About contexts
Os contextos são uma forma de acessar informações sobre execuções de fluxo de trabalho, variáveis, ambientes dos executores, trabalhos e etapas. Each context is an object that contains properties, which can be strings or other objects.
Os contextos, objetos e propriedades variarão significativamente em diferentes condições de execução do fluxo de trabalho. For example, the matrix
context is only populated for jobs in a matrix.
You can access contexts using the expression syntax. For more information, see "Evaluate expressions in workflows and actions."
${{ <context> }}
Aviso: ao criar fluxos de trabalho e ações, você sempre deve considerar se o seu código pode executar entradas não confiáveis de possíveis invasores. Certos contextos devem ser tratados como entradas não confiáveis, uma vez que um invasor pode inserir seu próprio conteúdo malicioso. Para obter mais informações, confira "Fortalecimento de segurança para o GitHub Actions".
Context name | Type | Description |
github | object | Information about the workflow run. For more information, see github context. |
env | object | Contains variables set in a workflow, job, or step. For more information, see env context. |
vars | object | Contains variables set at the repository, organization, or environment levels. For more information, see vars context. |
job | object | Information about the currently running job. For more information, see job context. |
jobs | object | For reusable workflows only, contains outputs of jobs from the reusable workflow. For more information, see jobs context. |
steps | object | Information about the steps that have been run in the current job. For more information, see steps context. |
runner | object | Information about the runner that is running the current job. For more information, see runner context. |
secrets | object | Contains the names and values of secrets that are available to a workflow run. For more information, see secrets context. |
strategy | object | Information about the matrix execution strategy for the current job. For more information, see strategy context. |
matrix | object | Contains the matrix properties defined in the workflow that apply to the current job. For more information, see matrix context. |
needs | object | Contains the outputs of all jobs that are defined as a dependency of the current job. For more information, see needs context. |
inputs | object | Contains the inputs of a reusable or manually triggered workflow. For more information, see inputs context. |
As part of an expression, you can access context information using one of two syntaxes.
- Index syntax:
- Property dereference syntax:
In order to use property dereference syntax, the property name must start with a letter or _
and contain only alphanumeric characters, -
, or _
If you attempt to dereference a nonexistent property, it will evaluate to an empty string.
Determining when to use contexts
GitHub Actions includes a collection of variables called contexts and a similar collection of variables called default variables. These variables are intended for use at different points in the workflow:
- Default environment variables: These environment variables exist only on the runner that is executing your job. For more information, see "Store information in variables."
- Contexts: You can use most contexts at any point in your workflow, including when default variables would be unavailable. For example, you can use contexts with expressions to perform initial processing before the job is routed to a runner for execution; this allows you to use a context with the conditional
keyword to determine whether a step should run. Once the job is running, you can also retrieve context variables from the runner that is executing the job, such asrunner.os
. For details of where you can use various contexts within a workflow, see "Context availability."
The following example demonstrates how these different types of variables can be used together in a job:
name: CI on: push jobs: prod-check: if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - run: echo "Deploying to production server on branch $GITHUB_REF"
name: CI
on: push
if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo "Deploying to production server on branch $GITHUB_REF"
In this example, the if
statement checks the github.ref
context to determine the current branch name; if the name is refs/heads/main
, then the subsequent steps are executed. The if
check is processed by GitHub Actions, and the job is only sent to the runner if the result is true
. Once the job is sent to the runner, the step is executed and refers to the $GITHUB_REF
variable from the runner.
Context availability
Different contexts are available throughout a workflow run. For example, the secrets
context may only be used at certain places within a job.
In addition, some functions may only be used in certain places. For example, the hashFiles
function is not available everywhere.
The following table indicates where each context and special function can be used within a workflow. Unless listed below, a function can be used anywhere.
Workflow key | Context | Special functions |
run-name | github, inputs, vars | None |
concurrency | github, inputs, vars | None |
env | github, secrets, inputs, vars | None |
jobs.<job_id>.concurrency | github, needs, strategy, matrix, inputs, vars | None |
jobs.<job_id>.container | github, needs, strategy, matrix, vars, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.container.credentials | github, needs, strategy, matrix, env, vars, secrets, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.container.env.<env_id> | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.container.image | github, needs, strategy, matrix, vars, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.continue-on-error | github, needs, strategy, vars, matrix, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.defaults.run | github, needs, strategy, matrix, env, vars, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.env | github, needs, strategy, matrix, vars, secrets, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.environment | github, needs, strategy, matrix, vars, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.environment.url | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, steps, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.if | github, needs, vars, inputs | always, cancelled, success, failure |
jobs.<job_id>.name | github, needs, strategy, matrix, vars, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.outputs.<output_id> | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, steps, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.runs-on | github, needs, strategy, matrix, vars, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.secrets.<secrets_id> | github, needs, strategy, matrix, secrets, inputs, vars | None |
jobs.<job_id>.services | github, needs, strategy, matrix, vars, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.services.<service_id>.credentials | github, needs, strategy, matrix, env, vars, secrets, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.services.<service_id>.env.<env_id> | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.steps.continue-on-error | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, steps, inputs | hashFiles |
jobs.<job_id>.steps.env | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, steps, inputs | hashFiles |
jobs.<job_id>.steps.if | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, steps, inputs | always, cancelled, success, failure, hashFiles |
jobs.<job_id>.steps.name | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, steps, inputs | hashFiles |
jobs.<job_id>.steps.run | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, steps, inputs | hashFiles |
jobs.<job_id>.steps.timeout-minutes | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, steps, inputs | hashFiles |
jobs.<job_id>.steps.with | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, steps, inputs | hashFiles |
jobs.<job_id>.steps.working-directory | github, needs, strategy, matrix, job, runner, env, vars, secrets, steps, inputs | hashFiles |
jobs.<job_id>.strategy | github, needs, vars, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.timeout-minutes | github, needs, strategy, matrix, vars, inputs | None |
jobs.<job_id>.with.<with_id> | github, needs, strategy, matrix, inputs, vars | None |
on.workflow_call.inputs.<inputs_id>.default | github, inputs, vars | None |
on.workflow_call.outputs.<output_id>.value | github, jobs, vars, inputs | None |
Example: printing context information to the log
You can print the contents of contexts to the log for debugging. The toJSON
function is required to pretty-print JSON objects to the log.
