この記事では、GitHub App Webhook の配信に失敗した配信を検出して再配信するスクリプトを記述する方法について説明します。 失敗した配信の詳細については、「webhookの失敗した配信の処理」を参照してください。
- GitHub App Webhook の配信に失敗したことを検出して再配信するスクリプト
- スクリプトに必要な資格情報と、資格情報を GitHub Actions シークレットとして安全に保存する方法
- 資格情報に安全にアクセスし、スクリプトを定期的に実行できる GitHub Actions ワークフロー
この例では、GitHub Actions を使用しています。Webhook 配信を処理するサーバーでこのスクリプトを実行することもできます。 詳細については、「その他の方法」を参照してください。
失敗した Webhook を検出して再配信するエンドポイントには、アプリのアプリ ID と秘密キーから生成される JSON Web トークンが必要です。
環境変数の値をフェッチおよび更新するエンドポイントには、personal access token、GitHub App インストール アクセス トークン、または GitHub App ユーザー アクセス トークンが必要です。 この例では、personal access token を使用します。 このワークフローを実行するリポジトリに GitHub App がインストールされており、リポジトリ変数を書き込むアクセス許可がある場合は、personal access token を使用する代わりに、GitHub Actions ワークフロー中にインストール アクセス トークンを作成するようにこの例を変更できます。 詳しくは、「GitHub Actions ワークフローで GitHub App を使用して認証済み API 要求を作成する」をご覧ください。
- GitHub App のアプリ ID を見つけます。 アプリ ID は、アプリの設定ページで確認できます。 アプリ ID は、クライアント ID とは異なります。 GitHub App の [Settings] ページに移動する方法の詳細については、「GitHub App 登録の変更」を参照してください。
- 前の手順で取得したアプリ ID を、ワークフローを実行するリポジトリに GitHub Actions シークレットとして保存します。 シークレットの保管の詳細については、「GitHub Actions でのシークレットの使用」を参照してください。
- アプリケーションの秘密鍵を生成してください。 秘密キーの生成に関する詳細については、「GitHub Apps の秘密キーの管理」を参照してください。
- 前の手順の秘密キー (
を含む) を、ワークフローを実行するリポジトリに GitHub Actions シークレットとして格納します。 - 次のアクセス権を持つ personal access token を作成します。 詳しくは、「個人用アクセス トークンを管理する」をご覧ください。
- fine-grained personal access token の場合は、トークンを付与します。
- リポジトリ変数のアクセス許可への書き込みアクセス
- このワークフローが実行されるリポジトリへのアクセス
- personal access token (classic) の場合は、トークンに
- fine-grained personal access token の場合は、トークンを付与します。
- 前のステップで作成した personal access token を、ワークフローを実行するリポジトリに GitHub Actions シークレットとして保存します。
このセクションでは、GitHub Actions ワークフローを使用して、前のセクションで保存した資格情報に安全にアクセスし、環境変数を設定し、失敗した配信を検出して再配信するスクリプトを定期的に実行する方法について説明します。
この GitHub Actions ワークフローを、ワークフローを 実行するリポジトリの .github/workflows
ディレクトリ内の YAML ファイルにコピーします。 次に示すように、Run script
# name: Redeliver failed webhook deliveries # This workflow runs every 6 hours or when manually triggered. on: schedule: - cron: '40 */6 * * *' workflow_dispatch: # This workflow will use the built in `GITHUB_TOKEN` to check out the repository contents. This grants `GITHUB_TOKEN` permission to do that. permissions: contents: read # jobs: redeliver-failed-deliveries: name: Redeliver failed deliveries runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # This workflow will run a script that is stored in the repository. This step checks out the repository contents so that the workflow can access the script. - name: Check out repo content uses: actions/checkout@v4 # This step sets up Node.js. The script that this workflow will run uses Node.js. - name: Setup Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: '20.x' # This step installs the octokit library. The script that this workflow will run uses the octokit library. - name: Install dependencies run: npm install octokit # This step sets some environment variables, then runs a script to find and redeliver failed webhook deliveries. # - Replace `YOUR_APP_ID_SECRET_NAME` with the name of the secret where you stored your app ID. # - Replace `YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_SECRET_NAME` with the name of the secret where you stored your private key. # - Replace `YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET_NAME` with the name of the secret where you stored your personal access token. # - Replace `YOUR_LAST_REDELIVERY_VARIABLE_NAME` with the name that you want to use for a configuration variable that will be stored in the repository where this workflow is stored. The name can be any string that contains only alphanumeric characters and `_`, and does not start with `GITHUB_` or a number. For more information, see [AUTOTITLE](/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#defining-configuration-variables-for-multiple-workflows). - name: Run script env: APP_ID: ${{ secrets.YOUR_APP_ID_SECRET_NAME }} PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_SECRET_NAME }} TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET_NAME }} LAST_REDELIVERY_VARIABLE_NAME: 'YOUR_LAST_REDELIVERY_VARIABLE_NAME' WORKFLOW_REPO: ${{ github.event.repository.name }} WORKFLOW_REPO_OWNER: ${{ github.repository_owner }} run: | node .github/workflows/scripts/redeliver-failed-deliveries.mjs
name: Redeliver failed webhook deliveries
- cron: '40 */6 * * *'
This workflow runs every 6 hours or when manually triggered.
