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Metadata syntax for GitHub Actions

Vous pouvez créer des actions pour effectuer des tâches dans votre référentiel. Les actions nécessitent un fichier de métadonnées qui utilise la syntaxe YAML.

About YAML syntax for GitHub Actions

All actions require a metadata file. The metadata filename must be either action.yml or action.yaml. The data in the metadata file defines the inputs, outputs, and runs configuration for your action.

Action metadata files use YAML syntax. If you're new to YAML, you can read "Learn YAML in five minutes."


Required The name of your action. GitHub displays the name in the Actions tab to help visually identify actions in each job.


Optional The name of the action's author.


Required A short description of the action.


Optional Input parameters allow you to specify data that the action expects to use during runtime. GitHub stores input parameters as environment variables. We recommend using lowercase input ids.

Example: Specifying inputs

This example configures two inputs: num-octocats and octocat-eye-color. The num-octocats input is not required and will default to a value of 1. octocat-eye-color is required and has no default value.

Note: Actions using required: true will not automatically return an error if the input is not specified.

Workflow files that use this action can use the with keyword to set an input value for octocat-eye-color. For more information about the with syntax, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

    description: 'Number of Octocats'
    required: false
    default: '1'
    description: 'Eye color of the Octocats'
    required: true

When you specify an input, GitHub creates an environment variable for the input with the name INPUT_<VARIABLE_NAME>. The environment variable created converts input names to uppercase letters and replaces spaces with _ characters.

If the action is written using a composite, then it will not automatically get INPUT_<VARIABLE_NAME>. With composite actions you can use inputs Accessing contextual information about workflow runs to access action inputs.

To access the environment variable in a Docker container action, you must pass the input using the args keyword in the action metadata file. For more information about the action metadata file for Docker container actions, see "Creating a Docker container action."

For example, if a workflow defined the num-octocats and octocat-eye-color inputs, the action code could read the values of the inputs using the INPUT_NUM-OCTOCATS and INPUT_OCTOCAT-EYE-COLOR environment variables.


Required A string identifier to associate with the input. The value of <input_id> is a map of the input's metadata. The <input_id> must be a unique identifier within the inputs object. The <input_id> must start with a letter or _ and contain only alphanumeric characters, -, or _.


Required A string description of the input parameter.


Optional A boolean to indicate whether the action requires the input parameter. Set to true when the parameter is required.


Optional A string representing the default value. The default value is used when an input parameter isn't specified in a workflow file.


Optional If the input parameter is used, this string is logged as a warning message. You can use this warning to notify users that the input is closing down and mention any alternatives.

outputs for Docker container and JavaScript actions

Optional Output parameters allow you to declare data that an action sets. Actions that run later in a workflow can use the output data set in previously run actions. For example, if you had an action that performed the addition of two inputs (x + y = z), the action could output the sum (z) for other actions to use as an input.

Outputs are Unicode strings, and can be a maximum of 1 MB. The total of all outputs in a workflow run can be a maximum of 50 MB.

If you don't declare an output in your action metadata file, you can still set outputs and use them in a workflow. For more information on setting outputs in an action, see "Workflow commands for GitHub Actions."

Example: Declaring outputs for Docker container and JavaScript actions

  sum: # id of the output
    description: 'The sum of the inputs'


Required A string identifier to associate with the output. The value of <output_id> is a map of the output's metadata. The <output_id> must be a unique identifier within the outputs object. The <output_id> must start with a letter or _ and contain only alphanumeric characters, -, or _.


Required A string description of the output parameter.

outputs for composite actions

Optional outputs use the same parameters as outputs.<output_id> and outputs.<output_id>.description (see "outputs for Docker container and JavaScript actions"), but also includes the value token.

Outputs are Unicode strings, and can be a maximum of 1 MB. The total of all outputs in a workflow run can be a maximum of 50 MB.

Example: Declaring outputs for composite actions

    description: "Random number"
    value: ${{ steps.random-number-generator.outputs.random-id }}
  using: "composite"
    - id: random-number-generator
      run: echo "random-id=$(echo $RANDOM)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
      shell: bash


Required The value that the output parameter will be mapped to. You can set this to a string or an expression with context. For example, you can use the steps context to set the value of an output to the output value of a step.

For more information on how to use context syntax, see "Accessing contextual information about workflow runs."


Required Specifies whether this is a JavaScript action, a composite action, or a Docker container action and how the action is executed.

runs for JavaScript actions

Required Configures the path to the action's code and the runtime used to execute the code.