Aviso: ao usar todo o contexto github
, lembre-se de que ele inclui informações confidenciais, como github.token
. GitHub oculta segredos quando eles são impressos no console, mas você deve ter cuidado ao exportar ou imprimir o contexto.
name: Context testing on: push jobs: dump_contexts_to_log: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Dump GitHub context env: GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }} run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT" - name: Dump job context env: JOB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(job) }} run: echo "$JOB_CONTEXT" - name: Dump steps context env: STEPS_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(steps) }} run: echo "$STEPS_CONTEXT" - name: Dump runner context env: RUNNER_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(runner) }} run: echo "$RUNNER_CONTEXT" - name: Dump strategy context env: STRATEGY_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(strategy) }} run: echo "$STRATEGY_CONTEXT" - name: Dump matrix context env: MATRIX_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(matrix) }} run: echo "$MATRIX_CONTEXT"
name: Context testing
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Dump GitHub context
GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }}
run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT"
- name: Dump job context
JOB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(job) }}
run: echo "$JOB_CONTEXT"
- name: Dump steps context
STEPS_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(steps) }}
run: echo "$STEPS_CONTEXT"
- name: Dump runner context
RUNNER_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(runner) }}
run: echo "$RUNNER_CONTEXT"
- name: Dump strategy context
STRATEGY_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(strategy) }}
- name: Dump matrix context
MATRIX_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(matrix) }}
run: echo "$MATRIX_CONTEXT"
The github
context contains information about the workflow run and the event that triggered the run. You can also read most of the github
context data in environment variables. For more information about environment variables, see "Store information in variables."
Aviso: ao usar todo o contexto github
, lembre-se de que ele inclui informações confidenciais, como github.token
. GitHub oculta segredos quando eles são impressos no console, mas você deve ter cuidado ao exportar ou imprimir o contexto.
Aviso: ao criar fluxos de trabalho e ações, você sempre deve considerar se o seu código pode executar entradas não confiáveis de possíveis invasores. Certos contextos devem ser tratados como entradas não confiáveis, uma vez que um invasor pode inserir seu próprio conteúdo malicioso. Para obter mais informações, confira "Fortalecimento de segurança para o GitHub Actions".
Property name | Type | Description |
github | object | The top-level context available during any job or step in a workflow. This object contains all the properties listed below. |
github.action | string | The name of the action currently running, or the id of a step. GitHub removes special characters, and uses the name __run when the current step runs a script without an id . If you use the same action more than once in the same job, the name will include a suffix with the sequence number with underscore before it. For example, the first script you run will have the name __run , and the second script will be named __run_2 . Similarly, the second invocation of actions/checkout will be actionscheckout2 . |
github.action_path | string | The path where an action is located. This property is only supported in composite actions. You can use this path to access files located in the same repository as the action, for example by changing directories to the path: cd ${{ github.action_path }} . |
github.action_ref | string | For a step executing an action, this is the ref of the action being executed. For example, v2 .Não use na palavra-chave run . Para que esse contexto funcione com ações compostas, referencie-o no contexto env da ação composta. |
github.action_repository | string | For a step executing an action, this is the owner and repository name of the action. For example, actions/checkout .Não use na palavra-chave run . Para que esse contexto funcione com ações compostas, referencie-o no contexto env da ação composta. |
github.action_status | string | For a composite action, the current result of the composite action. |
github.actor | string | The username of the user that triggered the initial workflow run. If the workflow run is a re-run, this value may differ from github.triggering_actor . Any workflow re-runs will use the privileges of github.actor , even if the actor initiating the re-run (github.triggering_actor ) has different privileges. |
github.actor_id | string | A ID da conta da pessoa ou do aplicativo que disparou a execução inicial do fluxo de trabalho. Por exemplo, 1234567 . Observe que isso é diferente do nome de usuário do ator. |
github.api_url | string | The URL of the GitHub REST API. |
github.base_ref | string | The base_ref or target branch of the pull request in a workflow run. This property is only available when the event that triggers a workflow run is either pull_request or pull_request_target . |
github.env | string | Path on the runner to the file that sets environment variables from workflow commands. This file is unique to the current step and is a different file for each step in a job. For more information, see "Comandos de fluxo de trabalho para o GitHub Actions." |
github.event | object | The full event webhook payload. You can access individual properties of the event using this context. This object is identical to the webhook payload of the event that triggered the workflow run, and is different for each event. The webhooks for each GitHub Actions event is linked in "Eventos que disparam fluxos de trabalho." For example, for a workflow run triggered by the push event, this object contains the contents of the push webhook payload. |