contents: read
This workflow will use the built in GITHUB_TOKEN
to check out the repository contents. This grants GITHUB_TOKEN
permission to do that.
name: Redeliver failed deliveries
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out repo content
uses: actions/checkout@v4
This workflow will run a script that is stored in the repository. This step checks out the repository contents so that the workflow can access the script.
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '20.x'
This step sets up Node.js. The script that this workflow will run uses Node.js.
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm install octokit
This step installs the octokit library. The script that this workflow will run uses the octokit library.
- name: Run script
WORKFLOW_REPO: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}
WORKFLOW_REPO_OWNER: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
run: |
node .github/workflows/scripts/redeliver-failed-deliveries.mjs
This step sets some environment variables, then runs a script to find and redeliver failed webhook deliveries.
- Replace
with the name of the secret where you stored your app ID. - Replace
with the name of the secret where you stored your private key. - Replace
with the name of the secret where you stored your personal access token. - Replace
with the name that you want to use for a configuration variable that will be stored in the repository where this workflow is stored. The name can be any string that contains only alphanumeric characters and_
, and does not start withGITHUB_
or a number. For more information, see 変数に情報を格納する.
name: Redeliver failed webhook deliveries
# This workflow runs every 6 hours or when manually triggered.
- cron: '40 */6 * * *'
# This workflow will use the built in `GITHUB_TOKEN` to check out the repository contents. This grants `GITHUB_TOKEN` permission to do that.
contents: read
name: Redeliver failed deliveries
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# This workflow will run a script that is stored in the repository. This step checks out the repository contents so that the workflow can access the script.
- name: Check out repo content
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# This step sets up Node.js. The script that this workflow will run uses Node.js.
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '20.x'
# This step installs the octokit library. The script that this workflow will run uses the octokit library.
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm install octokit
# This step sets some environment variables, then runs a script to find and redeliver failed webhook deliveries.
# - Replace `YOUR_APP_ID_SECRET_NAME` with the name of the secret where you stored your app ID.
# - Replace `YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_SECRET_NAME` with the name of the secret where you stored your private key.
# - Replace `YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET_NAME` with the name of the secret where you stored your personal access token.
# - Replace `YOUR_LAST_REDELIVERY_VARIABLE_NAME` with the name that you want to use for a configuration variable that will be stored in the repository where this workflow is stored. The name can be any string that contains only alphanumeric characters and `_`, and does not start with `GITHUB_` or a number. For more information, see [AUTOTITLE](/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#defining-configuration-variables-for-multiple-workflows).