Example: Using Node.js v20

  using: 'node20'
  main: 'main.js'

runs.using for JavaScript actions

Required The runtime used to execute the code specified in main.

  • Use node20 for Node.js v20.


Required The file that contains your action code. The runtime specified in using executes this file.


Optional Allows you to run a script at the start of a job, before the main: action begins. For example, you can use pre: to run a prerequisite setup script. The runtime specified with the using syntax will execute this file. The pre: action always runs by default but you can override this using runs.pre-if.

In this example, the pre: action runs a script called setup.js:

  using: 'node20'
  pre: 'setup.js'
  main: 'index.js'
  post: 'cleanup.js'


Optional Allows you to define conditions for the pre: action execution. The pre: action will only run if the conditions in pre-if are met. If not set, then pre-if defaults to always(). In pre-if, status check functions evaluate against the job's status, not the action's own status.

Note that the step context is unavailable, as no steps have run yet.

In this example, cleanup.js only runs on Linux-based runners:

  pre: 'cleanup.js'
  pre-if: runner.os == 'linux'

Optional Allows you to run a script at the end of a job, once the main: action has completed. For example, you can use post: to terminate certain processes or remove unneeded files. The runtime specified with the using syntax will execute this file.

In this example, the post: action runs a script called cleanup.js:

  using: 'node20'
  main: 'index.js'
  post: 'cleanup.js'

The post: action always runs by default but you can override this using post-if.

Optional Allows you to define conditions for the post: action execution. The post: action will only run if the conditions in post-if are met. If not set, then post-if defaults to always(). In post-if, status check functions evaluate against the job's status, not the action's own status.

For example, this cleanup.js will only run on Linux-based runners:

  post: 'cleanup.js'
  post-if: runner.os == 'linux'

runs for composite actions

Required Configures the path to the composite action.

runs.using for composite actions

Required You must set this value to 'composite'.


Required The steps that you plan to run in this action. These can be either run steps or uses steps.


Optional The command you want to run. This can be inline or a script in your action repository:

  using: "composite"
    - run: ${{ github.action_path }}/test/
      shell: bash

Alternatively, you can use $GITHUB_ACTION_PATH:

  using: "composite"
      shell: bash

For more information, see "Accessing contextual information about workflow runs".


Optional The shell where you want to run the command. You can use any of the shells listed in "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions." Required if run is set.


Optional You can use the if conditional to prevent a step from running unless a condition is met. You can use any supported context and expression to create a conditional.

When you use expressions in an if conditional, you can, optionally, omit the ${{ }} expression syntax because GitHub Actions automatically evaluates the if conditional as an expression. However, this exception does not apply everywhere.

You must always use the ${{ }} expression syntax or escape with '', "", or () when the expression starts with !, since ! is reserved notation in YAML format. For example:

if: ${{ ! startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') }}

For more information, see "Evaluate expressions in workflows and actions."

Example: Using contexts

This step only runs when the event type is a pull_request and the event action is unassigned.

  - run: echo This event is a pull request that had an assignee removed.
    if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.action == 'unassigned' }}

Example: Using status check functions

The my backup step only runs when the previous step of a composite action fails. For more information, see "Evaluate expressions in workflows and actions."

  - name: My first step
    uses: octo-org/action-name@main
  - name: My backup step
    if: ${{ failure() }}
    uses: actions/heroku@1.0.0


Optional The name of the composite step.


Optional A unique identifier for the step. You can use the id to reference the step in contexts. For more information, see "Accessing contextual information about workflow runs."


Optional Sets a map of environment variables for only that step. If you want to modify the environment variable stored in the workflow, use echo "{name}={value}" >> $GITHUB_ENV in a composite step.


Optional Specifies the working directory where the command is run.


Optional Selects an action to run as part of a step in your job. An action is a reusable unit of code. You can use an action defined in the same repository as the workflow, a public repository, or in a published Docker container image.

We strongly recommend that you include the version of the action you are using by specifying a Git ref, SHA, or Docker tag number. If you don't specify a version, it could break your workflows or cause unexpected behavior when the action owner publishes an update.

  • Using the commit SHA of a released action version is the safest for stability and security.
  • Using the specific major action version allows you to receive critical fixes and security patches while still maintaining compatibility. It also assures that your workflow should still work.
  • Using the default branch of an action may be convenient, but if someone releases a new major version with a breaking change, your workflow could break.

