
此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 将停止服务 此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2020-01-22. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 要获得更好的性能、改进的安全性和新功能,请升级到 GitHub Enterprise 的最新版本。 如需升级方面的帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

Managing organizations

You can manage the GitHub Enterprise organizations that are included in metrics.

People with admin permissions in GitHub Insights can manage organizations.

GitHub Insights 可用于 GitHub One。 更多信息请参阅“GitHub 的产品”。


About organization management

When you add an organization to GitHub Insights, repositories owned by that organization are included in metrics. You can choose to add all repositories or select specific repositories to add.

You can add an organization to GitHub Insights if you are an owner of that organization in GitHub Enterprise. If you are not an owner of the organization, you can send a request for an owner to add the organization to GitHub Insights.

Adding an organization to GitHub Insights

Adding an organization to GitHub Insights installs the GitHub 应用程序 for GitHub Insights in that organization. For more information about the GitHub 应用程序, see "Installing GitHub Insights."

  1. 在 GitHub Insights 中,单击 Settings(设置)

    Settings 选项卡

  2. 在“ Settings(设置)”下,单击 Repositories(仓库)


  3. 在页面的右上角,单击 Add Organization(s)(添加组织)。 您将看到与您的 GitHub Enterprise 帐户关联的组织列表。


  4. Click the organization you want to add to GitHub Insights.

  5. Select whether to add all repositories or to specify repositories to include.

    Checkboxes to add all repositories or select repositories

  6. If you chose to install GitHub Enterprise on select repositories, use the drop-down menu and select the repositories you want to include.

    Drop-down menu to select repositories

  7. Click Install or Request.

Removing an organization from GitHub Insights

Removing an organization from GitHub Insights uninstalls the GitHub 应用程序 for GitHub Insights from the organization. For more information about the GitHub 应用程序, see "Installing GitHub Insights."

  1. 在 GitHub Insights 中,单击 Settings(设置)

    Settings 选项卡

  2. 在“ Settings(设置)”下,单击 Repositories(仓库)


  3. 在页面的右上角,单击 Add Organization(s)(添加组织)。 您将看到与您的 GitHub Enterprise 帐户关联的组织列表。


  4. Click the organization you want to remove from GitHub Insights.

  5. Under "Uninstall GitHub Insights", click Uninstall.

    Uninstall button

  6. 单击确定