- name: Run script
WORKFLOW_REPO: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}
WORKFLOW_REPO_OWNER: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
run: |
node .github/workflows/scripts/redeliver-failed-deliveries.mjs
このスクリプトを、上記の GitHub Actions ワークフロー ファイルを保存したのと同じリポジトリの .github/workflows/scripts/redeliver-failed-deliveries.mjs
// This script uses GitHub's Octokit SDK to make API requests. For more information, see [AUTOTITLE](/rest/guides/scripting-with-the-rest-api-and-javascript). import { App, Octokit } from "octokit"; // async function checkAndRedeliverWebhooks() { // Get the values of environment variables that were set by the GitHub Actions workflow. const APP_ID = process.env.APP_ID; const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY; const TOKEN = process.env.TOKEN; const LAST_REDELIVERY_VARIABLE_NAME = process.env.LAST_REDELIVERY_VARIABLE_NAME; const WORKFLOW_REPO_NAME = process.env.WORKFLOW_REPO; const WORKFLOW_REPO_OWNER = process.env.WORKFLOW_REPO_OWNER; // Create an instance of the octokit `App` using the app ID and private key values that were set in the GitHub Actions workflow. // // This will be used to make API requests to the webhook-related endpoints. const app = new App({ appId: APP_ID, privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY, }); // Create an instance of `Octokit` using the token values that were set in the GitHub Actions workflow. // // This will be used to update the configuration variable that stores the last time that this script ran. const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: TOKEN, }); try { // Get the last time that this script ran from the configuration variable. If the variable is not defined, use the current time minus 24 hours. const lastStoredRedeliveryTime = await getVariable({ variableName: LAST_REDELIVERY_VARIABLE_NAME, repoOwner: WORKFLOW_REPO_OWNER, repoName: WORKFLOW_REPO_NAME, octokit, }); const lastWebhookRedeliveryTime = lastStoredRedeliveryTime || (Date.now() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)).toString(); // Record the time that this script started redelivering webhooks. const newWebhookRedeliveryTime = Date.now().toString(); // Get the webhook deliveries that were delivered after `lastWebhookRedeliveryTime`. const deliveries = await fetchWebhookDeliveriesSince({lastWebhookRedeliveryTime, app}); // Consolidate deliveries that have the same globally unique identifier (GUID). The GUID is constant across redeliveries of the same delivery. let deliveriesByGuid = {}; for (const delivery of deliveries) { deliveriesByGuid[delivery.guid] ? deliveriesByGuid[delivery.guid].push(delivery) : (deliveriesByGuid[delivery.guid] = [delivery]); } // For each GUID value, if no deliveries for that GUID have been successfully delivered within the time frame, get the delivery ID of one of the deliveries with that GUID. // // This will prevent duplicate redeliveries if a delivery has failed multiple times. // This will also prevent redelivery of failed deliveries that have already been successfully redelivered. let failedDeliveryIDs = []; for (const guid in deliveriesByGuid) { const deliveries = deliveriesByGuid[guid]; const anySucceeded = deliveries.some( (delivery) => delivery.status === "OK" ); if (!anySucceeded) { failedDeliveryIDs.push(deliveries[0].id); } } // Redeliver any failed deliveries. for (const deliveryId of failedDeliveryIDs) { await redeliverWebhook({deliveryId, app}); } // Update the configuration variable (or create the variable if it doesn't already exist) to store the time that this script started. // This value will be used next time this script runs. await updateVariable({ variableName: LAST_REDELIVERY_VARIABLE_NAME, value: newWebhookRedeliveryTime, variableExists: Boolean(lastStoredRedeliveryTime), repoOwner: WORKFLOW_REPO_OWNER, repoName: WORKFLOW_REPO_NAME, octokit, }); // Log the number of redeliveries. console.log( `Redelivered ${ failedDeliveryIDs.length } failed webhook deliveries out of ${ deliveries.length } total deliveries since ${Date(lastWebhookRedeliveryTime)}.` ); } catch (error) { // If there was an error, log the error so that it appears in the workflow run log, then throw the error so that the workflow run registers as a failure. if (error.response) { console.error( `Failed to check and redeliver webhooks: ${error.response.data.message}` ); } console.error(error); throw(error); } } // This function will fetch all of the webhook deliveries that were delivered since `lastWebhookRedeliveryTime`. // It uses the `octokit.paginate.iterator()` method to iterate through paginated results. For more information, see [AUTOTITLE](/rest/guides/scripting-with-the-rest-api-and-javascript#making-paginated-requests). // // If a page of results includes deliveries that occurred before `lastWebhookRedeliveryTime`, // it will store only the deliveries that occurred after `lastWebhookRedeliveryTime` and then stop. // Otherwise, it will store all of the deliveries from the page and request the next page. async function fetchWebhookDeliveriesSince({lastWebhookRedeliveryTime, app}) { const