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Управление сведениями об оплате и выставлении счетов

Узнайте, как управлять сведениями об оплате и журналом, а также обновлять контакты выставления счетов с помощью расширенной платформы выставления счетов.

Кто может использовать эту функцию?

Корпоративные владельцы, владелец организации и менеджер по выставлению счетов

Расширенная платформа выставления счетов доступна:

  • Все корпоративные учетные записи и их организации, созданные после 2 июня 2024 г.
  • Предприятия, участвующие в программе public preview

Начиная с сентября 2024 г. GitHub переносит оставшиеся предприятия на новую платформу выставления счетов. Предприятия получат уведомление за 30 дней до их миграции. См. блог GitHub.

You can view your payment information and history, and update your billing contacts. Supported payment methods include:

  • Credit card
  • PayPal
  • Azure Subscription ID

Prerequisites for paying through Azure

Connecting your Azure subscription

After creation of your new enterprise on, to begin usage-based billing through Azure, you must connect your Azure subscription.


If you don't use Enterprise Managed Users, connection of an Azure subscription will immediately end your trial and begin paid usage.

For more information, see Connecting an Azure subscription.

What does my Azure invoice look like?

After you connect your Azure subscription, usage for GitHub's products will appear on your Azure invoice, summarized by product family.

For example, if you use this billing arrangement for GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Advanced Security, usage and price excluding tax for each line item will appear as follows.

Product Family Usage ChargesTotal (excluding Tax)

For more information about your Azure invoice, see Understand terms on your Microsoft Azure invoice in the Microsoft Docs.

The GitHub products on your Azure invoice are also MACC-eligible. For more information, see Track your Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC) in the Microsoft Docs.

Viewing payment information

You can view and edit your billing information, update your payment method, and view active coupons.


This only applies to invoiced enterprise accounts.

  1. In the top-right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo.

  2. Depending on your environment, click Your enterprise, or click Your enterprises then click the enterprise you want to view.

  3. On the left side of the page, in the enterprise account sidebar, click Billing & Licensing.

  4. Click Payment information.

  5. Click Edit to edit your payment information or Remove to delete your payment method.

  6. Follow the prompts.

Viewing payment history

You can view your payment history, including the date, amount, and payment method. You can also download past payments.

  1. Display the Billing & Licensing section of the sidebar of the enterprise settings.
  2. Click Payment history.

Managing billing contacts

You can add an email address to receive billing notifications regarding payments and budget threshold alerts.

  1. Display the Billing & Licensing section of the sidebar of the enterprise settings.
  2. Click Billing contacts.
  3. Click Add in the upper-right corner and follow the prompt.
  4. Click to edit the primary billing contact or to either remove or make a contact the primary billing contact.