SCIM の REST API エンドポイント
REST API を使って、SCIM でのユーザー作成とチーム メンバーシップを自動化します。
SCIM の概要
ベータ の SCIM は現在 ベータ 段階であり、変更される可能性があります。 GitHub では、最初にステージング インスタンスを使用したテストをお勧めします。 「ステージングインスタンスのセットアップ」を参照してください。
これらのエンドポイントでは、personal access token (classic) を使う認証のみがサポートされます。 詳しくは、「個人用アクセス トークンを管理する」をご覧ください。
GitHub には、SCIM 対応 ID プロバイダー (IdP) で使うためのエンドポイントが用意されています。 IdP の統合では、REST API を使って、認証に SAML シングル サインオン (SSO) を使う GitHub Enterprise Server インスタンスでユーザー アカウントを自動的にプロビジョニング、管理、またはプロビジョニング解除できます。 「REST API endpoints for SCIM」を参照してください。
これらのエンドポイントは SCIM 2.0 に基づいています。 詳しくは、IdP のドキュメントを参照するか、IETF Web サイトの仕様を参照してください。
ルート URL
IdP は、次のルート URL を使って、GitHub Enterprise Server インスタンス用のこのカテゴリのエンドポイントと通信できます。
以下のエンドポイント ドキュメントに記載されている URL の enterprises/{enterprise}/
部分を含めないでください。 パスのこの部分は、GitHub Enterprise Server には適用できません。 今後、このドキュメントには GitHub Enterprise Server の正しい URL が表示されます。
このカテゴリのエンドポイントでは、大文字と小文字が区別されます。 たとえば、Users
GET /scim/v2/Users/{scim_user_id}
IdP での SCIM 統合では、GitHub Enterprise Server インスタンスの Enterprise 所有者に代わってアクションが実行されます。 詳しくは、「エンタープライズにおける役割」をご覧ください。
API 要求の認証を行うには、IdP で SCIM を構成するユーザーは、admin:enterprise
スコープで personal access token (classic) を使用する必要があります。これは、要求の Authorization
ヘッダーで IdP が指定する必要があります。 personal access tokens (classic) の詳細については、「個人用アクセス トークンを管理する」を参照してください。
Enterprise 所有者は、このカテゴリのエンドポイントへの要求の認証のために personal access token (classic) を生成して使う必要があります。 Fine-grained personal access token と GitHub アプリの呼び出し元は、現時点ではサポートされていません。
SAML および SCIM データのマッピング
GitHub Enterprise Server インスタンスにより、SAML SSO で正常に認証された各ユーザーが SCIM ID にリンクされます。 ID を正常にリンクするには、SAML IdP と SCIM の統合で、各ユーザーに一致する SAML NameID
と SCIM userName
GitHub Enterprise Server インスタンスで SAML IdP として Entra ID が使われている場合、GitHub によって NameID
と userName
は使われず、まず SCIM externalId
要求と SAML
サポートされている SCIM ユーザー属性
このカテゴリの User
名前 | 種類 | 説明 |
displayName | String | 人が判読できるユーザーの名前。 |
name.formatted | String | 表示用に書式設定された、すべてのミドル ネーム、役職、サフィックスを含む、ユーザーのフル ネーム。 |
name.givenName | String | ユーザーの名。 |
name.familyName | String | ユーザーの姓。 |
userName | String | IdP によって生成されたユーザーのユーザー名。 使用する前に正規化を行います。 |
emails | Array | ユーザーのメールの一覧。 |
roles | Array | ユーザーのロールの一覧。 |
externalId | String | この識別子は、IdP プロバイダーによって生成されます。 ユーザーの externalId は、IdP で、または [List SCIM provisioned identities] エンドポイントを使い、他の既知の属性 (GitHub Enterprise Server インスタンスのユーザーのユーザー名やメール アドレスなど) でフィルター処理して見つけることができます。 |
id | String | インスタンスの SCIM エンドポイントによって生成された識別子。 |
active | Boolean | ID がアクティブである (true ) か、中断する必要がある (false ) かを示します。 |
List provisioned SCIM groups for an enterprise
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Lists provisioned SCIM groups in an enterprise.
