If you are currently subscribed to Copilot Pro and cancel your subscription between December 18 and January 21, your subscription will end immediately and you will receive a prorated refund for the unused portion of your subscription during this period. Prorated refunds can take up to 10 days to be processed. After January 21, cancelling your subscription will take effect at the end of your billing cycle and you will not receive a prorated refund.
To cancel a free Copilot trial, see Canceling your Copilot Pro trial as an individual user.
If you have been granted a free subscription to GitHub Copilot Pro as a verified student, teacher, or maintainer of a popular open source project, you will not be able to cancel your subscription. If you have access to GitHub Copilot through an organization or enterprise subscription, you will not be able to cancel your subscription. In these cases, you can disable GitHub Copilot Pro in your environment. For more information, see 사용자 환경에서 GitHub Copilot 구성하기.
활성화된 GitHub Copilot Individual 구독이 있고 GitHub Enterprise Cloud에서 GitHub Copilot Business 또는 GitHub Copilot Enterprise 구독의 일부로 시트가 할당되면 개인 GitHub Copilot 구독이 자동으로 취소됩니다. 자세한 내용은 "About billing for Copilot Pro" 항목을 참조하세요.
You can cancel your Copilot Pro subscription at any time. The cancellation will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle. You can also cancel your Copilot Pro trial, during the 30-day trial period.
GitHub의 페이지 오른쪽 상단에서 프로필 사진을 선택한 다음, 설정을 선택합니다.
사이드바의 "액세스" 섹션에서 청구 및 플랜을 클릭한 다음 플랜 및 사용량을 클릭합니다.
Under "Add-ons", in the "GitHub Copilot" section, select the Manage subscription dropdown on the right and then click Cancel.
In the "Cancel GitHub Copilot" modal, click I understand, cancel GitHub Copilot