerated input type of MergeBranch.

Поля ввода для MergeBranchInput


base (String!)

The name of the base branch that the provided head will be merged into.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

commitMessage (String)

Message to use for the merge commit. If omitted, a default will be used.

head (String!)

The head to merge into the base branch. This can be a branch name or a commit GitObjectID.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the Repository containing the base branch that will be modified.


Autogenerated input type of MergePullRequest.

Поля ввода для MergePullRequestInput


authorEmail (String)

The email address to associate with this merge.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

commitBody (String)

Commit body to use for the merge commit; if omitted, a default message will be used.

commitHeadline (String)

Commit headline to use for the merge commit; if omitted, a default message will be used.

expectedHeadOid (GitObjectID)

OID that the pull request head ref must match to allow merge; if omitted, no check is performed.

mergeMethod (PullRequestMergeMethod)

The merge method to use. If omitted, defaults to 'MERGE'.

pullRequestId (ID!)

ID of the pull request to be merged.


Ordering options for milestone connections.

Поля ввода для MilestoneOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (MilestoneOrderField!)

The field to order milestones by.


Autogenerated input type of MinimizeComment.

Поля ввода для MinimizeCommentInput


classifier (ReportedContentClassifiers!)

The classification of comment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

subjectId (ID!)

The Node ID of the subject to modify.


Autogenerated input type of MoveProjectCard.

Поля ввода для MoveProjectCardInput


afterCardId (ID)

Place the new card after the card with this id. Pass null to place it at the top.

cardId (ID!)

The id of the card to move.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

columnId (ID!)

The id of the column to move it into.


Autogenerated input type of MoveProjectColumn.

Поля ввода для MoveProjectColumnInput


afterColumnId (ID)

Place the new column after the column with this id. Pass null to place it at the front.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

columnId (ID!)

The id of the column to move.


Ordering options for an organization's enterprise owner connections.

Поля ввода для OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrderField!)

The field to order enterprise owners by.


Ordering options for organization connections.

Поля ввода для OrganizationOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (OrganizationOrderField!)

The field to order organizations by.


Ways in which lists of package files can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для PackageFileOrder


direction (OrderDirection)

The direction in which to order package files by the specified field.

field (PackageFileOrderField)

The field in which to order package files by.


Ways in which lists of packages can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для PackageOrder


direction (OrderDirection)

The direction in which to order packages by the specified field.

field (PackageOrderField)

The field in which to order packages by.


Ways in which lists of package versions can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для PackageVersionOrder


direction (OrderDirection)

The direction in which to order package versions by the specified field.

field (PackageVersionOrderField)

The field in which to order package versions by.


Autogenerated input type of PinIssue.

Поля ввода для PinIssueInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issueId (ID!)

The ID of the issue to be pinned.


An issue or PR and its owning repository to be used in a project card.

Поля ввода для ProjectCardImport


number (Int!)

The issue or pull request number.

repository (String!)

Repository name with owner (owner/repository).


A project column and a list of its issues and PRs.

Поля ввода для ProjectColumnImport


columnName (String!)

The name of the column.

issues ([ProjectCardImport!])

A list of issues and pull requests in the column.

position (Int!)

The position of the column, starting from 0.


Ways in which lists of projects can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для ProjectOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order projects by the specified field.

field (ProjectOrderField!)

The field in which to order projects by.


Ordering options for project v2 field connections.

Поля ввода для ProjectV2FieldOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (ProjectV2FieldOrderField!)

The field to order the project v2 fields by.


The values that can be used to update a field of an item inside a Project. Only 1 value can be updated at a time.

Поля ввода для ProjectV2FieldValue


date (Date)

The ISO 8601 date to set on the field.

iterationId (String)

The id of the iteration to set on the field.

number (Float)

The number to set on the field.

singleSelectOptionId (String)

The id of the single select option to set on the field.

text (String)

The text to set on the field.


Ordering options for project v2 item field value connections.

Поля ввода для ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrderField!)

