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The audit log allows organization admins to quickly review the actions performed by members of your organization. It includes details such as who performed the action, what the action was, and when it was performed.
Accessing the audit log
The audit log lists events triggered by activities that affect your organization within the current month and previous six months. Only owners can access an organization's audit log.
De forma predeterminada, solo se muestran los eventos de los últimos tres meses. Para ver eventos anteriores, debe especificar un intervalo de fechas con el parámetro created. Para más información, vea "Descripción de la sintaxis de búsqueda".
En la esquina superior derecha de GitHub Enterprise Server, haga clic en la foto de perfil y luego en Your organizations.
Junto a la organización, haga clic en Settings.
In the Settings sidebar, click Audit log.
Searching the audit log
El nombre de cada entrada del registro de auditoría se compone del calificador de objeto o categoría action, seguido de un tipo de operación. Por ejemplo, la entrada repo.create hace referencia a la operación create de la categoría repo.
Cada entrada del registro de auditoría muestra información vigente acerca de un evento, como:
La empresa u organización en la que se ha realizado una acción
El usuario (actor) que ha realizado la acción
El usuario afectado por la acción
En qué repositorio se realizó una acción
La acción que se realizó
En qué país se realizó la acción
Fecha y hora en que se produjo la acción
Nota que no puedes buscar entradas utilizando texto. Sin embargo, puedes construir consultas de búsqueda utilizando una variedad de filtros. Muchos operadores que se utilizan cuando se consulta el registro, tales como -, > o <, coinciden con el mismo formato de búsqueda en GitHub Enterprise Server. Para obtener más información, vea "Buscar en GitHub."
Búsqueda basada en la operación
Use el calificador operation para limitar las acciones a tipos específicos de operaciones. Por ejemplo:
operation:access busca todos los eventos en los que se ha accedido a un recurso.
operation:authentication busca todos los eventos en los que se ha realizado un evento de autenticación.
operation:create busca todos los eventos en los que se ha creado un recurso.
operation:modify busca todos los eventos en los que se ha modificado un recurso existente.
operation:remove busca todos los eventos en los que se ha quitado un recurso existente.
operation:restore busca todos los eventos en los que se ha restaurado un recurso existente.
operation:transfer busca todos los eventos en los que se ha transferido un recurso existente.
Búsqueda basada en el repositorio
Use el calificador repo para limitar las acciones a un repositorio específico. Por ejemplo:
repo:my-org/our-repo busca todos los eventos que se han producido para el repositorio our-repo de la organización my-org.
repo:my-org/our-repo repo:my-org/another-repo busca todos los eventos que se han producido para los repositorios our-repo y another-repo de la organización my-org.
-repo:my-org/not-this-repo excluye todos los eventos que se han producido para el repositorio not-this-repo de la organización my-org.
Tenga en cuenta que debe incluir el nombre de la cuenta en el calificador repo; la búsqueda de solo repo:our-repo no funcionará.
Búsqueda basada en el usuario
El calificador actor puede incluir eventos en función de quién haya realizado la acción. Por ejemplo:
actor:octocat busca todos los eventos realizados por octocat.
actor:octocat actor:hubot busca todos los eventos realizados por octocat y hubot.
-actor:hubot excluye todos los eventos realizados por hubot.
Ten en cuenta que solo puedes utilizar un nombre de usuario GitHub Enterprise Server, no el nombre real de una persona.
Search based on the action performed
To search for specific events, use the action qualifier in your query. Actions listed in the audit log are grouped within the following categories:
Contains activities related to GitHub Actions workflows.
You can search for specific sets of actions using these terms. For example:
action:team finds all events grouped within the team category.
-action:hook excludes all events in the webhook category.
Each category has a set of associated actions that you can filter on. For example:
action:team.create finds all events where a team was created.
-action:hook.events_changed excludes all events where the events on a webhook have been altered.
Search based on time of action
Use the created qualifier to filter events in the audit log based on when they occurred. El formato de fecha debe seguir el estándar ISO8601, que es YYYY-MM-DD (año-mes-día). También puede agregar información de tiempo opcional THH:MM:SS+00:00 después de la fecha, para buscar por hora, minuto y segundo. Esto es, T, seguido de HH:MM:SS (hora-minutos-segundos) y una diferencia horaria con UTC (+00:00).
Cuando buscas una fecha, puedes utilizar los calificadores de mayor qué, menor qué y rango para filtrar aún más los resultados. Para más información, vea "Descripción de la sintaxis de búsqueda".
