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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-10-12. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener rendimiento mejorado, seguridad mejorada y nuevas características, actualice a la versión más reciente de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, póngase en contacto con el soporte técnico de GitHub Enterprise.

Configuring a package's access control and visibility

Choose who has read, write, or admin access to your container image and the visibility of your container images on GitHub.

GitHub Packages está disponible con GitHub Free, GitHub Pro, GitHub Free para organizaciones, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 o superior y GitHub AE. Para obtener más información sobre cómo actualizar la instancia GitHub Enterprise Server, consulta «Acerca de las actualizaciones a nuevas versiones» y el Asistente de mejora para encontrar la ruta de actualización de la versión actual.

Packages with granular permissions are scoped to a personal user or organization account. You can change the access control and visibility of a package separately from the repository that it is connected (or linked) to.

Currently, you can only use granular permissions with the Container registry. Granular permissions are not supported in our other package registries, such as the RubyGems registry.

For more information about permissions for repository-scoped packages, packages-related scopes for PATs, or managing permissions for your actions workflows, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Visibility and access permissions for container images

Si tienes permisos administrativos en una imagen de contenedor, peudes configurar los permisos de acceso para la imagen de contenedor en privados o públicos. Las imágenes públicas permiten el acceso anónimo y pueden extraerse sin autenticación o ingresar a ellas através del CLI.

Como administrador, también puedes otorgar permisos de acceso para una imagen de contenedor que esté separada de los permisos que configuraste a nivel de organización y de repositorio.

Para las imágenes de contenedor publicadas y propiedad de una cuenta personal, puedes conceder a cualquier persona un rol de acceso. Puedes otorgar un rol de acceso a cualquier persona o equipo en la organización para las imágenes de contenedor que pertenecen a, o que publica una cuenta de usuario.

PermisoDescripción del acceso
LecturaPuede descargar el paquete.
Puede leer los metadatos del paquete.
EscrituraPuede cargar y descargar este paquete.
Puede leer y escribir metadatos del paquete.
AdministraciónPuede cargar, descargar, borrar y administrar este paquete.
Puede leer y escribir metadatos del paquete.
Puede conceder permisos de paquete.

Configuring access to container images for your personal account

If you have admin permissions to a container image that's owned by a personal account, you can assign read, write, or admin roles to other users. For more information about these permission roles, see "Visibility and access permissions for container images."

If your package is private or internal and owned by an organization, then you can only give access to other organization members or teams.

  1. Busca y selecciona tu paquete.
  2. En la parte superior derecha de la página de aterrizaje del paquete, haga clic en Package settings (Configuración del paquete). Botón de configuración del paquete
  3. On the package settings page, click Invite teams or people and enter the name, username, or email of the person you want to give access. Teams cannot be given access to a container image owned by a personal account. Container access invite button
  4. Next to the username or team name, use the "Role" drop-down menu to select a desired permission level. Container access options

The selected users will automatically be given access and don't need to accept an invitation first.

Configuring access to container images for an organization

If you have admin permissions to an organization-owned container image, you can assign read, write, or admin roles to other users and teams. For more information about these permission roles, see "Visibility and access permissions for container images."

If your package is private or internal and owned by an organization, then you can only give access to other organization members or teams.

  1. En GitHub, navega a la página principal de tu organización.
  2. Debajo del nombre del organización, haga clic en Packages. Packages tab on org landing page
  3. Busca y selecciona tu paquete.
  4. En la parte superior derecha de la página de aterrizaje del paquete, haga clic en Package settings (Configuración del paquete). Botón de configuración del paquete
  5. On the package settings page, click Invite teams or people and enter the name, username, or email of the person you want to give access. You can also enter a team name from the organization to give all team members access. Container access invite button
  6. Next to the username or team name, use the "Role" drop-down menu to select a desired permission level. Container access options

The selected users or teams will automatically be given access and don't need to accept an invitation first.

Inheriting access for a container image from a repository

To simplify package management through GitHub Actions workflows, you can enable a container image to inherit the access permissions of a repository by default.

If you inherit the access permissions of the repository where your package's workflows are stored, then you can adjust access to your package through the repository's permissions.

Once a repository is synced, you can't access the package's granular access settings. To customize the package's permissions through the granular package access settings, you must remove the synced repository first.