github.event_name | string | The name of the event that triggered the workflow run. |
github.event_path | string | The path to the file on the runner that contains the full event webhook payload. |
github.graphql_url | string | The URL of the GitHub GraphQL API. |
github.head_ref | string | The head_ref or source branch of the pull request in a workflow run. This property is only available when the event that triggers a workflow run is either pull_request or pull_request_target . |
github.job | string | The job_id of the current job. Note: This context property is set by the Actions runner, and is only available within the execution steps of a job. Otherwise, the value of this property will be null . |
github.path | string | Path on the runner to the file that sets system PATH variables from workflow commands. This file is unique to the current step and is a different file for each step in a job. For more information, see "Comandos de fluxo de trabalho para o GitHub Actions." |
github.ref | string | A ref totalmente formada do branch ou tag que acionou a execução do fluxo de trabalho. Para fluxos de trabalho disparados por push , esse é o branch ou a ref da tag que foi enviada por push. Para fluxos de trabalho disparados por pull_request , esse é o branch de mesclagem de solicitação de pull. Para fluxos de trabalho disparados por release , essa é a tag de versão criada. Para outros gatilhos, esse é o branch ou a ref de tag que disparou a execução do fluxo de trabalho. Essa variável só é definida quando há um branch ou uma tag disponível para o tipo de evento. A ref fornecida tem o formato completo, o que significa que, para branches, o formato é refs/heads/<branch_name> , para solicitações de pull é refs/pull/<pr_number>/merge e para tags é refs/tags/<tag_name> . Por exemplo, refs/heads/feature-branch-1 . |
github.ref_name | string | O nome de ref curto do branch ou tag que acionou a execução do fluxo de trabalho. Esse valor corresponde ao nome do branch ou tag mostrado em GitHub. Por exemplo, feature-branch-1 .Para solicitações de pull, o formato é <pr_number>/merge . |
github.ref_protected | boolean | true se proteções de ramificação ou conjuntos de regras estiverem configurados para a referência que disparou a execução do fluxo de trabalho. |
github.ref_type | string | O tipo de ref que acionou a execução do fluxo de trabalho. Os valores válidos são branch ou tag . |
github.repository | string | The owner and repository name. For example, octocat/Hello-World . |
github.repository_id | string | A ID do repositório. Por exemplo, 123456789 . Observe que isso é diferente do nome do repositório. |
github.repository_owner | string | The repository owner's username. For example, octocat . |
github.repository_owner_id | string | A ID da conta do proprietário do repositório. Por exemplo, 1234567 . Observe que isso é diferente do nome do proprietário. |
github.repositoryUrl | string | The Git URL to the repository. For example, git://github.com/octocat/hello-world.git . |
github.retention_days | string | The number of days that workflow run logs and artifacts are kept. |
github.run_id | string | Um número exclusivo para cada fluxo de trabalho executado em um repositório. Este número não muda se você executar novamente o fluxo de trabalho. |
github.run_number | string | Um número exclusivo para cada execução de um fluxo de trabalho específico em um repositório. Esse número começa em 1 para a primeira execução do fluxo de trabalho e é incrementado a cada nova operação. Este número não muda se você executar novamente o fluxo de trabalho. |
github.run_attempt | string | A unique number for each attempt of a particular workflow run in a repository. This number begins at 1 for the workflow run's first attempt, and increments with each re-run. |
github.secret_source | string | The source of a secret used in a workflow. Possible values are None , Actions , Codespaces , or Dependabot . |
github.server_url | string | The URL of the GitHub server. For example: https://github.com . |
github.sha | string | O commit SHA que acionou o fluxo de trabalho. O valor do commit deste SHA depende do evento que acionou o fluxo de trabalho. Para obter mais informações, confira "Eventos que disparam fluxos de trabalho". Por exemplo, ffac537e6cbbf934b08745a378932722df287a53 . |
github.token | string | A token to authenticate on behalf of the GitHub App installed on your repository. This is functionally equivalent to the GITHUB_TOKEN secret. For more information, see "Autenticação automática de token." Note: This context property is set by the Actions runner, and is only available within the execution steps of a job. Otherwise, the value of this property will be null . |
github.triggering_actor | string | O nome de usuário de quem iniciou a execução do fluxo de trabalho. Se a execução do fluxo de trabalho for executada novamente, esse valor poderá ser diferente de github.actor . Qualquer nova execução de fluxo de trabalho usará os privilégios de github.actor , mesmo que o ator que inicie a nova execução (github.triggering_actor ) tenha privilégios diferentes. |
github.workflow | string | The name of the workflow. If the workflow file doesn't specify a name , the value of this property is the full path of the workflow file in the repository. |
github.workflow_ref | string | O caminho de referência para o fluxo de trabalho. Por exemplo, octocat/hello-world/.github/workflows/my-workflow.yml@refs/heads/my_branch . |
github.workflow_sha | string | O SHA de commit para o arquivo de fluxo de trabalho. |
github.workspace | string | The default working directory on the runner for steps, and the default location of your repository when using the checkout action. |
Example contents of the github
The following example context is from a workflow run triggered by the push
event. The event
object in this example has been truncated because it is identical to the contents of the push
webhook payload.