The field to order the project v2 item field values by.


Ordering options for project v2 item connections.

Поля ввода для ProjectV2ItemOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (ProjectV2ItemOrderField!)

The field to order the project v2 items by.


Ways in which lists of projects can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для ProjectV2Order


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order projects by the specified field.

field (ProjectV2OrderField!)

The field in which to order projects by.


Ordering options for project v2 view connections.

Поля ввода для ProjectV2ViewOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (ProjectV2ViewOrderField!)

The field to order the project v2 views by.


Ways in which lists of issues can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для PullRequestOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order pull requests by the specified field.

field (PullRequestOrderField!)

The field in which to order pull requests by.


Ways in which lists of reactions can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для ReactionOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order reactions by the specified field.

field (ReactionOrderField!)

The field in which to order reactions by.


Ways in which lists of git refs can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для RefOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order refs by the specified field.

field (RefOrderField!)

The field in which to order refs by.


A ref update.


RefUpdate is available under the Update refs preview update multiple refs in a single operation preview. В течение периода предварительного просмотра API может быть изменен без уведомления.

Поля ввода для RefUpdate


afterOid (GitObjectID!)

The value this ref should be updated to.

beforeOid (GitObjectID)

The value this ref needs to point to before the update.

force (Boolean)

Force a non fast-forward update.

name (GitRefname!)

The fully qualified name of the ref to be update. For example refs/heads/branch-name.


Autogenerated input type of RegenerateVerifiableDomainToken.

Поля ввода для RegenerateVerifiableDomainTokenInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the verifiable domain to regenerate the verification token of.


Autogenerated input type of RejectDeployments.

Поля ввода для RejectDeploymentsInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

comment (String)

Optional comment for rejecting deployments.

environmentIds ([ID!]!)

The ids of environments to reject deployments.

workflowRunId (ID!)

The node ID of the workflow run containing the pending deployments.


Ways in which lists of releases can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для ReleaseOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order releases by the specified field.

field (ReleaseOrderField!)

The field in which to order releases by.


Autogenerated input type of RemoveAssigneesFromAssignable.

Поля ввода для RemoveAssigneesFromAssignableInput


assignableId (ID!)

The id of the assignable object to remove assignees from.

assigneeIds ([ID!]!)

The id of users to remove as assignees.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.


Autogenerated input type of RemoveEnterpriseAdmin.

Поля ввода для RemoveEnterpriseAdminInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The Enterprise ID from which to remove the administrator.

login (String!)

The login of the user to remove as an administrator.


Autogenerated input type of RemoveLabelsFromLabelable.

Поля ввода для RemoveLabelsFromLabelableInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

labelIds ([ID!]!)

The ids of labels to remove.

labelableId (ID!)

The id of the Labelable to remove labels from.


Autogenerated input type of RemoveOutsideCollaborator.

Поля ввода для RemoveOutsideCollaboratorInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

organizationId (ID!)

The ID of the organization to remove the outside collaborator from.

userId (ID!)

The ID of the outside collaborator to remove.


Autogenerated input type of RemoveReaction.

Поля ввода для RemoveReactionInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

content (ReactionContent!)

The name of the emoji reaction to remove.

subjectId (ID!)

The Node ID of the subject to modify.


Autogenerated input type of RemoveStar.

Поля ввода для RemoveStarInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

starrableId (ID!)

The Starrable ID to unstar.


Autogenerated input type of RemoveUpvote.

Поля ввода для RemoveUpvoteInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

subjectId (ID!)

The Node ID of the discussion or comment to remove upvote.


Autogenerated input type of ReopenIssue.

Поля ввода для ReopenIssueInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issueId (ID!)

ID of the issue to be opened.


Autogenerated input type of ReopenPullRequest.

Поля ввода для ReopenPullRequestInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestId (ID!)

ID of the pull request to be reopened.


Ordering options for repository invitation connections.

Поля ввода для RepositoryInvitationOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (RepositoryInvitationOrderField!)