  1. En GitHub, navega a la página principal de tu organización.
  2. Debajo del nombre del organización, haga clic en Packages. Packages tab on org landing page
  3. Busca y selecciona tu paquete.
  4. En la parte superior derecha de la página de aterrizaje del paquete, haga clic en Package settings (Configuración del paquete). Botón de configuración del paquete
  5. Under "Repository source", select Inherit access from repository (recommended). Inherit repo access checkbox

Ensuring workflow access to your package

To ensure that a GitHub Actions workflow has access to your package, you must give explicit access to the repository where the workflow is stored.

The specified repository does not need to be the repository where the source code for the package is kept. You can give multiple repositories workflow access to a package.

Note: Syncing your container image with a repository through the Actions access menu option is different than connecting your container to a repository. For more information about linking a repository to your container, see "Connecting a repository to a package."

GitHub Actions access for user-account-owned container images

  1. Busca y selecciona tu paquete.
  2. En la parte superior derecha de la página de aterrizaje del paquete, haga clic en Package settings (Configuración del paquete). Botón de configuración del paquete
  3. In the left sidebar, click Actions access. "Actions access" option in left menu
  4. To ensure your workflow has access to your container package, you must add the repository where the workflow is stored. Click Add repository and search for the repository you want to add. "Add repository" button
  5. Using the "role" drop-down menu, select the default access level that you'd like the repository to have to your container image. Permission access levels to give to repositories

To further customize access to your container image, see "Configuring access to container images for your personal account."

GitHub Actions access for organization-owned container images

  1. En GitHub, navega a la página principal de tu organización.
  2. Debajo del nombre del organización, haga clic en Packages. Packages tab on org landing page
  3. Busca y selecciona tu paquete.
  4. En la parte superior derecha de la página de aterrizaje del paquete, haga clic en Package settings (Configuración del paquete). Botón de configuración del paquete
  5. In the left sidebar, click Actions access. "Actions access" option in left menu
  6. Click Add repository and search for the repository you want to add. "Add repository" button
  7. Using the "role" drop-down menu, select the default access level that you'd like repository members to have to your container image. Outside collaborators will not be included. Permission access levels to give to repositories

To further customize access to your container image, see "Configuring access to container images for an organization."

Configuring visibility of container images for your personal account

When you first publish a package, the default visibility is private and only you can see the package. You can modify a private or public container image's access by changing the access settings.

A public package can be accessed anonymously without authentication. Once you make your package public, you cannot make your package private again.

  1. Busca y selecciona tu paquete.

  2. En la parte superior derecha de la página de aterrizaje del paquete, haga clic en Package settings (Configuración del paquete). Botón de configuración del paquete

  3. Under "Danger Zone", choose a visibility setting:

    • To make the container image visible to anyone, click Make public.

      Warning: Once you make a package public, you cannot make it private again.

    • To make the container image visible to a custom selection of people, click Make private. Container visibility options

Container creation visibility for organization members

You can choose the visibility of containers that organization members can publish by default.

  1. En la esquina superior derecha de GitHub Enterprise Server, haga clic en la foto de perfil y luego en Your organizations. Opción Your organizations (Sus organizaciones) en el menú del perfil
  2. Junto a la organización, haga clic en Settings. El botón de configuración
  3. On the left, click Packages.
  4. Under "Container creation", choose whether you want to enable the creation of public, private, or internal container images.
    • To enable organization members to create public container images, click Public.
    • To enable organization members to create private container images that are only visible to other organization members, click Private. You can further customize the visibility of private container images.
    • To enable organization members to create internal container images that are visible to all organization members, click Internal. If the organization belongs to an enterprise, the container images will be visible to all enterprise members. Visibility options for container images published by organization members

Configuring visibility of container images for an organization

When you first publish a package, the default visibility is private and only you can see the package. You can grant users or teams different access roles for your container image through the access settings.

A public package can be accessed anonymously without authentication. Once you make your package public, you cannot make your package private again.

  1. En GitHub, navega a la página principal de tu organización.

  2. Debajo del nombre del organización, haga clic en Packages. Packages tab on org landing page

  3. Busca y selecciona tu paquete.

  4. En la parte superior derecha de la página de aterrizaje del paquete, haga clic en Package settings (Configuración del paquete). Botón de configuración del paquete

  5. Under "Danger Zone", choose a visibility setting:

    • To make the container image visible to anyone, click Make public.

      Warning: Once you make a package public, you cannot make it private again.

    • To make the container image visible to a custom selection of people, click Make private. Container visibility options