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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuará el Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2020-01-22. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener un mejor desempeño, más seguridad y nuevas características, actualiza a la última versión de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, contacta al soporte de GitHub Enterprise.

Managing organizations

You can manage the GitHub Enterprise organizations that are included in metrics.

People with admin permissions in GitHub Insights can manage organizations.

GitHub Insights is available with GitHub One. Para obtener más información, consulta "Productos de GitHub".

En este artículo

About organization management

When you add an organization to GitHub Insights, repositories owned by that organization are included in metrics. You can choose to add all repositories or select specific repositories to add.

You can add an organization to GitHub Insights if you are an owner of that organization in GitHub Enterprise. If you are not an owner of the organization, you can send a request for an owner to add the organization to GitHub Insights.

Adding an organization to GitHub Insights

Adding an organization to GitHub Insights installs the App GitHub for GitHub Insights in that organization. For more information about the App GitHub, see "Installing GitHub Insights."

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Pestaña Parámetros

  2. Under " Settings", click Repositories.

    Pestaña Repositories (Repositorios)

  3. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Add Organization(s). You'll see a list of organizations associated with your GitHub Enterprise account.

    Add Organization(s) button

  4. Click the organization you want to add to GitHub Insights.

  5. Select whether to add all repositories or to specify repositories to include.

    Checkboxes to add all repositories or select repositories

  6. If you chose to install GitHub Enterprise on select repositories, use the drop-down menu and select the repositories you want to include.

    Drop-down menu to select repositories

  7. Click Install or Request.

Removing an organization from GitHub Insights

Removing an organization from GitHub Insights uninstalls the App GitHub for GitHub Insights from the organization. For more information about the App GitHub, see "Installing GitHub Insights."

  1. In GitHub Insights, click Settings.

    Pestaña Parámetros

  2. Under " Settings", click Repositories.

    Pestaña Repositories (Repositorios)

  3. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Add Organization(s). You'll see a list of organizations associated with your GitHub Enterprise account.

    Add Organization(s) button

  4. Click the organization you want to remove from GitHub Insights.

  5. Under "Uninstall GitHub Insights", click Uninstall.

    Uninstall button

  6. Haz clic en OK (Aceptar).

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