The field to order repository invitations by.


Ordering options for repository migrations.

Поля ввода для RepositoryMigrationOrder


direction (RepositoryMigrationOrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (RepositoryMigrationOrderField!)

The field to order repository migrations by.


Ordering options for repository connections.

Поля ввода для RepositoryOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (RepositoryOrderField!)

The field to order repositories by.


Autogenerated input type of RequestReviews.

Поля ввода для RequestReviewsInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestId (ID!)

The Node ID of the pull request to modify.

teamIds ([ID!])

The Node IDs of the team to request.

union (Boolean)

Add users to the set rather than replace.

userIds ([ID!])

The Node IDs of the user to request.


Specifies the attributes for a new or updated required status check.

Поля ввода для RequiredStatusCheckInput


appId (ID)

The ID of the App that must set the status in order for it to be accepted. Omit this value to use whichever app has recently been setting this status, or use "any" to allow any app to set the status.

context (String!)

Status check context that must pass for commits to be accepted to the matching branch.


Autogenerated input type of RerequestCheckSuite.

Поля ввода для RerequestCheckSuiteInput


checkSuiteId (ID!)

The Node ID of the check suite.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the repository.


Autogenerated input type of ResolveReviewThread.

Поля ввода для ResolveReviewThreadInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

threadId (ID!)

The ID of the thread to resolve.


Autogenerated input type of RevokeEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRole.

Поля ввода для RevokeEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRoleInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise to which all organizations managed by it will be granted the migrator role.

login (String!)

The login of the user to revoke the migrator role.


Autogenerated input type of RevokeMigratorRole.

Поля ввода для RevokeMigratorRoleInput


actor (String!)

The user login or Team slug to revoke the migrator role from.

actorType (ActorType!)

Specifies the type of the actor, can be either USER or TEAM.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

organizationId (ID!)

The ID of the organization that the user/team belongs to.


Ordering options for saved reply connections.

Поля ввода для SavedReplyOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (SavedReplyOrderField!)

The field to order saved replies by.


Ways in which star connections can be ordered.

Поля ввода для StarOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order nodes.

field (StarOrderField!)

The field in which to order nodes by.


Autogenerated input type of StartRepositoryMigration.

Поля ввода для StartRepositoryMigrationInput


accessToken (String!)

The Octoshift migration source access token.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

continueOnError (Boolean)

Whether to continue the migration on error.

gitArchiveUrl (String)

The signed URL to access the user-uploaded git archive.

githubPat (String)

The GitHub personal access token of the user importing to the target repository.

lockSource (Boolean)

Whether to lock the source repository.

metadataArchiveUrl (String)

The signed URL to access the user-uploaded metadata archive.

ownerId (ID!)

The ID of the organization that will own the imported repository.

repositoryName (String!)

The name of the imported repository.

skipReleases (Boolean)

Whether to skip migrating releases for the repository.

sourceId (ID!)

The ID of the Octoshift migration source.

sourceRepositoryUrl (URI!)

The Octoshift migration source repository URL.

targetRepoVisibility (String)

The visibility of the imported repository.


Autogenerated input type of SubmitPullRequestReview.

Поля ввода для SubmitPullRequestReviewInput


body (String)

The text field to set on the Pull Request Review.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

event (PullRequestReviewEvent!)

The event to send to the Pull Request Review.

pullRequestId (ID)

The Pull Request ID to submit any pending reviews.

pullRequestReviewId (ID)

The Pull Request Review ID to submit.


Ways in which team discussion comment connections can be ordered.

Поля ввода для TeamDiscussionCommentOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order nodes.

field (TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField!)

The field by which to order nodes.


Ways in which team discussion connections can be ordered.

Поля ввода для TeamDiscussionOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order nodes.

field (TeamDiscussionOrderField!)

The field by which to order nodes.


Ordering options for team member connections.

Поля ввода для TeamMemberOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (TeamMemberOrderField!)

The field to order team members by.


Ways in which team connections can be ordered.