Some actions require inputs that you must set using the with keyword. Review the action's README file to determine the inputs required.

  using: "composite"
    # Reference a specific commit
    - uses: actions/checkout@8f4b7f84864484a7bf31766abe9204da3cbe65b3
    # Reference the major version of a release
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    # Reference a specific version
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4.2.0
    # Reference a branch
    - uses: actions/checkout@main
    # References a subdirectory in a public GitHub repository at a specific branch, ref, or SHA
    - uses: actions/aws/ec2@main
    # References a local action
    - uses: ./.github/actions/my-action
    # References a docker public registry action
    - uses: docker://
    # Reference a docker image published on docker hub
    - uses: docker://alpine:3.8


Optional A map of the input parameters defined by the action. Each input parameter is a key/value pair. For more information, see Example: Specifying inputs.

  using: "composite"
    - name: My first step
      uses: actions/hello_world@main
        first_name: Mona
        middle_name: The
        last_name: Octocat

runs for Docker container actions

Required Configures the image used for the Docker container action.

Example: Using a Dockerfile in your repository

  using: 'docker'
  image: 'Dockerfile'

Example: Using public Docker registry container

  using: 'docker'
  image: 'docker://debian:stretch-slim'

runs.using for Docker container actions

Required You must set this value to 'docker'.


Optional Allows you to run a script before the entrypoint action begins. For example, you can use pre-entrypoint: to run a prerequisite setup script. GitHub Actions uses docker run to launch this action, and runs the script inside a new container that uses the same base image. This means that the runtime state is different from the main entrypoint container, and any states you require must be accessed in either the workspace, HOME, or as a STATE_ variable. The pre-entrypoint: action always runs by default but you can override this using runs.pre-if.

The runtime specified with the using syntax will execute this file.

In this example, the pre-entrypoint: action runs a script called

  using: 'docker'
  image: 'Dockerfile'
    - 'bzz'
  pre-entrypoint: ''
  entrypoint: ''


Required The Docker image to use as the container to run the action. The value can be the Docker base image name, a local Dockerfile in your repository, or a public image in Docker Hub or another registry. To reference a Dockerfile local to your repository, the file must be named Dockerfile and you must use a path relative to your action metadata file. The docker application will execute this file.


Optional Specifies a key/value map of environment variables to set in the container environment.


Optional Overrides the Docker ENTRYPOINT in the Dockerfile, or sets it if one wasn't already specified. Use entrypoint when the Dockerfile does not specify an ENTRYPOINT or you want to override the ENTRYPOINT instruction. If you omit entrypoint, the commands you specify in the Docker ENTRYPOINT instruction will execute. The Docker ENTRYPOINT instruction has a shell form and exec form. The Docker ENTRYPOINT documentation recommends using the exec form of the ENTRYPOINT instruction.

For more information about how the entrypoint executes, see "Dockerfile support for GitHub Actions."

Optional Allows you to run a cleanup script once the runs.entrypoint action has completed. GitHub Actions uses docker run to launch this action. Because GitHub Actions runs the script inside a new container using the same base image, the runtime state is different from the main entrypoint container. You can access any state you need in either the workspace, HOME, or as a STATE_ variable. The post-entrypoint: action always runs by default but you can override this using

  using: 'docker'
  image: 'Dockerfile'
    - 'bzz'
  entrypoint: ''
  post-entrypoint: ''


Optional An array of strings that define the inputs for a Docker container. Inputs can include hardcoded strings. GitHub passes the args to the container's ENTRYPOINT when the container starts up.

The args are used in place of the CMD instruction in a Dockerfile. If you use CMD in your Dockerfile, use the guidelines ordered by preference:

  1. Document required arguments in the action's README and omit them from the CMD instruction.
  2. Use defaults that allow using the action without specifying any args.
  3. If the action exposes a --help flag, or something similar, use that to make your action self-documenting.

If you need to pass environment variables into an action, make sure your action runs a command shell to perform variable substitution. For example, if your entrypoint attribute is set to "sh -c", args will be run in a command shell. Alternatively, if your Dockerfile uses an ENTRYPOINT to run the same command ("sh -c"), args will execute in a command shell.

For more information about using the CMD instruction with GitHub Actions, see "Dockerfile support for GitHub Actions."

Example: Defining arguments for the Docker container

  using: 'docker'
  image: 'Dockerfile'
    - ${{ inputs.greeting }}
    - 'foo'
    - 'bar'


Optional You can use a color and Feather icon to create a badge to personalize and distinguish your action. Badges are shown next to your action name in GitHub Marketplace.

Example: Configuring branding for an action

  icon: 'award'
  color: 'green'


The background color of the badge. Can be one of: white, black, yellow, blue, green, orange, red, purple, or gray-dark.


The name of the v4.28.0 Feather icon to use.