iterator = app.octokit.paginate.iterator( "GET /app/hook/deliveries", { per_page: 100, headers: { "x-github-api-version": "2022-11-28", }, } ); const deliveries = []; for await (const { data } of iterator) { const oldestDeliveryTimestamp = new Date( data[data.length - 1].delivered_at ).getTime(); if (oldestDeliveryTimestamp < lastWebhookRedeliveryTime) { for (const delivery of data) { if ( new Date(delivery.delivered_at).getTime() > lastWebhookRedeliveryTime ) { deliveries.push(delivery); } else { break; } } break; } else { deliveries.push(...data); } } return deliveries; } // This function will redeliver a failed webhook delivery. async function redeliverWebhook({deliveryId, app}) { await app.octokit.request("POST /app/hook/deliveries/{delivery_id}/attempts", { delivery_id: deliveryId, }); } // This function gets the value of a configuration variable. // If the variable does not exist, the endpoint returns a 404 response and this function returns `undefined`. async function getVariable({ variableName, repoOwner, repoName, octokit }) { try { const { data: { value }, } = await octokit.request( "GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables/{name}", { owner: repoOwner, repo: repoName, name: variableName, } ); return value; } catch (error) { if (error.status === 404) { return undefined; } else { throw error; } } } // This function will update a configuration variable (or create the variable if it doesn't already exist). For more information, see [AUTOTITLE](/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#defining-configuration-variables-for-multiple-workflows). async function updateVariable({ variableName, value, variableExists, repoOwner, repoName, octokit, }) { if (variableExists) { await octokit.request( "PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables/{name}", { owner: repoOwner, repo: repoName, name: variableName, value: value, } ); } else { await octokit.request("POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables", { owner: repoOwner, repo: repoName, name: variableName, value: value, }); } } // This will execute the `checkAndRedeliverWebhooks` function. (async () => { await checkAndRedeliverWebhooks(); })();
import { App, Octokit } from "octokit";
This script uses GitHub's Octokit SDK to make API requests. For more information, see REST API と JavaScript を使用したスクリプト.
async function checkAndRedeliverWebhooks() {
const APP_ID = process.env.APP_ID;
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
const TOKEN = process.env.TOKEN;
Get the values of environment variables that were set by the GitHub Actions workflow.
const app = new App({
appId: APP_ID,
privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY,
Create an instance of the octokit App
using the app ID and private key values that were set in the GitHub Actions workflow.
This will be used to make API requests to the webhook-related endpoints.
const octokit = new Octokit({
auth: TOKEN,
try {
Create an instance of Octokit
using the token values that were set in the GitHub Actions workflow.
This will be used to update the configuration variable that stores the last time that this script ran.
const lastStoredRedeliveryTime = await getVariable({
const lastWebhookRedeliveryTime = lastStoredRedeliveryTime || (Date.now() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)).toString();
Get the last time that this script ran from the configuration variable. If the variable is not defined, use the current time minus 24 hours.
const newWebhookRedeliveryTime = Date.now().toString();
Record the time that this script started redelivering webhooks.
const deliveries = await fetchWebhookDeliveriesSince({lastWebhookRedeliveryTime, app});
Get the webhook deliveries that were delivered after lastWebhookRedeliveryTime
let deliveriesByGuid = {};
for (const delivery of deliveries) {
? deliveriesByGuid[delivery.guid].push(delivery)
: (deliveriesByGuid[delivery.guid] = [delivery]);
Consolidate deliveries that have the same globally unique identifier (GUID). The GUID is constant across redeliveries of the same delivery.
let failedDeliveryIDs = [];
for (const guid in deliveriesByGuid) {
const deliveries = deliveriesByGuid[guid];
const anySucceeded = deliveries.some(
(delivery) => delivery.status === "OK"
if (!anySucceeded) {
For each GUID value, if no deliveries for that GUID have been successfully delivered within the time frame, get the delivery ID of one of the deliveries with that GUID.
This will prevent duplicate redeliveries if a delivery has failed multiple times. This will also prevent redelivery of failed deliveries that have already been successfully redelivered.
for (const deliveryId of failedDeliveryIDs) {
await redeliverWebhook({deliveryId, app});
Redeliver any failed deliveries.
await updateVariable({
value: newWebhookRedeliveryTime,
variableExists: Boolean(lastStoredRedeliveryTime),
Update the configuration variable (or create the variable if it doesn't already exist) to store the time that this script started. This value will be used next time this script runs.