Поля ввода для TeamOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order nodes.

field (TeamOrderField!)

The field in which to order nodes by.


Ordering options for team repository connections.

Поля ввода для TeamRepositoryOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (TeamRepositoryOrderField!)

The field to order repositories by.


Autogenerated input type of TransferIssue.

Поля ввода для TransferIssueInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

createLabelsIfMissing (Boolean)

Whether to create labels if they don't exist in the target repository (matched by name).

issueId (ID!)

The Node ID of the issue to be transferred.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the repository the issue should be transferred to.


Autogenerated input type of UnarchiveProjectV2Item.

Поля ввода для UnarchiveProjectV2ItemInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

itemId (ID!)

The ID of the ProjectV2Item to unarchive.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project to archive the item from.


Autogenerated input type of UnarchiveRepository.

Поля ввода для UnarchiveRepositoryInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repositoryId (ID!)

The ID of the repository to unarchive.


Autogenerated input type of UnfollowOrganization.

Поля ввода для UnfollowOrganizationInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

organizationId (ID!)

ID of the organization to unfollow.


Autogenerated input type of UnfollowUser.

Поля ввода для UnfollowUserInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

userId (ID!)

ID of the user to unfollow.


Autogenerated input type of UnlinkProjectV2FromRepository.

Поля ввода для UnlinkProjectV2FromRepositoryInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the project to unlink from the repository.

repositoryId (ID!)

The ID of the repository to unlink from the project.


Autogenerated input type of UnlinkProjectV2FromTeam.

Поля ввода для UnlinkProjectV2FromTeamInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the project to unlink from the team.

teamId (ID!)

The ID of the team to unlink from the project.


Autogenerated input type of UnlinkRepositoryFromProject.

Поля ввода для UnlinkRepositoryFromProjectInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project linked to the Repository.

repositoryId (ID!)

The ID of the Repository linked to the Project.


Autogenerated input type of UnlockLockable.

Поля ввода для UnlockLockableInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

lockableId (ID!)

ID of the item to be unlocked.


Autogenerated input type of UnmarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswer.

Поля ввода для UnmarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The Node ID of the discussion comment to unmark as an answer.


Autogenerated input type of UnmarkFileAsViewed.

Поля ввода для UnmarkFileAsViewedInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

path (String!)

The path of the file to mark as unviewed.

pullRequestId (ID!)

The Node ID of the pull request.


Autogenerated input type of UnmarkIssueAsDuplicate.

Поля ввода для UnmarkIssueAsDuplicateInput


canonicalId (ID!)

ID of the issue or pull request currently considered canonical/authoritative/original.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

duplicateId (ID!)

ID of the issue or pull request currently marked as a duplicate.


Autogenerated input type of UnminimizeComment.

Поля ввода для UnminimizeCommentInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

subjectId (ID!)

The Node ID of the subject to modify.


Autogenerated input type of UnpinIssue.

Поля ввода для UnpinIssueInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

issueId (ID!)

The ID of the issue to be unpinned.


Autogenerated input type of UnresolveReviewThread.

Поля ввода для UnresolveReviewThreadInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

threadId (ID!)

The ID of the thread to unresolve.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateBranchProtectionRule.

Поля ввода для UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput


allowsDeletions (Boolean)

Can this branch be deleted.

allowsForcePushes (Boolean)

Are force pushes allowed on this branch.

blocksCreations (Boolean)

Is branch creation a protected operation.

branchProtectionRuleId (ID!)

The global relay id of the branch protection rule to be updated.

bypassForcePushActorIds ([ID!])

A list of User, Team, or App IDs allowed to bypass force push targeting matching branches.

bypassPullRequestActorIds ([ID!])

