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About billing for Git Large File Storage

Learn about billing for Git Large File Storage.


The new billing platform is available to all enterprise accounts, and their organizations, created after June 2, 2024. Enterprises that participated in the beta program also have access to the new billing platform.

Beginning in September 2024, GitHub will migrate remaining enterprises to the new billing platform. Enterprises will receive a notice 30 days before their migration. See the GitHub blog.

About billing for Git Large File Storage


支払い設定と有料の機能は、アカウントごとに個別に管理しなければなりません。 個人アカウント、Organizationアカウント、Enterpriseアカウントの設定は、各設定ページのコンテキストスイッチャを使って切り替えできます。 詳しくは、「About billing on GitHub」を参照してください。

Each GitHub account receives a certain amount of free bandwidth and storage for Git LFS, depending on the account's plan. Bandwidth is billed for each GiB of data downloaded. Storage is billed by calculating an hourly usage rate. To estimate costs for paid Git LFS usage, you can use the GitHub pricing calculator.

帯域とストレージ使用量は、リポジトリのオーナーアカウントに対してのみカウントされます。 フォークでは、帯域とストレージの利用はリポジトリネットワークのルートに対してカウントされます。 リポジトリへの書き込みアクセス権限を持つユーザーは、各個人の帯域とストレージ使用量に影響を与えることなくGit LFSにファイルをプッシュできます。 フォークの作成やリポジトリのプルは、親リポジトリの帯域使用量に対してカウントされます。

Included bandwidth and storage (per month)

The following amounts of bandwidth and storage are included for free with your GitHub account.

GitHub Free10 GiB10 GiB
GitHub Pro10 GiB10 GiB
GitHub Free for organizations10 GiB10 GiB
GitHub Team250 GiB250 GiB
GitHub Enterprise Cloud250 GiB250 GiB

Pricing for paid usage

If you use more than the included amount of bandwidth or storage for your plan throughout the month, you can still use Git LFS. GitHub bills for additional GiBs of data at the rates below.

ProductPrice per-GiB (USD)

Sample storage cost calculation

For example, if you use 1 GiB above what is included for free for the first 15 days of April, then use 2 GiB starting from April 16th to the end of the month, your storage costs will be calculated in the following way.

  • 1 GiB × 15 days × 24 hours per day = 360 GiB-hours
  • 2 GiB × 15 days × 24 hours per day = 720 GiB-hours
  • 360 GiB-hours + 720 GiB-hours = 1080 GiB-hours
  • 1080 GiB-hours / 720 hours in the month = 1.5 GiB-months

In this example, GitHub would bill for 1.5 GiB of storage for the month of April.

Managing your budget for Git Large File Storage

The default budget for paid usage is $0 for accounts that do not have a payment method on file. For accounts that do have a payment method on file, the default budget is unlimited. You can take steps to manage your Git LFS budget. See "Preventing overspending."

Further reading