Observação: esse contexto é apenas um exemplo. O conteúdo de um contexto depende do fluxo de trabalho que você está executando. Os contextos, objetos e propriedades variarão significativamente em diferentes condições de execução do fluxo de trabalho.
"token": "***",
"job": "dump_contexts_to_log",
"ref": "refs/heads/my_branch",
"sha": "c27d339ee6075c1f744c5d4b200f7901aad2c369",
"repository": "octocat/hello-world",
"repository_owner": "octocat",
"repositoryUrl": "git://github.com/octocat/hello-world.git",
"run_id": "1536140711",
"run_number": "314",
"retention_days": "90",
"run_attempt": "1",
"actor": "octocat",
"workflow": "Context testing",
"head_ref": "",
"base_ref": "",
"event_name": "push",
"event": {
"server_url": "https://github.com",
"api_url": "https://api.github.com",
"graphql_url": "https://api.github.com/graphql",
"ref_name": "my_branch",
"ref_protected": false,
"ref_type": "branch",
"secret_source": "Actions",
"workspace": "/home/runner/work/hello-world/hello-world",
"action": "github_step",
"event_path": "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_workflow/event.json",
"action_repository": "",
"action_ref": "",
"path": "/home/runner/work/_temp/_runner_file_commands/add_path_b037e7b5-1c88-48e2-bf78-eaaab5e02602",
"env": "/home/runner/work/_temp/_runner_file_commands/set_env_b037e7b5-1c88-48e2-bf78-eaaab5e02602"
Example usage of the github
This example workflow uses the github.event_name
context to run a job only if the workflow run was triggered by the pull_request
name: Run CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: normal_ci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Run normal CI run: echo "Running normal CI" pull_request_ci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} steps: - name: Run PR CI run: echo "Running PR only CI"
name: Run CI
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Run normal CI
run: echo "Running normal CI"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
- name: Run PR CI
run: echo "Running PR only CI"
The env
context contains variables that have been set in a workflow, job, or step. It does not contain variables inherited by the runner process. For more information about setting variables in your workflow, see "Sintaxe de fluxo de trabalho para o GitHub Actions."
You can retrieve the values of variables stored in env
context and use these values in your workflow file. You can use the env
context in any key in a workflow step except for the id
and uses
keys. For more information on the step syntax, see "Sintaxe de fluxo de trabalho para o GitHub Actions."
If you want to use the value of a variable inside a runner, use the runner operating system's normal method for reading environment variables.
Property name | Type | Description |
env | object | This context changes for each step in a job. You can access this context from any step in a job. This object contains the properties listed below. |
env.<env_name> | string | The value of a specific environment variable. |
Example contents of the env
The contents of the env
context is a mapping of variable names to their values. The context's contents can change depending on where it is used in the workflow run. In this example, the env
context contains two variables.
"first_name": "Mona",
"super_duper_var": "totally_awesome"
Example usage of the env
This example workflow shows variables being set in the env
context at the workflow, job, and step levels. The ${{ env.VARIABLE-NAME }}
syntax is then used to retrieve variable values within individual steps in the workflow.
Quando mais de uma variável de ambiente é definida com o mesmo nome, GitHub usa a variável mais específica. Por exemplo, uma variável de ambiente definida em uma etapa substituirá as variáveis de ambiente do trabalho e do fluxo de trabalho que tenham o mesmo nome enquanto a etapa é executada. Uma variável de ambiente definida para um trabalho substituirá uma variável de fluxo de trabalho com o mesmo nome enquanto o trabalho é executado.
name: Hi Mascot on: push env: mascot: Mona super_duper_var: totally_awesome jobs: windows_job: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - run: echo 'Hi ${{ env.mascot }}' # Hi Mona - run: echo 'Hi ${{ env.mascot }}' # Hi Octocat env: mascot: Octocat linux_job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: mascot: Tux steps: - run: echo 'Hi ${{ env.mascot }}' # Hi Tux
name: Hi Mascot
on: push
mascot: Mona
super_duper_var: totally_awesome
runs-on: windows-latest
- run: echo 'Hi ${{ env.mascot }}' # Hi Mona
- run: echo 'Hi ${{ env.mascot }}' # Hi Octocat
mascot: Octocat
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
mascot: Tux
- run: echo 'Hi ${{ env.mascot }}' # Hi Tux
Nota: as variáveis de configuração de GitHub Actions estão em versão beta e sujeitas a alterações.
The vars
context contains custom configuration variables set at the organization, repository, and environment levels. For more information about defining configuration variables for use in multiple workflows, see "Store information in variables".
Example contents of the vars
The contents of the vars
context is a mapping of configuration variable names to their values.