A list of User, Team, or App IDs allowed to bypass pull requests targeting matching branches.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

dismissesStaleReviews (Boolean)

Will new commits pushed to matching branches dismiss pull request review approvals.

isAdminEnforced (Boolean)

Can admins overwrite branch protection.

lockAllowsFetchAndMerge (Boolean)

Whether users can pull changes from upstream when the branch is locked. Set to true to allow fork syncing. Set to false to prevent fork syncing.

lockBranch (Boolean)

Whether to set the branch as read-only. If this is true, users will not be able to push to the branch.

pattern (String)

The glob-like pattern used to determine matching branches.

pushActorIds ([ID!])

A list of User, Team, or App IDs allowed to push to matching branches.

requireLastPushApproval (Boolean)

Whether the most recent push must be approved by someone other than the person who pushed it.

requiredApprovingReviewCount (Int)

Number of approving reviews required to update matching branches.

requiredStatusCheckContexts ([String!])

List of required status check contexts that must pass for commits to be accepted to matching branches.

requiredStatusChecks ([RequiredStatusCheckInput!])

The list of required status checks.

requiresApprovingReviews (Boolean)

Are approving reviews required to update matching branches.

requiresCodeOwnerReviews (Boolean)

Are reviews from code owners required to update matching branches.

requiresCommitSignatures (Boolean)

Are commits required to be signed.

requiresConversationResolution (Boolean)

Are conversations required to be resolved before merging.

requiresLinearHistory (Boolean)

Are merge commits prohibited from being pushed to this branch.

requiresStatusChecks (Boolean)

Are status checks required to update matching branches.

requiresStrictStatusChecks (Boolean)

Are branches required to be up to date before merging.

restrictsPushes (Boolean)

Is pushing to matching branches restricted.

restrictsReviewDismissals (Boolean)

Is dismissal of pull request reviews restricted.

reviewDismissalActorIds ([ID!])

A list of User, Team, or App IDs allowed to dismiss reviews on pull requests targeting matching branches.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateCheckRun.

Поля ввода для UpdateCheckRunInput


actions ([CheckRunAction!])

Possible further actions the integrator can perform, which a user may trigger.

checkRunId (ID!)

The node of the check.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

completedAt (DateTime)

The time that the check run finished.

conclusion (CheckConclusionState)

The final conclusion of the check.

detailsUrl (URI)

The URL of the integrator's site that has the full details of the check.

externalId (String)

A reference for the run on the integrator's system.

name (String)

The name of the check.

output (CheckRunOutput)

Descriptive details about the run.

repositoryId (ID!)

The node ID of the repository.

startedAt (DateTime)

The time that the check run began.

status (RequestableCheckStatusState)

The current status.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateCheckSuitePreferences.

Поля ввода для UpdateCheckSuitePreferencesInput


autoTriggerPreferences ([CheckSuiteAutoTriggerPreference!]!)

The check suite preferences to modify.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the repository.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateDiscussionComment.

Поля ввода для UpdateDiscussionCommentInput


body (String!)

The new contents of the comment body.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

commentId (ID!)

The Node ID of the discussion comment to update.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateDiscussion.

Поля ввода для UpdateDiscussionInput


body (String)

The new contents of the discussion body.

categoryId (ID)

The Node ID of a discussion category within the same repository to change this discussion to.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

discussionId (ID!)

The Node ID of the discussion to update.

title (String)

The new discussion title.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the allow private repository forking setting.

policyValue (EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue)

The value for the allow private repository forking policy on the enterprise.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the allow private repository forking setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the base repository permission setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue!)

The value for the base repository permission setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the members can change repository visibility setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the members can change repository visibility setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the members can create repositories setting.

membersCanCreateInternalRepositories (Boolean)

Allow members to create internal repositories. Defaults to current value.

membersCanCreatePrivateRepositories (Boolean)

Allow members to create private repositories. Defaults to current value.

membersCanCreatePublicRepositories (Boolean)

Allow members to create public repositories. Defaults to current value.

membersCanCreateRepositoriesPolicyEnabled (Boolean)

When false, allow member organizations to set their own repository creation member privileges.

settingValue (EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue)

Value for the members can create repositories setting on the enterprise. This or the granular public/private/internal allowed fields (but not both) must be provided.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteIssuesSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteIssuesSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the members can delete issues setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the members can delete issues setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the members can delete repositories setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the members can delete repositories setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the members can invite collaborators setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the members can invite collaborators setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the members can make purchases setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingValue!)