You can improve query search time by using the excludedAttributes
query parameter with a value of members
to exclude members from the response.
"List provisioned SCIM groups for an enterprise" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"List provisioned SCIM groups for an enterprise" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
名前, Type, 説明 |
filter string If specified, only results that match the specified filter will be returned. Multiple filters are not supported. Possible filters are |
excludedAttributes string Excludes the specified attribute from being returned in the results. Using this parameter can speed up response time. |
startIndex integer Used for pagination: the starting index of the first result to return when paginating through values. Default: |
count integer Used for pagination: the number of results to return per page. Default: |
"List provisioned SCIM groups for an enterprise" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
200 | Success, either groups were found or not found |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"List provisioned SCIM groups for an enterprise" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Success, either groups were found or not found
Status: 200
"schemas": [
"totalResults": 1,
"Resources": [
"schemas": [
"externalId": "8aa1a0c0-c4c3-4bc0-b4a5-2ef676900159",
"id": "24b28bbb-5fc4-4686-a153-a020debb1155",
"displayName": "Engineering",
"members": [
"value": "879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"displayName": "User 1"
"value": "0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"displayName": "User 2"
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"created": "2012-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"lastModified": "2018-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"location": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Groups/24b28bbb-5fc4-4686-a153-a020debb1155"
"startIndex": 1,
"itemsPerPage": 20
Provision a SCIM enterprise group
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Creates a SCIM group for an enterprise.
If members are included as part of the group provisioning payload, they will be created as external group members. It is up to a provider to store a mapping between the externalId
and id
of each user.
"Provision a SCIM enterprise group" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Provision a SCIM enterprise group" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
名前, Type, 説明 | |||
schemas array of strings 必須The URIs that are used to indicate the namespaces of the SCIM schemas.
Supported values are: | |||
externalId string 必須A unique identifier for the resource as defined by the provisioning client. | |||
displayName string 必須A human-readable name for a security group. | |||
members array of objects 必須The group members. | |||
Properties of |
名前, Type, 説明 |
value string 必須The local unique identifier for the member |
displayName string 必須The display name associated with the member |
"Provision a SCIM enterprise group" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
201 | Group has been created |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
409 | Duplicate record detected |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Provision a SCIM enterprise group" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/scim/v2/enterprises/ENTERPRISE/Groups \
-d '{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],"externalId":"8aa1a0c0-c4c3-4bc0-b4a5-2ef676900159","displayName":"Engineering"}'
Group has been created
Status: 201
"schemas": [
"id": "abcd27f8-a9aa-11ea-8221-f59b2be9cccc",
"externalId": "8aa1a0c0-c4c3-4bc0-b4a5-2ef676900159",
"displayName": "Engineering",
"members": [
"value": "879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"displayName": "User 1"
"value": "0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"displayName": "User 2"
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"created": "2012-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"lastModified": "2018-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"location": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Groups/24b28bbb-5fc4-4686-a153-a020debb1155"
Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise group
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Gets information about a SCIM group.
"Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise group" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise group" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
scim_group_id string 必須A unique identifier of the SCIM group. |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
名前, Type, 説明 |
excludedAttributes string Excludes the specified attribute from being returned in the results. Using this parameter can speed up response time. |
"Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise group" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
200 | Success, a group was found |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
404 | Resource not found |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise group" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Success, a group was found
Status: 200
"schemas": [
"id": "abcd27f8-a9aa-11ea-8221-f59b2be9cccc",
"externalId": "8aa1a0c0-c4c3-4bc0-b4a5-2ef676900159",
"displayName": "Engineering",
"members": [
"value": "879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"displayName": "User 1"
"value": "0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"displayName": "User 2"
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"created": "2012-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"lastModified": "2018-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"location": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Groups/24b28bbb-5fc4-4686-a153-a020debb1155"
Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise group
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Replaces an existing provisioned group’s information.