"mascot": "Mona"
Example usage of the vars
This example workflow shows how configuration variables set at the repository, environment, or organization levels are automatically available using the vars
Note: Configuration variables at the environment level are automatically available after their environment is declared by the runner.
Se uma variável de configuração não tiver sido definida, o valor retornado de um contexto referenciando a variável será uma cadeia de caracteres vazia.
O exemplo a seguir mostra o uso de variáveis de configuração com o contexto vars
em um fluxo de trabalho. Cada uma das variáveis de configuração a seguir foram definidas no nível do repositório, da organização ou do ambiente.
on: workflow_dispatch: env: # Setting an environment variable with the value of a configuration variable env_var: ${{ vars.ENV_CONTEXT_VAR }} jobs: display-variables: name: ${{ vars.JOB_NAME }} # You can use configuration variables with the `vars` context for dynamic jobs if: ${{ vars.USE_VARIABLES == 'true' }} runs-on: ${{ vars.RUNNER }} environment: ${{ vars.ENVIRONMENT_STAGE }} steps: - name: Use variables run: | echo "repository variable : $REPOSITORY_VAR" echo "organization variable : $ORGANIZATION_VAR" echo "overridden variable : $OVERRIDE_VAR" echo "variable from shell environment : $env_var" env: REPOSITORY_VAR: ${{ vars.REPOSITORY_VAR }} ORGANIZATION_VAR: ${{ vars.ORGANIZATION_VAR }} OVERRIDE_VAR: ${{ vars.OVERRIDE_VAR }} - name: ${{ vars.HELLO_WORLD_STEP }} if: ${{ vars.HELLO_WORLD_ENABLED == 'true' }} uses: actions/hello-world-javascript-action@main with: who-to-greet: ${{ vars.GREET_NAME }}
# Setting an environment variable with the value of a configuration variable
env_var: ${{ vars.ENV_CONTEXT_VAR }}
name: ${{ vars.JOB_NAME }}
# You can use configuration variables with the `vars` context for dynamic jobs
if: ${{ vars.USE_VARIABLES == 'true' }}
runs-on: ${{ vars.RUNNER }}
environment: ${{ vars.ENVIRONMENT_STAGE }}
- name: Use variables
run: |
echo "repository variable : $REPOSITORY_VAR"
echo "organization variable : $ORGANIZATION_VAR"
echo "overridden variable : $OVERRIDE_VAR"
echo "variable from shell environment : $env_var"
- name: ${{ vars.HELLO_WORLD_STEP }}
if: ${{ vars.HELLO_WORLD_ENABLED == 'true' }}
uses: actions/hello-world-javascript-action@main
who-to-greet: ${{ vars.GREET_NAME }}
The job
context contains information about the currently running job.
Property name | Type | Description |
job | object | This context changes for each job in a workflow run. You can access this context from any step in a job. This object contains all the properties listed below. |
job.container | object | Information about the job's container. For more information about containers, see "Sintaxe de fluxo de trabalho para o GitHub Actions." |
job.container.id | string | The ID of the container. |
job.container.network | string | The ID of the container network. The runner creates the network used by all containers in a job. |
job.services | object | The service containers created for a job. For more information about service containers, see "Sintaxe de fluxo de trabalho para o GitHub Actions." |
job.services.<service_id>.id | string | The ID of the service container. |
job.services.<service_id>.network | string | The ID of the service container network. The runner creates the network used by all containers in a job. |
job.services.<service_id>.ports | object | The exposed ports of the service container. |
job.status | string | The current status of the job. Possible values are success , failure , or cancelled . |
Example contents of the job
This example job
context uses a PostgreSQL service container with mapped ports. If there are no containers or service containers used in a job, the job
context only contains the status
"status": "success",
"container": {
"network": "github_network_53269bd575974817b43f4733536b200c"
"services": {
"postgres": {
"id": "60972d9aa486605e66b0dad4abb638dc3d9116f566579e418166eedb8abb9105",
"ports": {
"5432": "49153"
"network": "github_network_53269bd575974817b43f4733536b200c"
Example usage of the job
This example workflow configures a PostgreSQL service container, and automatically maps port 5432 in the service container to a randomly chosen available port on the host. The job
context is used to access the number of the port that was assigned on the host.
name: PostgreSQL Service Example on: push jobs: postgres-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest services: postgres: image: postgres env: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres options: --health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5 ports: # Maps TCP port 5432 in the service container to a randomly chosen available port on the host. - 5432 steps: - run: pg_isready -h localhost -p ${{ job.services.postgres.ports[5432] }} - run: echo "Run tests against Postgres"
name: PostgreSQL Service Example
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
image: postgres
options: --health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5
# Maps TCP port 5432 in the service container to a randomly chosen available port on the host.
- 5432
- run: pg_isready -h localhost -p ${{ job.services.postgres.ports[5432] }}
- run: echo "Run tests against Postgres"
The jobs
context is only available in reusable workflows, and can only be used to set outputs for a reusable workflow. For more information, see "Reutilizar fluxos de trabalho."