The value for the members can make purchases setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the members can update protected branches setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the members can update protected branches setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanViewDependencyInsightsSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanViewDependencyInsightsSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the members can view dependency insights setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the members can view dependency insights setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseOrganizationProjectsSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseOrganizationProjectsSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the organization projects setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the organization projects setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseOwnerOrganizationRole.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseOwnerOrganizationRoleInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the Enterprise which the owner belongs to.

organizationId (ID!)

The ID of the organization for membership change.

organizationRole (RoleInOrganization!)

The role to assume in the organization.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseProfile.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseProfileInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

description (String)

The description of the enterprise.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The Enterprise ID to update.

location (String)

The location of the enterprise.

name (String)

The name of the enterprise.

websiteUrl (String)

The URL of the enterprise's website.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseRepositoryProjectsSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseRepositoryProjectsSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the repository projects setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the repository projects setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseTeamDiscussionsSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseTeamDiscussionsSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the team discussions setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue!)

The value for the team discussions setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enterpriseId (ID!)

The ID of the enterprise on which to set the two factor authentication required setting.

settingValue (EnterpriseEnabledSettingValue!)

The value for the two factor authentication required setting on the enterprise.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateEnvironment.

Поля ввода для UpdateEnvironmentInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

environmentId (ID!)

The node ID of the environment.

reviewers ([ID!])

The ids of users or teams that can approve deployments to this environment.

waitTimer (Int)

The wait timer in minutes.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateIpAllowListEnabledSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateIpAllowListEnabledSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

ownerId (ID!)

The ID of the owner on which to set the IP allow list enabled setting.

settingValue (IpAllowListEnabledSettingValue!)

The value for the IP allow list enabled setting.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateIpAllowListEntry.

Поля ввода для UpdateIpAllowListEntryInput


allowListValue (String!)

An IP address or range of addresses in CIDR notation.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

ipAllowListEntryId (ID!)

The ID of the IP allow list entry to update.

isActive (Boolean!)

Whether the IP allow list entry is active when an IP allow list is enabled.

name (String)

An optional name for the IP allow list entry.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateIpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateIpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

ownerId (ID!)

The ID of the owner.

settingValue (IpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingValue!)

The value for the IP allow list configuration for installed GitHub Apps setting.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateIssueComment.

Поля ввода для UpdateIssueCommentInput


body (String!)

The updated text of the comment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the IssueComment to modify.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateIssue.

Поля ввода для UpdateIssueInput


assigneeIds ([ID!])

An array of Node IDs of users for this issue.

body (String)

The body for the issue description.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the Issue to modify.

labelIds ([ID!])

An array of Node IDs of labels for this issue.

milestoneId (ID)

The Node ID of the milestone for this issue.

projectIds ([ID!])

An array of Node IDs for projects associated with this issue.

state (IssueState)

The desired issue state.

title (String)

The title for the issue.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateLabel.


UpdateLabelInput is available under the Labels preview. В течение периода предварительного просмотра API может быть изменен без уведомления.

Поля ввода для UpdateLabelInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

color (String)

A 6 character hex code, without the leading #, identifying the updated color of the label.

description (String)

A brief description of the label, such as its purpose.

id (ID!)

The Node ID of the label to be updated.

name (String)

The updated name of the label.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateNotificationRestrictionSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateNotificationRestrictionSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

ownerId (ID!)

The ID of the owner on which to set the restrict notifications setting.

settingValue (NotificationRestrictionSettingValue!)

The value for the restrict notifications setting.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateOrganizationAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateOrganizationAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

forkingEnabled (Boolean!)

Enable forking of private repositories in the organization?.

organizationId (ID!)