You must provide all the information required for the group as if you were provisioning it for the first time. Any existing group information that you don't provide will be removed, including group membership. If you want to only update a specific attribute, use the Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise group endpoint instead.
"Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise group" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise group" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
scim_group_id string 必須A unique identifier of the SCIM group. |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
名前, Type, 説明 | |||
schemas array of strings 必須The URIs that are used to indicate the namespaces of the SCIM schemas.
Supported values are: | |||
externalId string 必須A unique identifier for the resource as defined by the provisioning client. | |||
displayName string 必須A human-readable name for a security group. | |||
members array of objects 必須The group members. | |||
Properties of |
名前, Type, 説明 |
value string 必須The local unique identifier for the member |
displayName string 必須The display name associated with the member |
"Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise group" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
200 | Group was updated |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
404 | Resource not found |
409 | Duplicate record detected |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise group" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/scim/v2/enterprises/ENTERPRISE/Groups/SCIM_GROUP_ID \
-d '{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],"externalId":"8aa1a0c0-c4c3-4bc0-b4a5-2ef676900159","displayName":"Engineering"}'
Group was updated
Status: 200
"schemas": [
"id": "abcd27f8-a9aa-11ea-8221-f59b2be9cccc",
"externalId": "8aa1a0c0-c4c3-4bc0-b4a5-2ef676900159",
"displayName": "Engineering",
"members": [
"value": "879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"displayName": "User 1"
"value": "0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"displayName": "User 2"
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"created": "2012-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"lastModified": "2018-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"location": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Groups/24b28bbb-5fc4-4686-a153-a020debb1155"
Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise group
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Update a provisioned group’s individual attributes.
To change a group’s values, you must provide a specific Operations JSON format that contains at least one of the add, remove, or replace operations. For examples and more information on the SCIM operations format, see the SCIM specification. Update can also be used to add group memberships.
Group memberships can be sent one at a time or in batches for faster performance. Note: The memberships are referenced through a local user id
, and the user will need to be created before they are referenced here.
"Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise group" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise group" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
scim_group_id string 必須A unique identifier of the SCIM group. |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
名前, Type, 説明 | ||||
Operations array of objects 必須patch operations list | ||||
Properties of |
名前, Type, 説明 |
op string 必須次のいずれかにできます: |
path string |
value string Corresponding 'value' of that field specified by 'path' |
array of strings 必須undefinedSupported values are: urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp
"Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise group" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
200 | Success, group was updated |
204 | No Content |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
404 | Resource not found |
409 | Duplicate record detected |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise group" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/scim/v2/enterprises/ENTERPRISE/Groups/SCIM_GROUP_ID \
-d '{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],"Operations":[{"op":"replace","path":"displayName","value":"Employees"}]}'
Success, group was updated
Status: 200
"schemas": [
"id": "abcd27f8-a9aa-11ea-8221-f59b2be9cccc",
"externalId": "8aa1a0c0-c4c3-4bc0-b4a5-2ef676900159",
"displayName": "Engineering",
"members": [
"value": "879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/879db59-3bdf-4490-ad68-ab880a2694745",
"displayName": "User 1"
"value": "0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"$+ref": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/0db508eb-91e2-46e4-809c-30dcbda0c685",
"displayName": "User 2"
"meta": {
"resourceType": "Group",
"created": "2012-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"lastModified": "2018-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"location": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Groups/24b28bbb-5fc4-4686-a153-a020debb1155"
Delete a SCIM group from an enterprise
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Deletes a SCIM group from an enterprise.
"Delete a SCIM group from an enterprise" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Delete a SCIM group from an enterprise" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
scim_group_id string 必須A unique identifier of the SCIM group. |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
"Delete a SCIM group from an enterprise" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
204 | Group was deleted, no content |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
404 | Resource not found |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Delete a SCIM group from an enterprise" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Group was deleted, no content
Status: 204
List SCIM provisioned identities for an enterprise
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Lists provisioned SCIM enterprise members.