Property name | Type | Description |
jobs | object | This is only available in reusable workflows, and can only be used to set outputs for a reusable workflow. This object contains all the properties listed below. |
jobs.<job_id>.result | string | The result of a job in the reusable workflow. Possible values are success , failure , cancelled , or skipped . |
jobs.<job_id>.outputs | object | The set of outputs of a job in a reusable workflow. |
jobs.<job_id>.outputs.<output_name> | string | The value of a specific output for a job in a reusable workflow. |
Example contents of the jobs
This example jobs
context contains the result and outputs of a job from a reusable workflow run.
"example_job": {
"result": "success",
"outputs": {
"output1": "hello",
"output2": "world"
Example usage of the jobs
This example reusable workflow uses the jobs
context to set outputs for the reusable workflow. Note how the outputs flow up from the steps, to the job, then to the workflow_call
trigger. For more information, see "Reutilizar fluxos de trabalho."
name: Reusable workflow on: workflow_call: # Map the workflow outputs to job outputs outputs: firstword: description: "The first output string" value: ${{ jobs.example_job.outputs.output1 }} secondword: description: "The second output string" value: ${{ jobs.example_job.outputs.output2 }} jobs: example_job: name: Generate output runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Map the job outputs to step outputs outputs: output1: ${{ steps.step1.outputs.firstword }} output2: ${{ steps.step2.outputs.secondword }} steps: - id: step1 run: echo "firstword=hello" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - id: step2 run: echo "secondword=world" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
name: Reusable workflow
# Map the workflow outputs to job outputs
description: "The first output string"
value: ${{ jobs.example_job.outputs.output1 }}
description: "The second output string"
value: ${{ jobs.example_job.outputs.output2 }}
name: Generate output
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Map the job outputs to step outputs
output1: ${{ steps.step1.outputs.firstword }}
output2: ${{ steps.step2.outputs.secondword }}
- id: step1
run: echo "firstword=hello" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- id: step2
run: echo "secondword=world" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
The steps
context contains information about the steps in the current job that have an id
specified and have already run.
Property name | Type | Description |
steps | object | This context changes for each step in a job. You can access this context from any step in a job. This object contains all the properties listed below. |
steps.<step_id>.outputs | object | The set of outputs defined for the step. For more information, see "Sintaxe de metadados para o GitHub Actions." |
steps.<step_id>.conclusion | string | The result of a completed step after continue-on-error is applied. Possible values are success , failure , cancelled , or skipped . When a continue-on-error step fails, the outcome is failure , but the final conclusion is success . |
steps.<step_id>.outcome | string | The result of a completed step before continue-on-error is applied. Possible values are success , failure , cancelled , or skipped . When a continue-on-error step fails, the outcome is failure , but the final conclusion is success . |
steps.<step_id>.outputs.<output_name> | string | The value of a specific output. |
Example contents of the steps
This example steps
context shows two previous steps that had an id
specified. The first step had the id
named checkout
, the second generate_number
. The generate_number
step had an output named random_number
"checkout": {
"outputs": {},
"outcome": "success",
"conclusion": "success"
"generate_number": {
"outputs": {
"random_number": "1"
"outcome": "success",
"conclusion": "success"
Example usage of the steps
This example workflow generates a random number as an output in one step, and a later step uses the steps
context to read the value of that output.
name: Generate random failure on: push jobs: randomly-failing-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Generate 0 or 1 id: generate_number run: echo "random_number=$(($RANDOM % 2))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Pass or fail run: | if [[ ${{ steps.generate_number.outputs.random_number }} == 0 ]]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi
name: Generate random failure
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Generate 0 or 1
id: generate_number
run: echo "random_number=$(($RANDOM % 2))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Pass or fail
run: |
if [[ ${{ steps.generate_number.outputs.random_number }} == 0 ]]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi
The runner
context contains information about the runner that is executing the current job.
Property name | Type | Description |
runner | object | This context changes for each job in a workflow run. This object contains all the properties listed below. |
runner.name | string | O nome do executor que executa a tarefa. Esse nome pode não ser exclusivo em uma execução de fluxo de trabalho, pois os executores nos níveis de repositório e organização podem usar o mesmo nome. |
runner.os | string | O sistema operacional do executor que está executando o trabalho. Os valores possíveis são Linux , Windows , ou macOS . |
runner.arch | string | A arquitetura do executor que está executando o trabalho. Os valores possíveis são X86 , X64 , ARM ou ARM64 . |
runner.temp | string | O caminho para um diretório temporário no executor. Este diretório é esvaziado no início e no final de cada trabalho. Observe que os arquivos não serão removidos se a conta de usuário do executor não tiver permissão para excluí-los. |
runner.tool_cache | string | O caminho para o diretório que contém ferramentas pré-instaladas para executores hospedados em GitHub. Para obter mais informações, confira "Usar executores hospedados no GitHub". |
runner.debug | string | Isso será definido somente se o log de depuração estiver habilitado e sempre tiver o valor de 1 . Pode ser útil como um indicador para habilitar a depuração adicional ou o log detalhado em suas etapas de trabalho. |
runner.environment | string | O ambiente do executor que realiza a tarefa. Os valores possíveis são: github-hosted para executores hospedados no GitHub fornecidos pelo GitHub e self-hosted para executores auto-hospedados configurados pelo proprietário do repositório. |
Example contents of the runner
The following example context is from a Linux GitHub-hosted runner.