The ID of the organization on which to set the allow private repository forking setting.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateOrganizationWebCommitSignoffSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateOrganizationWebCommitSignoffSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

organizationId (ID!)

The ID of the organization on which to set the web commit signoff setting.

webCommitSignoffRequired (Boolean!)

Enable signoff on web-based commits for repositories in the organization?.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateProjectCard.

Поля ввода для UpdateProjectCardInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

isArchived (Boolean)

Whether or not the ProjectCard should be archived.

note (String)

The note of ProjectCard.

projectCardId (ID!)

The ProjectCard ID to update.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateProjectColumn.

Поля ввода для UpdateProjectColumnInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

name (String!)

The name of project column.

projectColumnId (ID!)

The ProjectColumn ID to update.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateProject.

Поля ввода для UpdateProjectInput


body (String)

The description of project.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

name (String)

The name of project.

projectId (ID!)

The Project ID to update.

public (Boolean)

Whether the project is public or not.

state (ProjectState)

Whether the project is open or closed.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateProjectV2DraftIssue.

Поля ввода для UpdateProjectV2DraftIssueInput


assigneeIds ([ID!])

The IDs of the assignees of the draft issue.

body (String)

The body of the draft issue.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

draftIssueId (ID!)

The ID of the draft issue to update.

title (String)

The title of the draft issue.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateProjectV2.

Поля ввода для UpdateProjectV2Input


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

closed (Boolean)

Set the project to closed or open.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project to update.

public (Boolean)

Set the project to public or private.

readme (String)

Set the readme description of the project.

shortDescription (String)

Set the short description of the project.

title (String)

Set the title of the project.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateProjectV2ItemFieldValue.

Поля ввода для UpdateProjectV2ItemFieldValueInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

fieldId (ID!)

The ID of the field to be updated.

itemId (ID!)

The ID of the item to be updated.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project.

value (ProjectV2FieldValue!)

The value which will be set on the field.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateProjectV2ItemPosition.

Поля ввода для UpdateProjectV2ItemPositionInput


afterId (ID)

The ID of the item to position this item after. If omitted or set to null the item will be moved to top.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

itemId (ID!)

The ID of the item to be moved.

projectId (ID!)

The ID of the Project.


Autogenerated input type of UpdatePullRequestBranch.

Поля ввода для UpdatePullRequestBranchInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

expectedHeadOid (GitObjectID)

The head ref oid for the upstream branch.

pullRequestId (ID!)

The Node ID of the pull request.


Autogenerated input type of UpdatePullRequest.

Поля ввода для UpdatePullRequestInput


assigneeIds ([ID!])

An array of Node IDs of users for this pull request.

baseRefName (String)

The name of the branch you want your changes pulled into. This should be an existing branch on the current repository.

body (String)

The contents of the pull request.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

labelIds ([ID!])

An array of Node IDs of labels for this pull request.

maintainerCanModify (Boolean)

Indicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request.

milestoneId (ID)

The Node ID of the milestone for this pull request.

projectIds ([ID!])

An array of Node IDs for projects associated with this pull request.

pullRequestId (ID!)

The Node ID of the pull request.

state (PullRequestUpdateState)

The target state of the pull request.

title (String)

The title of the pull request.


Autogenerated input type of UpdatePullRequestReviewComment.

Поля ввода для UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentInput


body (String!)

The text of the comment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReviewCommentId (ID!)

The Node ID of the comment to modify.


Autogenerated input type of UpdatePullRequestReview.

Поля ввода для UpdatePullRequestReviewInput


body (String!)

The contents of the pull request review body.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

pullRequestReviewId (ID!)

The Node ID of the pull request review to modify.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateRef.

Поля ввода для UpdateRefInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

force (Boolean)

Permit updates of branch Refs that are not fast-forwards?.

oid (GitObjectID!)

The GitObjectID that the Ref shall be updated to target.

refId (ID!)

The Node ID of the Ref to be updated.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateRefs.


