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Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise será descontinuada em Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2020-08-20. Nenhum lançamento de patch será feito, mesmo para questões críticas de segurança. Para obter melhor desempenho, melhorar a segurança e novos recursos, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. Para ajuda com a atualização, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Versão do artigo: Enterprise Server 2.18

Updating GitHub Insights

You can update to the latest version of GitHub Insights to benefit from improvements and bug fixes.

People with read permissions to the github/insights-releases repository and administrative access to the application server can update GitHub Insights.

GitHub Insights está disponível com GitHub One. Para obter mais informações, consulte os "Produtos da GitHub".

Neste artigo

About GitHub Insights updates

Before you update GitHub Insights, you can check the version that you're currently using in the lower-right corner of any page.

The update process will take up to 10 minutes. During this time, users cannot access GitHub Insights.

Updating from GitHub Insights 0.4.0+

To update GitHub Insights from 0.4.0+, you can install the latest version. GitHub Insights will ask to use the previous installation configuration.

  1. Do servidor do aplicativo, navegue até a versão mais recente do GitHub Insights na Releases page para github/insights-releases.
  2. Para baixar a última versão, em "Assets", clique em insights-VERSION.tar.gz.
    Configuração da instalação
  3. Descompacte o diretório.
  4. Run the shell script
  5. If SSL was previously enabled, GitHub Insights will find an existing SSL certificate. Enter "Y" to accept or "n" to change the SSL certificate or disable SSL.
  6. If SSL was previously enabled, GitHub Insights will find an existing SSL key. Enter "Y" to accept or "n" to change the SSL key.
  7. GitHub Insights will find an existing hostname. Enter "Y" to accept or "n" to enter a different hostname. The hostname is the same URL you used for the application server when creating the aplicativo GitHub.
  8. The installation will take a few minutes to run. When complete, you will see a message printed to the terminal.
    Installation complete
    Run /opt/insights/scripts/ to start GitHub Insights
  9. Para iniciar o GitHub Insights, execute o script shell /opt/insights/scripts/
  10. Se esta for a primeira vez que GitHub Insights iniciar, o script levará alguns minutos para ser executado. Quando terminar, você verá uma mensagem impressa no terminal.
    GitHub Insights is running!

Updating from GitHub Insights 0.3.1 or lower

GitHub Insights versions 0.3.1 or lower are incompatible with versions 0.4.0+. To update from GitHub Insights 0.3.1 or lower, install and configure GitHub Insights on a new application server.

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