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Managing GitHub Advanced Security for your enterprise

You can configure Advanced Security and manage use by your enterprise to suit your organization's needs.


{data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} は、GitHub Enterprise Cloud と GitHub Enterprise Server のエンタープライズアカウントで使用できます。{data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %}の一部の機能は、GitHub.comのパブリック・リポジトリでも使用できます。詳細については、「GitHub のプラン」を参照してください。

GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps の詳細については、Microsoft Learn の「GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps を構成する」を参照してください。

Enabling GitHub Advanced Security for your enterprise

You can configure GitHub Enterprise Server to include GitHub Advanced Security. This provides extra features that help users find and fix security problems in their code.

Managing GitHub Advanced Security features for your enterprise

You can control GitHub Advanced Security features that secure and analyze code across all organizations owned by your enterprise.

Configuring code scanning for your appliance

You can enable, configure, and disable code scanning for GitHub Enterprise Server. Code scanning allows users to scan code for vulnerabilities and errors.

Configuring dependency review for your appliance

To help users understand dependency changes when reviewing pull requests, you can enable, configure, and disable dependency review for お使いの GitHub Enterprise Server インスタンス.

Configuring secret scanning for your appliance

You can enable, configure, and disable secret scanning for お使いの GitHub Enterprise Server インスタンス. Secret scanning allows users to scan code for accidentally committed secrets.