When a user with a SCIM-provisioned external identity is removed from an enterprise through a patch
with active
flag set to false
, the account's metadata is preserved to allow the user to re-join the enterprise in the future. However, the user's account will be suspended and the user will not be able to sign-in. In order to permanently suspend the users account with no ability to re-join the enterprise in the future, use the delete
request. Users that were not permanently deleted will be visible in the returned results.
"List SCIM provisioned identities for an enterprise" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"List SCIM provisioned identities for an enterprise" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
名前, Type, 説明 |
filter string If specified, only results that match the specified filter will be returned. Multiple filters are not supported. Possible filters are |
startIndex integer Used for pagination: the starting index of the first result to return when paginating through values. Default: |
count integer Used for pagination: the number of results to return per page. Default: |
"List SCIM provisioned identities for an enterprise" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
200 | Success, either users were found or not found |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"List SCIM provisioned identities for an enterprise" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Success, either users were found or not found
Status: 200
"schemas": [
"totalResults": 1,
"Resources": [
"schemas": [
"externalId": "E012345",
"id": "7fce0092-d52e-4f76-b727-3955bd72c939",
"active": true,
"userName": "E012345",
"name": {
"formatted": "Ms. Mona Lisa Octocat",
"familyName": "Octocat",
"givenName": "Mona",
"middleName": "Lisa"
"displayName": "Mona Lisa",
"emails": [
"value": "",
"type": "work",
"primary": true
"roles": [
"value": "User",
"primary": false
"startIndex": 1,
"itemsPerPage": 20
Provision a SCIM enterprise user
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Creates an external identity for a new SCIM enterprise user.
SCIM does not authenticate users, it only provisions them. The authentication of users is done by SAML. However, when SCIM is enabled, all users need to be provisioned through SCIM before a user can sign in through SAML. The matching of a user to a SCIM provisioned user is done when the SAML assertion is consumed. The user will be matched on SAML response NameID
to SCIM userName
When converting existing enterprise to use SCIM, the user handle (userName
) from the SCIM payload will be used to match the provisioned user to an already existing user in the enterprise. Since the new identity record is created for newly provisioned users the matching for those records is done using a user's handle. Currently the matching will be performed to all of the users no matter if they were SAML JIT provisioned or created as local users.
"Provision a SCIM enterprise user" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Provision a SCIM enterprise user" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
名前, Type, 説明 | |||||
schemas array of strings 必須The URIs that are used to indicate the namespaces of the SCIM schemas.
Supported values are: | |||||
externalId string 必須A unique identifier for the resource as defined by the provisioning client. | |||||
active boolean 必須Whether the user active in the IdP. | |||||
userName string 必須The username for the user. | |||||
name object | |||||
Properties of |
名前, Type, 説明 |
formatted string The full name, including all middle names, titles, and suffixes as appropriate, formatted for display. |
familyName string 必須The family name of the user. |
givenName string 必須The given name of the user. |
middleName string The middle name(s) of the user. |
string 必須A human-readable name for the user.
array of objects 必須The emails for the user.
Properties of emails
名前, Type, 説明 |
value string 必須The email address. |
type string 必須The type of email address. |
primary boolean 必須Whether this email address is the primary address. |
array of objects The roles assigned to the user.