Omitted icons

Brand icons, and all the following icons, are omitted.

  • coffee
  • columns
  • divide-circle
  • divide-square
  • divide
  • frown
  • hexagon
  • key
  • meh
  • mouse-pointer
  • smile
  • tool
  • x-octagon

Exhaustive list of all currently supported icons

  • activity
  • airplay
  • alert-circle
  • alert-octagon
  • alert-triangle
  • align-center
  • align-justify
  • align-left
  • align-right
  • anchor
  • aperture
  • archive
  • arrow-down-circle
  • arrow-down-left
  • arrow-down-right
  • arrow-down
  • arrow-left-circle
  • arrow-left
  • arrow-right-circle
  • arrow-right
  • arrow-up-circle
  • arrow-up-left
  • arrow-up-right
  • arrow-up
  • at-sign
  • award
  • bar-chart-2
  • bar-chart
  • battery-charging
  • battery
  • bell-off
  • bell
  • bluetooth
  • bold
  • book-open
  • book
  • bookmark
  • box
  • briefcase
  • calendar
  • camera-off
  • camera
  • cast
  • check-circle
  • check-square
  • check
  • chevron-down
  • chevron-left
  • chevron-right
  • chevron-up
  • chevrons-down
  • chevrons-left
  • chevrons-right
  • chevrons-up
  • circle
  • clipboard
  • clock
  • cloud-drizzle
  • cloud-lightning
  • cloud-off
  • cloud-rain
  • cloud-snow
  • cloud
  • code
  • command
  • compass
  • copy
  • corner-down-left
  • corner-down-right
  • corner-left-down
  • corner-left-up
  • corner-right-down
  • corner-right-up
  • corner-up-left
  • corner-up-right
  • cpu
  • credit-card
  • crop
  • crosshair
  • database
  • delete
  • disc
  • dollar-sign
  • download-cloud
  • download
  • droplet
  • edit-2
  • edit-3
  • edit
  • external-link
  • eye-off
  • eye
  • fast-forward
  • feather
  • file-minus
  • file-plus
  • file-text
  • file
  • film
  • filter
  • flag
  • folder-minus
  • folder-plus
  • folder
  • gift
  • git-branch
  • git-commit
  • git-merge
  • git-pull-request
  • globe
  • grid
  • hard-drive
  • hash
  • headphones
  • heart
  • help-circle
  • home
  • image
  • inbox
  • info
  • italic
  • layers
  • layout
  • life-buoy
  • link-2
  • link
  • list
  • loader
  • lock
  • log-in
  • log-out
  • mail
  • map-pin
  • map
  • maximize-2
  • maximize
  • menu
  • message-circle
  • message-square
  • mic-off
  • mic
  • minimize-2
  • minimize
  • minus-circle
  • minus-square
  • minus
  • monitor
  • moon
  • more-horizontal
  • more-vertical
  • move
  • music
  • navigation-2
  • navigation
  • octagon
  • package
  • paperclip
  • pause-circle
  • pause
  • percent
  • phone-call
  • phone-forwarded
  • phone-incoming
  • phone-missed
  • phone-off
  • phone-outgoing
  • phone
  • pie-chart
  • play-circle
  • play
  • plus-circle
  • plus-square
  • plus
  • pocket
  • power
  • printer
  • radio
  • refresh-ccw
  • refresh-cw
  • repeat
  • rewind
  • rotate-ccw
  • rotate-cw
  • rss
  • save
  • scissors
  • search
  • send
  • server
  • settings
  • share-2
  • share
  • shield-off
  • shield
  • shopping-bag
  • shopping-cart
  • shuffle
  • sidebar
  • skip-back
  • skip-forward
  • slash
  • sliders
  • smartphone
  • speaker
  • square
  • star
  • stop-circle
  • sun
  • sunrise
  • sunset
  • table
  • tablet
  • tag
  • target
  • terminal
  • thermometer
  • thumbs-down
  • thumbs-up
  • toggle-left
  • toggle-right
  • trash-2
  • trash
  • trending-down
  • trending-up
  • triangle
  • truck
  • tv
  • type
  • umbrella
  • underline
  • unlock
  • upload-cloud
  • upload
  • user-check
  • user-minus
  • user-plus
  • user-x
  • user
  • users
  • video-off
  • video
  • voicemail
  • volume-1
  • volume-2
  • volume-x
  • volume
  • watch
  • wifi-off
  • wifi
  • wind
  • x-circle
  • x-square
  • x
  • zap-off
  • zap
  • zoom-in
  • zoom-out