UpdateRefsInput is available under the Update refs preview update multiple refs in a single operation preview. В течение периода предварительного просмотра API может быть изменен без уведомления.

Поля ввода для UpdateRefsInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

refUpdates ([RefUpdate!]!)

A list of ref updates.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the repository.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateRepository.

Поля ввода для UpdateRepositoryInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

description (String)

A new description for the repository. Pass an empty string to erase the existing description.

hasDiscussionsEnabled (Boolean)

Indicates if the repository should have the discussions feature enabled.

hasIssuesEnabled (Boolean)

Indicates if the repository should have the issues feature enabled.

hasProjectsEnabled (Boolean)

Indicates if the repository should have the project boards feature enabled.

hasWikiEnabled (Boolean)

Indicates if the repository should have the wiki feature enabled.

homepageUrl (URI)

The URL for a web page about this repository. Pass an empty string to erase the existing URL.

name (String)

The new name of the repository.

repositoryId (ID!)

The ID of the repository to update.

template (Boolean)

Whether this repository should be marked as a template such that anyone who can access it can create new repositories with the same files and directory structure.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateRepositoryWebCommitSignoffSetting.

Поля ввода для UpdateRepositoryWebCommitSignoffSettingInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repositoryId (ID!)

The ID of the repository to update.

webCommitSignoffRequired (Boolean!)

Indicates if the repository should require signoff on web-based commits.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateSubscription.

Поля ввода для UpdateSubscriptionInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

state (SubscriptionState!)

The new state of the subscription.

subscribableId (ID!)

The Node ID of the subscribable object to modify.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateTeamDiscussionComment.

Поля ввода для UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentInput


body (String!)

The updated text of the comment.

bodyVersion (String)

The current version of the body content.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the comment to modify.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateTeamDiscussion.

Поля ввода для UpdateTeamDiscussionInput


body (String)

The updated text of the discussion.

bodyVersion (String)

The current version of the body content. If provided, this update operation will be rejected if the given version does not match the latest version on the server.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The Node ID of the discussion to modify.

pinned (Boolean)

If provided, sets the pinned state of the updated discussion.

title (String)

The updated title of the discussion.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateTeamReviewAssignment.


UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput is available under the Team review assignments preview. В течение периода предварительного просмотра API может быть изменен без уведомления.

Поля ввода для UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput


algorithm (TeamReviewAssignmentAlgorithm)

The algorithm to use for review assignment.

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

enabled (Boolean!)

Turn on or off review assignment.

excludedTeamMemberIds ([ID!])

An array of team member IDs to exclude.

id (ID!)

The Node ID of the team to update review assignments of.

notifyTeam (Boolean)

Notify the entire team of the PR if it is delegated.

teamMemberCount (Int)

The number of team members to assign.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateTeamsRepository.

Поля ввода для UpdateTeamsRepositoryInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

permission (RepositoryPermission!)

Permission that should be granted to the teams.

repositoryId (ID!)

Repository ID being granted access to.

teamIds ([ID!]!)

A list of teams being granted access. Limit: 10.


Autogenerated input type of UpdateTopics.

Поля ввода для UpdateTopicsInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

repositoryId (ID!)

The Node ID of the repository.

topicNames ([String!]!)

An array of topic names.


Ordering options for user status connections.

Поля ввода для UserStatusOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (UserStatusOrderField!)

The field to order user statuses by.


Ordering options for verifiable domain connections.

Поля ввода для VerifiableDomainOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The ordering direction.

field (VerifiableDomainOrderField!)

The field to order verifiable domains by.


Autogenerated input type of VerifyVerifiableDomain.

Поля ввода для VerifyVerifiableDomainInput


clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The ID of the verifiable domain to verify.


Ways in which lists of workflow runs can be ordered upon return.

Поля ввода для WorkflowRunOrder


direction (OrderDirection!)

The direction in which to order workflow runs by the specified field.

field (WorkflowRunOrderField!)

The field by which to order workflows.