Properties of roles
名前, Type, 説明 |
display string |
type string |
value string 必須The role value representing a user role in GitHub. 次のいずれかにできます: |
primary boolean Is the role a primary role for the user. |
"Provision a SCIM enterprise user" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
201 | User has been created |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
409 | Duplicate record detected |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Provision a SCIM enterprise user" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/scim/v2/enterprises/ENTERPRISE/Users \
-d '{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"],"externalId":"E012345","active":true,"userName":"E012345","name":{"formatted":"Ms. Mona Lisa Octocat","familyName":"Octocat","givenName":"Mona","middleName":"Lisa"},"displayName":"Mona Lisa","emails":[{"value":"","type":"work","primary":true}],"roles":[{"value":"User","primary":false}]}'
User has been created
Status: 201
"schemas": [
"id": "7fce0092-d52e-4f76-b727-3955bd72c939",
"externalId": "E012345",
"active": true,
"userName": "E012345",
"name": {
"formatted": "Ms. Mona Lisa Octocat",
"familyName": "Octocat",
"givenName": "Mona",
"middleName": "Lisa"
"displayName": "Mona Lisa",
"emails": [
"value": "",
"type": "work",
"primary": true
"roles": [
"value": "User",
"primary": false
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User",
"created": "2012-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"lastModified": "2018-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"location": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/7fce0092-d52e-4f76-b727-3955bd72c939"
Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise user
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Gets information about a SCIM user.
"Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise user" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise user" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
scim_user_id string 必須The unique identifier of the SCIM user. |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
"Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise user" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
200 | Success, a user was found |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
404 | Resource not found |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise user" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Success, a user was found
Status: 200
"schemas": [
"id": "7fce0092-d52e-4f76-b727-3955bd72c939",
"externalId": "E012345",
"active": true,
"userName": "E012345",
"name": {
"formatted": "Ms. Mona Lisa Octocat",
"familyName": "Octocat",
"givenName": "Mona",
"middleName": "Lisa"
"displayName": "Mona Lisa",
"emails": [
"value": "",
"type": "work",
"primary": true
"roles": [
"value": "User",
"primary": false
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User",
"created": "2012-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"lastModified": "2018-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"location": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/7fce0092-d52e-4f76-b727-3955bd72c939"
Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise user
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Replaces an existing provisioned user's information.
You must provide all the information required for the user as if you were provisioning them for the first time. Any existing user information that you don't provide will be removed. If you want to only update a specific attribute, use the Update an attribute for a SCIM user endpoint instead.
Setting active: false
will suspend a user and obfuscate the user handle and user email. Since the implementation is a generic SCIM implementation and does not differentiate yet between different IdP providers, for Okta, the user GDPR data will not be purged and the credentials will not be removed.
"Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise user" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise user" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
scim_user_id string 必須The unique identifier of the SCIM user. |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
名前, Type, 説明 | |||||
schemas array of strings 必須The URIs that are used to indicate the namespaces of the SCIM schemas.
Supported values are: | |||||
externalId string 必須A unique identifier for the resource as defined by the provisioning client. | |||||
active boolean 必須Whether the user active in the IdP. | |||||
userName string 必須The username for the user. | |||||
name object | |||||
Properties of |
名前, Type, 説明 |
formatted string The full name, including all middle names, titles, and suffixes as appropriate, formatted for display. |
familyName string 必須The family name of the user. |
givenName string 必須The given name of the user. |
middleName string The middle name(s) of the user. |
string 必須A human-readable name for the user.
array of objects 必須The emails for the user.
Properties of emails
名前, Type, 説明 |
value string 必須The email address. |
type string 必須The type of email address. |
primary boolean 必須Whether this email address is the primary address. |
array of objects The roles assigned to the user.
Properties of roles
名前, Type, 説明 |
display string |
type string |
value string 必須The role value representing a user role in GitHub. 次のいずれかにできます: |
primary boolean Is the role a primary role for the user. |
"Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise user" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
200 | User was updated |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
404 | Resource not found |
409 | Duplicate record detected |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise user" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/scim/v2/enterprises/ENTERPRISE/Users/SCIM_USER_ID \
-d '{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"],"externalId":"E012345","active":true,"userName":"E012345","name":{"formatted":"Ms. Mona Lisa Octocat","familyName":"Octocat","givenName":"Mona","middleName":"Lisa"},"displayName":"Mona Lisa","emails":[{"value":"","type":"work","primary":true}],"roles":[{"value":"User","primary":false}]}'
User was updated
Status: 200
"schemas": [
"id": "7fce0092-d52e-4f76-b727-3955bd72c939",
"externalId": "E012345",
"active": true,
"userName": "E012345",
"name": {
"formatted": "Ms. Mona Lisa Octocat",
"familyName": "Octocat",
"givenName": "Mona",
"middleName": "Lisa"
"displayName": "Mona Lisa",
"emails": [
"value": "",
"type": "work",
"primary": true
"roles": [
"value": "User",
"primary": false
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User",
"created": "2012-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"lastModified": "2018-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"location": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/7fce0092-d52e-4f76-b727-3955bd72c939"
Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise user
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Update a provisioned user's individual attributes.
