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Enterprise Server 3.16 в настоящее время доступен в качестве кандидата на выпуск.

Переименование команды

Ответственные за команду и владельцы организации могут изменять имя и описание команды.

  1. In the upper-right corner of GitHub, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations**.

  2. Click the name of your organization.

  3. Under your organization name, click Teams.

    Screenshot of the horizontal navigation bar for an organization. A tab, labeled with the people icon and "Teams," is outlined in dark orange.

  4. Click the name of the team.

  5. At the top of the team page, click Settings.

    Screenshot of the header of a team's page. A tab, labeled with a gear icon and "Settings", is outlined in dark orange.

  6. In the "Team name" field, type a new name for the team.

  7. Optionally, in the "Description" field, type a new description of the team.

  8. Click Update.