"os": "Linux",
"arch": "X64",
"name": "GitHub Actions 2",
"tool_cache": "/opt/hostedtoolcache",
"temp": "/home/runner/work/_temp"
Example usage of the runner
This example workflow uses the runner
context to set the path to the temporary directory to write logs, and if the workflow fails, it uploads those logs as artifact.
name: Build on: push jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Build with logs run: | mkdir ${{ runner.temp }}/build_logs echo "Logs from building" > ${{ runner.temp }}/build_logs/build.logs exit 1 - name: Upload logs on fail if: ${{ failure() }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: Build failure logs path: ${{ runner.temp }}/build_logs
name: Build
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Build with logs
run: |
mkdir ${{ runner.temp }}/build_logs
echo "Logs from building" > ${{ runner.temp }}/build_logs/build.logs
exit 1
- name: Upload logs on fail
if: ${{ failure() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Build failure logs
path: ${{ runner.temp }}/build_logs
The secrets
context contains the names and values of secrets that are available to a workflow run. The secrets
context is not available for composite actions due to security reasons. If you want to pass a secret to a composite action, you need to do it explicitly as an input. For more information about secrets, see "Usar segredos em ações do GitHub."
is a secret that is automatically created for every workflow run, and is always included in the secrets
context. For more information, see "Autenticação automática de token."
Aviso: Se um segredo foi usado no trabalho, o GitHub edita automaticamente os segredos impressos no log. Você deve evitar imprimir segredos no log intencionalmente.
Property name | Type | Description |
secrets | object | This context is the same for each job in a workflow run. You can access this context from any step in a job. This object contains all the properties listed below. |
secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN | string | Automatically created token for each workflow run. For more information, see "Autenticação automática de token." |
secrets.<secret_name> | string | The value of a specific secret. |
Example contents of the secrets
The following example contents of the secrets
context shows the automatic GITHUB_TOKEN
, as well as two other secrets available to the workflow run.
"github_token": "***",
"NPM_TOKEN": "***",
Example usage of the secrets
Este exemplo de fluxo de trabalho usa a CLI do GitHub, que requer o GITHUB_TOKEN
como o valor para o parâmetro de entrada GH_TOKEN
name: Open new issue on: workflow_dispatch jobs: open-issue: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: read issues: write steps: - run: | gh issue --repo ${{ github.repository }} \ create --title "Issue title" --body "Issue body" env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
name: Open new issue
on: workflow_dispatch
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: read
issues: write
- run: |
gh issue --repo ${{ github.repository }} \
create --title "Issue title" --body "Issue body"
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
For workflows with a matrix, the strategy
context contains information about the matrix execution strategy for the current job.
Property name | Type | Description |
strategy | object | This context changes for each job in a workflow run. You can access this context from any job or step in a workflow. This object contains all the properties listed below. |
strategy.fail-fast | boolean | When this evaluates to true , all in-progress jobs are canceled if any job in a matrix fails. For more information, see "Sintaxe de fluxo de trabalho para o GitHub Actions." |
strategy.job-index | number | The index of the current job in the matrix. Note: This number is a zero-based number. The first job's index in the matrix is 0 . |
strategy.job-total | number | The total number of jobs in the matrix. Note: This number is not a zero-based number. For example, for a matrix with four jobs, the value of job-total is 4 . |
strategy.max-parallel | number | The maximum number of jobs that can run simultaneously when using a matrix job strategy. For more information, see "Sintaxe de fluxo de trabalho para o GitHub Actions." |
Example contents of the strategy
The following example contents of the strategy
context is from a matrix with four jobs, and is taken from the final job. Note the difference between the zero-based job-index
number, and job-total
which is not zero-based.
"fail-fast": true,
"job-index": 3,
"job-total": 4,
"max-parallel": 4
Example usage of the strategy
This example workflow uses the strategy.job-index
property to set a unique name for a log file for each job in a matrix.
name: Test strategy on: push jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: test-group: [1, 2] node: [14, 16] steps: - run: echo "Mock test logs" > test-job-${{ strategy.job-index }}.txt - name: Upload logs uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: Build log for job ${{ strategy.job-index }} path: test-job-${{ strategy.job-index }}.txt
name: Test strategy
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
test-group: [1, 2]
node: [14, 16]
- run: echo "Mock test logs" > test-job-${{ strategy.job-index }}.txt
- name: Upload logs
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Build log for job ${{ strategy.job-index }}
path: test-job-${{ strategy.job-index }}.txt
For workflows with a matrix, the matrix
context contains the matrix properties defined in the workflow file that apply to the current job. For example, if you configure a matrix with the os
and node
keys, the matrix
context object includes the os
and node
properties with the values that are being used for the current job.
There are no standard properties in the matrix
context, only those which are defined in the workflow file.