To change a user's values, you must provide a specific Operations
JSON format that contains at least one of the add
, remove
, or replace
operations. For examples and more information on the SCIM operations format, see the SCIM specification.
Complicated SCIM path
selectors that include filters are not supported. For example, a path
selector defined as "path": "emails[type eq \"work\"]"
will not work.
Setting active: false
will suspend a user and obfuscate the user handle and user email. Since the implementation is a generic SCIM implementation and does not differentiate yet between different IdP providers, for Okta, the user GDPR data will not be purged and the credentials will not be removed.
"Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise user" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise user" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
scim_user_id string 必須The unique identifier of the SCIM user. |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
名前, Type, 説明 | ||||
Operations array of objects 必須patch operations list | ||||
Properties of |
名前, Type, 説明 |
op string 必須次のいずれかにできます: |
path string |
value string Corresponding 'value' of that field specified by 'path' |
array of strings 必須undefinedSupported values are: urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp
"Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise user" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
200 | Success, user was updated |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
404 | Resource not found |
409 | Duplicate record detected |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise user" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/scim+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/scim/v2/enterprises/ENTERPRISE/Users/SCIM_USER_ID \
-d '{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],"Operations":[{"op":"replace","path":"emails[type eq '\''work'\''].value","value":""},{"op":"replace","path":"name.familyName","value":"updatedFamilyName"}]}'
Success, user was updated
Status: 200
"schemas": [
"id": "7fce0092-d52e-4f76-b727-3955bd72c939",
"externalId": "E012345",
"active": true,
"userName": "E012345",
"name": {
"formatted": "Ms. Mona Lisa Octocat",
"familyName": "Octocat",
"givenName": "Mona",
"middleName": "Lisa"
"displayName": "Mona Lisa",
"emails": [
"value": "",
"type": "work",
"primary": true
"roles": [
"value": "User",
"primary": false
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User",
"created": "2012-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"lastModified": "2018-03-27T19:59:26.000Z",
"location": "https://api.github.localhost/scim/v2/Users/7fce0092-d52e-4f76-b727-3955bd72c939"
Delete a SCIM user from an enterprise
The SCIM API endpoints for enterprise accounts are currently in private preview and are subject to change.
Permanently suspends a SCIM user from an enterprise, removes all data for the user, obfuscates the login, email, and display name of the user, removes all external-identity SCIM attributes, and deletes the emails, avatar, PATs, SSH keys, OAuth authorizations credentials, GPG keys, and SAML mappings for the user. You will not be able to undo this action.
"Delete a SCIM user from an enterprise" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン
- "Enterprise administration" business permissions (write)
"Delete a SCIM user from an enterprise" のパラメーター
名前, Type, 説明 |
accept string Setting to |
名前, Type, 説明 |
scim_user_id string 必須The unique identifier of the SCIM user. |
enterprise string 必須The slug version of the enterprise name. You can also substitute this value with the enterprise id. |
"Delete a SCIM user from an enterprise" の HTTP 応答状態コード
状態コード | 説明 |
204 | User was deleted, no content |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authorization failure |
403 | Permission denied |
404 | Resource not found |
429 | Too many requests |
500 | Internal server error |
"Delete a SCIM user from an enterprise" のコード サンプル
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
User was deleted, no content
Status: 204