`Redelivered ${
} failed webhook deliveries out of ${
} total deliveries since ${Date(lastWebhookRedeliveryTime)}.`
} catch (error) {
Log the number of redeliveries.
if (error.response) {
`Failed to check and redeliver webhooks: ${error.response.data.message}`
If there was an error, log the error so that it appears in the workflow run log, then throw the error so that the workflow run registers as a failure.
async function fetchWebhookDeliveriesSince({lastWebhookRedeliveryTime, app}) {
const iterator = app.octokit.paginate.iterator(
"GET /app/hook/deliveries",
per_page: 100,
headers: {
"x-github-api-version": "2022-11-28",
const deliveries = [];
for await (const { data } of iterator) {
const oldestDeliveryTimestamp = new Date(
data[data.length - 1].delivered_at
if (oldestDeliveryTimestamp < lastWebhookRedeliveryTime) {
for (const delivery of data) {
if (
new Date(delivery.delivered_at).getTime() > lastWebhookRedeliveryTime
) {
} else {
} else {
return deliveries;
This function will fetch all of the webhook deliveries that were delivered since lastWebhookRedeliveryTime
It uses the octokit.paginate.iterator()
method to iterate through paginated results. For more information, see REST API と JavaScript を使用したスクリプト.
If a page of results includes deliveries that occurred before lastWebhookRedeliveryTime
it will store only the deliveries that occurred after lastWebhookRedeliveryTime
and then stop.
Otherwise, it will store all of the deliveries from the page and request the next page.
async function redeliverWebhook({deliveryId, app}) {
await app.octokit.request("POST /app/hook/deliveries/{delivery_id}/attempts", {
delivery_id: deliveryId,
This function will redeliver a failed webhook delivery.
async function getVariable({ variableName, repoOwner, repoName, octokit }) {
try {
const {
data: { value },
} = await octokit.request(
"GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables/{name}",
owner: repoOwner,
repo: repoName,
name: variableName,
return value;
} catch (error) {
if (error.status === 404) {
return undefined;
} else {
throw error;
This function gets the value of a configuration variable.
If the variable does not exist, the endpoint returns a 404 response and this function returns undefined
async function updateVariable({
}) {
if (variableExists) {
await octokit.request(
"PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables/{name}",
owner: repoOwner,
repo: repoName,
name: variableName,
value: value,
} else {
await octokit.request("POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables", {
owner: repoOwner,
repo: repoName,
name: variableName,
value: value,
This function will update a configuration variable (or create the variable if it doesn't already exist). For more information, see 変数に情報を格納する.
(async () => {
await checkAndRedeliverWebhooks();
This will execute the checkAndRedeliverWebhooks
// This script uses GitHub's Octokit SDK to make API requests. For more information, see [AUTOTITLE](/rest/guides/scripting-with-the-rest-api-and-javascript).
import { App, Octokit } from "octokit";
async function checkAndRedeliverWebhooks() {
// Get the values of environment variables that were set by the GitHub Actions workflow.
const APP_ID = process.env.APP_ID;
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
const TOKEN = process.env.TOKEN;
// Create an instance of the octokit `App` using the app ID and private key values that were set in the GitHub Actions workflow.
// This will be used to make API requests to the webhook-related endpoints.
const app = new App({
appId: APP_ID,
privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY,
// Create an instance of `Octokit` using the token values that were set in the GitHub Actions workflow.
// This will be used to update the configuration variable that stores the last time that this script ran.
const octokit = new Octokit({
auth: TOKEN,
try {
// Get the last time that this script ran from the configuration variable. If the variable is not defined, use the current time minus 24 hours.
const lastStoredRedeliveryTime = await getVariable({
const lastWebhookRedeliveryTime = lastStoredRedeliveryTime || (Date.now() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)).toString();
// Record the time that this script started redelivering webhooks.
const newWebhookRedeliveryTime = Date.now().toString();
// Get the webhook deliveries that were delivered after `lastWebhookRedeliveryTime`.
const deliveries = await fetchWebhookDeliveriesSince({lastWebhookRedeliveryTime, app});
// Consolidate deliveries that have the same globally unique identifier (GUID). The GUID is constant across redeliveries of the same delivery.
let deliveriesByGuid = {};
for (const delivery of deliveries) {
? deliveriesByGuid[delivery.guid].push(delivery)
: (deliveriesByGuid[delivery.guid] = [delivery]);
// For each GUID value, if no deliveries for that GUID have been successfully delivered within the time frame, get the delivery ID of one of the deliveries with that GUID.
// This will prevent duplicate redeliveries if a delivery has failed multiple times.