For example:
created:2014-07-08 finds all events that occurred on July 8th, 2014.
created:>=2014-07-08 finds all events that occurred on or after July 8th, 2014.
created:<=2014-07-08 finds all events that occurred on or before July 8th, 2014.
created:2014-07-01..2014-07-31 finds all events that occurred in the month of July 2014.
Note: The audit log contains data for the current month and every day of the previous six months.
Search based on location
Using the qualifier country, you can filter events in the audit log based on the originating country. You can use a country's two-letter short code or its full name. Keep in mind that countries with spaces in their name will need to be wrapped in quotation marks. For example:
country:de finds all events that occurred in Germany.
country:Mexico finds all events that occurred in Mexico.
country:"United States" all finds events that occurred in the United States.
Using the audit log API
You can interact with the audit log using the GraphQL API.
To ensure your intellectual property is secure, and you maintain compliance for your organization, you can use the audit log GraphQL API to keep copies of your audit log data and monitor:
Acceso a la configuración de la organización o el repositorio
Cambios en los permisos
Usuarios agregados o quitados de una organización, un repositorio o un equipo
Usuarios ascendidos a administradores
Cambios a los permisos de una GitHub App
The GraphQL response can include data for up to 90 to 120 days.
For example, you can make a GraphQL request to see all the new organization members added to your organization. For more information, see the "GraphQL API Audit Log."
Audit log actions
An overview of some of the most common actions that are recorded as events in the audit log.
Se activa cuando se actualiza la aplicación ejecutora. Se puede ver utilizando la API de REST y la IU; no se puede ver en la exportación de JSON/CSV. Para más información, vea "Acerca de los ejecutores autohospedados".
Triggered when an existing hook has its configuration altered.
Triggered when an existing hook was removed from a repository.
Triggered when the events on a hook have been altered.
integration_installation category actions
A contact email for an integration was changed.
An integration was installed.
An integration was uninstalled.
Repositories were added to an integration.
Repositories were removed from an integration.
Permissions for an integration were updated.
integration_installation_request category actions
Triggered when an organization member requests that an organization owner install an integration for use in the organization.
Triggered when a request to install an integration for use in an organization is either approved or denied by an organization owner, or canceled by the organization member who opened the request.
issue category actions
Triggered when an organization owner or someone with admin permissions in a repository deletes an issue from an organization-owned repository.
Triggered when the runner application is started. Can only be viewed using the REST API; not visible in the UI or JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "Checking the status of a self-hosted runner."
Triggered when the runner application is stopped. Can only be viewed using the REST API; not visible in the UI or JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "Checking the status of a self-hosted runner."
Triggered when the runner application is updated. Can be viewed using the REST API and the UI; not visible in the JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "About self-hosted runners."
Triggered when GitHub Actions is enabled for a repository. Can be viewed using the UI. This event is not included when you access the audit log using the REST API. For more information, see "Using the REST API."
Triggered when the runner application is started. Can only be viewed using the REST API; not visible in the UI or JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "Checking the status of a self-hosted runner."
Triggered when the runner application is stopped. Can only be viewed using the REST API; not visible in the UI or JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "Checking the status of a self-hosted runner."
Triggered when the runner application is updated. Can be viewed using the REST API and the UI; not visible in the JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "About self-hosted runners."
Triggered when a repository transfer is about to occur.
Triggered when a repository admin unarchives a repository.
Triggered when a GitHub Actions secret is updated.
repository_secret_scanning category actions
Triggered when a repository owner or person with admin access to the repository disables secret scanning for a repository. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
Triggered when a repository owner or person with admin access to the repository enables secret scanning for a repository.
repository_vulnerability_alert category actions
Triggered when GitHub Enterprise Server creates a Dependabot alert for a repository that uses a vulnerable dependency. For more information, see "About Dependabot alerts."
Triggered when an organization owner or person with admin access to the repository dismisses a Dependabot alert about a vulnerable dependency.
Triggered when someone with write access to a repository pushes changes to update and resolve a vulnerability in a project dependency.
secret_scanning category actions
Triggered when an organization owner disables secret scanning for all existing repositories. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
Triggered when an organization owner enables secret scanning for all existing repositories.
secret_scanning_new_repos category actions
Triggered when an organization owner disables secret scanning for all new repositories. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
Triggered when an organization owner enables secret scanning for all new repositories.
team category actions
Triggered when a member of an organization is added to a team.
Triggered when a team is given control of a repository.