Requirements for running GitHub Insights
GitHub Insights requires a supported version of GitHub Enterprise Server.
GitHub Insights precisa de uma máquina, chamada de servidor do aplicativo, hospedado na nuvem ou localmente. Standard type machines with a base OS of Debian Buster, Debian Stretch, or any LTS versions of Ubuntu 16.04+ are supported.
To provision GitHub Insights, the application server must be able to run certain dependencies, including Docker. O servidor do aplicativo pode exigir que o Docker daemon seja executado como sudo. Kubernetes não é suportado. For more information, see "Installing GitHub Insights."
The application server should meet minimum specifications.
Specification | Minimum |
vCPUs | 16 |
RAM | 64GB |
Disco | 250GB |
If you'll use GitHub Insights to import large amounts of data, we recommend greater minimum specifications. For more information, see "Managing repositories."
Security and authentication for GitHub Insights
GitHub Insights runs on your infrastructure and is governed by your existing information security controls. GitHub Insights uses existing user accounts in GitHub Enterprise for authentication and access permissions.
Network Security
GitHub Insights's internal firewall restricts network access to the application server's services. Only services necessary for the application server to function are available over the network.
GitHub Insights requires the following ports to be open for inbound and outbound traffic.
Porta | Serviço | Protocol |
22 | SSH USER | TCP |
80 | HTTP USER | TCP |
443 | HTTPS USER | TCP |
Authentication and access permissions
Authentication for GitHub Insights is handled through GitHub Enterprise. During installation, you will create a aplicativo GitHub, which allows GitHub Insights to authorize users. The aplicativo GitHub is also used to interact with GitHub Enterprise within the scope of the user and app’s permissions.
GitHub Insights tem dois níveis de permissão.
Permissões de administrador correspondem à função de administrador do site em GitHub Enterprise. Pessoas com permissões de administrador têm acesso a todas as configurações de GitHub Insights.
Todos os outros usuários em GitHub Enterprise têm contas de usuário no GitHub Insights. Os usuários podem ver todas as métricas, mas têm acesso limitado às configurações.
Data access in GitHub Insights is restricted according to each user's data access in GitHub Enterprise. A user will never see data in GitHub Insights for repositories the user does not have access to in GitHub Enterprise.