Property name | Type | Description |
matrix | object | This context is only available for jobs in a matrix, and changes for each job in a workflow run. You can access this context from any job or step in a workflow. This object contains the properties listed below. |
matrix.<property_name> | string | The value of a matrix property. |
Example contents of the matrix
The following example contents of the matrix
context is from a job in a matrix that has the os
and node
matrix properties defined in the workflow. The job is executing the matrix combination of an ubuntu-latest
OS and Node.js version 16
"os": "ubuntu-latest",
"node": 16
Example usage of the matrix
This example workflow creates a matrix with os
and node
keys. It uses the matrix.os
property to set the runner type for each job, and uses the matrix.node
property to set the Node.js version for each job.
name: Test matrix on: push jobs: build: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest] node: [14, 16] steps: - uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node }} - name: Output node version run: node --version
name: Test matrix
on: push
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
node: [14, 16]
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: ${{ matrix.node }}
- name: Output node version
run: node --version
The needs
context contains outputs from all jobs that are defined as a direct dependency of the current job. Note that this doesn't include implicitly dependent jobs (for example, dependent jobs of a dependent job). For more information on defining job dependencies, see "Sintaxe de fluxo de trabalho para o GitHub Actions."
Property name | Type | Description |
needs | object | This context is only populated for workflow runs that have dependent jobs, and changes for each job in a workflow run. You can access this context from any job or step in a workflow. This object contains all the properties listed below. |
needs.<job_id> | object | A single job that the current job depends on. |
needs.<job_id>.outputs | object | The set of outputs of a job that the current job depends on. |
needs.<job_id>.outputs.<output name> | string | The value of a specific output for a job that the current job depends on. |
needs.<job_id>.result | string | The result of a job that the current job depends on. Possible values are success , failure , cancelled , or skipped . |
Example contents of the needs
The following example contents of the needs
context shows information for two jobs that the current job depends on.
"build": {
"result": "success",
"outputs": {
"build_id": "123456"
"deploy": {
"result": "failure",
"outputs": {}
Example usage of the needs
This example workflow has three jobs: a build
job that does a build, a deploy
job that requires the build
job, and a debug
job that requires both the build
and deploy
jobs and runs only if there is a failure in the workflow. The deploy
job also uses the needs
context to access an output from the build
name: Build and deploy on: push jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: build_id: ${{ steps.build_step.outputs.build_id }} steps: - name: Build id: build_step run: echo "build_id=$RANDOM" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT deploy: needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - run: echo "Deploying build ${{ needs.build.outputs.build_id }}" debug: needs: [build, deploy] runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: ${{ failure() }} steps: - run: echo "Failed to build and deploy"
name: Build and deploy
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
build_id: ${{ steps.build_step.outputs.build_id }}
- name: Build
id: build_step
run: echo "build_id=$RANDOM" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
needs: build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo "Deploying build ${{ needs.build.outputs.build_id }}"
needs: [build, deploy]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ failure() }}
- run: echo "Failed to build and deploy"
The inputs
context contains input properties passed to an action, to a reusable workflow, or to a manually triggered workflow. For reusable workflows, the input names and types are defined in the workflow_call
event configuration of a reusable workflow, and the input values are passed from jobs.<job_id>.with
in an external workflow that calls the reusable workflow. For manually triggered workflows, the inputs are defined in the workflow_dispatch
event configuration of a workflow.
The properties in the inputs
context are defined in the workflow file. They are only available in a reusable workflow or in a workflow triggered by the workflow_dispatch
Property name | Type | Description |
inputs | object | This context is only available in a reusable workflow or in a workflow triggered by the workflow_dispatch event. You can access this context from any job or step in a workflow. This object contains the properties listed below. |
inputs.<name> | string or number or boolean or choice | Each input value passed from an external workflow. |
Example contents of the inputs
The following example contents of the inputs
context is from a workflow that has defined the build_id
, deploy_target
, and perform_deploy
"build_id": 123456768,
"deploy_target": "deployment_sys_1a",
"perform_deploy": true
Example usage of the inputs
context in a reusable workflow
This example reusable workflow uses the inputs
context to get the values of the build_id
, deploy_target
, and perform_deploy
inputs that were passed to the reusable workflow from the caller workflow.
name: Reusable deploy workflow on: workflow_call: inputs: build_id: required: true type: number deploy_target: required: true type: string perform_deploy: required: true type: boolean jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: ${{ inputs.perform_deploy }} steps: - name: Deploy build to target run: echo "Deploying build:${{ inputs.build_id }} to target:${{ inputs.deploy_target }}"
name: Reusable deploy workflow
required: true
type: number
required: true
type: string
required: true
type: boolean
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ inputs.perform_deploy }}
- name: Deploy build to target
run: echo "Deploying build:${{ inputs.build_id }} to target:${{ inputs.deploy_target }}"
Example usage of the inputs
context in a manually triggered workflow
This example workflow triggered by a workflow_dispatch
event uses the inputs
context to get the values of the build_id
, deploy_target
, and perform_deploy
inputs that were passed to the workflow.
on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: build_id: required: true type: string deploy_target: required: true type: string perform_deploy: required: true type: boolean jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: ${{ inputs.perform_deploy }} steps: - name: Deploy build to target run: echo "Deploying build:${{ inputs.build_id }} to target:${{ inputs.deploy_target }}"
required: true
type: string
required: true
type: string
required: true
type: boolean
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ inputs.perform_deploy }}
- name: Deploy build to target
run: echo "Deploying build:${{ inputs.build_id }} to target:${{ inputs.deploy_target }}"