// This will also prevent redelivery of failed deliveries that have already been successfully redelivered.
let failedDeliveryIDs = [];
for (const guid in deliveriesByGuid) {
const deliveries = deliveriesByGuid[guid];
const anySucceeded = deliveries.some(
(delivery) => delivery.status === "OK"
if (!anySucceeded) {
// Redeliver any failed deliveries.
for (const deliveryId of failedDeliveryIDs) {
await redeliverWebhook({deliveryId, app});
// Update the configuration variable (or create the variable if it doesn't already exist) to store the time that this script started.
// This value will be used next time this script runs.
await updateVariable({
value: newWebhookRedeliveryTime,
variableExists: Boolean(lastStoredRedeliveryTime),
// Log the number of redeliveries.
`Redelivered ${
} failed webhook deliveries out of ${
} total deliveries since ${Date(lastWebhookRedeliveryTime)}.`
} catch (error) {
// If there was an error, log the error so that it appears in the workflow run log, then throw the error so that the workflow run registers as a failure.
if (error.response) {
`Failed to check and redeliver webhooks: ${error.response.data.message}`
// This function will fetch all of the webhook deliveries that were delivered since `lastWebhookRedeliveryTime`.
// It uses the `octokit.paginate.iterator()` method to iterate through paginated results. For more information, see [AUTOTITLE](/rest/guides/scripting-with-the-rest-api-and-javascript#making-paginated-requests).
// If a page of results includes deliveries that occurred before `lastWebhookRedeliveryTime`,
// it will store only the deliveries that occurred after `lastWebhookRedeliveryTime` and then stop.
// Otherwise, it will store all of the deliveries from the page and request the next page.
async function fetchWebhookDeliveriesSince({lastWebhookRedeliveryTime, app}) {
const iterator = app.octokit.paginate.iterator(
"GET /app/hook/deliveries",
per_page: 100,
headers: {
"x-github-api-version": "2022-11-28",
const deliveries = [];
for await (const { data } of iterator) {
const oldestDeliveryTimestamp = new Date(
data[data.length - 1].delivered_at
if (oldestDeliveryTimestamp < lastWebhookRedeliveryTime) {
for (const delivery of data) {
if (
new Date(delivery.delivered_at).getTime() > lastWebhookRedeliveryTime
) {
} else {
} else {
return deliveries;
// This function will redeliver a failed webhook delivery.
async function redeliverWebhook({deliveryId, app}) {
await app.octokit.request("POST /app/hook/deliveries/{delivery_id}/attempts", {
delivery_id: deliveryId,
// This function gets the value of a configuration variable.
// If the variable does not exist, the endpoint returns a 404 response and this function returns `undefined`.
async function getVariable({ variableName, repoOwner, repoName, octokit }) {
try {
const {
data: { value },
} = await octokit.request(
"GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables/{name}",
owner: repoOwner,
repo: repoName,
name: variableName,
return value;
} catch (error) {
if (error.status === 404) {
return undefined;
} else {
throw error;
// This function will update a configuration variable (or create the variable if it doesn't already exist). For more information, see [AUTOTITLE](/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#defining-configuration-variables-for-multiple-workflows).
async function updateVariable({
}) {
if (variableExists) {
await octokit.request(
"PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables/{name}",
owner: repoOwner,
repo: repoName,
name: variableName,
value: value,
} else {
await octokit.request("POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables", {
owner: repoOwner,
repo: repoName,
name: variableName,
value: value,
// This will execute the `checkAndRedeliverWebhooks` function.
(async () => {
await checkAndRedeliverWebhooks();
スクリプトをテストするには、手動でトリガーします。 詳細については、「ワークフローの手動実行」および「ワークフロー実行ログの使用」を参照してください。
この例では、GitHub Actions を使用して、資格情報を安全に格納し、スケジュールに従ってスクリプトを実行します。 ただし、Webhook 配信を処理するよりもサーバーでこのスクリプトを実行したい場合は、次のことができます。
- Azure Key Vault のようなシークレット マネージャーなど、別の安全な方法で資格情報を保存します。 新しい場所から資格情報にアクセスするために、スクリプトも更新する必要があります。
- たとえば、cron ジョブやタスク スケジューラを使用して、サーバー上のスケジュールに従ってスクリプトを実行します。
- スクリプトを更新して、サーバーがアクセスして更新できる場所に最終実行時間を保存します。 最終実行時間を GitHub Actions シークレットとして格納しない場合は、personal access token を使用する必要はありません。また、API 呼び出しを削除して構成変数にアクセスして更新することができます。