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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-10-12. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener rendimiento mejorado, seguridad mejorada y nuevas características, actualice a la versión más reciente de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, póngase en contacto con el soporte técnico de GitHub Enterprise.

Enforcing policies for security settings in your enterprise

You can enforce policies to manage security settings in your enterprise's organizations, or allow policies to be set in each organization.

Who can use this feature

Enterprise owners can enforce policies for security settings in an enterprise.

About policies for security settings in your enterprise

You can enforce policies to control the security settings for organizations owned by your enterprise on GitHub Enterprise Server. By default, organization owners can manage security settings. For more information, see "Keeping your organization secure."

Requiring two-factor authentication for organizations in your enterprise

Enterprise owners can require that organization members, billing managers, and outside collaborators in all organizations owned by an enterprise use two-factor authentication to secure their user accounts.

Before you can require 2FA for all organizations owned by your enterprise, you must enable two-factor authentication for your own account. For more information, see "Securing your account with two-factor authentication (2FA)."


  • When you require two-factor authentication for your enterprise, members, outside collaborators, and billing managers (including bot accounts) in all organizations owned by your enterprise who do not use 2FA will be removed from the organization and lose access to its repositories. They will also lose access to their forks of the organization's private repositories. You can reinstate their access privileges and settings if they enable two-factor authentication for their account within three months of their removal from your organization. For more information, see "Reinstating a former member of your organization."
  • Any organization owner, member, billing manager, or outside collaborator in any of the organizations owned by your enterprise who disables 2FA for their account after you've enabled required two-factor authentication will automatically be removed from the organization.
  • If you're the sole owner of an enterprise that requires two-factor authentication, you won't be able to disable 2FA for your user account without disabling required two-factor authentication for the enterprise.

Before you require use of two-factor authentication, we recommend notifying organization members, outside collaborators, and billing managers and asking them to set up 2FA for their accounts. Organization owners can see if members and outside collaborators already use 2FA on each organization's People page. For more information, see "Viewing whether users in your organization have 2FA enabled."

  1. En la esquina superior derecha de GitHub Enterprise Server, haga clic en la foto de perfil y luego en Configuración de empresa. "Configuración de empresa" en el menú desplegable de la foto de perfil de GitHub Enterprise Server

  2. En la barra lateral de la cuenta de empresa, haga clic en Configuración. Pestaña Configuración en la barra lateral de la cuenta de empresa

  3. In the left sidebar, click Security. Security tab in the enterprise account settings sidebar

  4. Under "Two-factor authentication", review the information about changing the setting. Opcionalmente, para ver la configuración actual en todas las organizaciones de la cuenta empresarial antes de cambiar el valor, haga clic en Ver las configuraciones actuales de las organizaciones. Vínculo para ver la configuración de directiva actual para todas las organizaciones de la empresa

  5. Under "Two-factor authentication", select Require two-factor authentication for all organizations in your business, then click Save. Checkbox to require two-factor authentication

  6. If prompted, read the information about members and outside collaborators who will be removed from the organizations owned by your enterprise. To confirm the change, type your enterprise's name, then click Remove members & require two-factor authentication. Confirm two-factor enforcement box

  7. Optionally, if any members or outside collaborators are removed from the organizations owned by your enterprise, we recommend sending them an invitation to reinstate their former privileges and access to your organization. Each person must enable two-factor authentication before they can accept your invitation.

Managing SSH certificate authorities for your enterprise

You can use a SSH certificate authorities (CA) to allow members of any organization owned by your enterprise to access that organization's repositories using SSH certificates you provide. Puedes solicitar que los miembros usen certificados SSH para acceder a los recursos de la organización, a menos que el acceso por SSH esté inhabilitado en tu repositorio. For more information, see "About SSH certificate authorities."

Cuando emites cada uno de los certificados de cliente, debes incluir una extensión que especifique para cuál usuario de GitHub Enterprise Server es cada uno de ellos. Para más información, vea "Acerca de las entidades de certificación de SSH".

Adding an SSH certificate authority

If you require SSH certificates for your enterprise, enterprise members should use a special URL for Git operations over SSH. For more information, see "About SSH certificate authorities."

  1. En la esquina superior derecha de GitHub Enterprise Server, haga clic en la foto de perfil y luego en Configuración de empresa. "Configuración de empresa" en el menú desplegable de la foto de perfil de GitHub Enterprise Server

  2. En la barra lateral de la cuenta de empresa, haga clic en Configuración. Pestaña Configuración en la barra lateral de la cuenta de empresa

  3. In the left sidebar, click Security. Security tab in the enterprise account settings sidebar

  4. A la derecha de "Entidades de certificación SSH", haga clic en Nueva CA. Botón Nueva CA

  5. Debajo de "Llave", pega tu llave SSH pública. Campo clave para agregar CA

  6. Haga clic en Agregar etiqueta.

  7. Opcionalmente, para exigir que los miembros usen certificados SSH, seleccione Exigir certificados SSH y, después, haga clic en Guardar. Casilla para exigir el certificado SSH y botón de guardar

Deleting an SSH certificate authority

Deleting a CA cannot be undone. If you want to use the same CA in the future, you'll need to upload the CA again.

  1. En la esquina superior derecha de GitHub Enterprise Server, haga clic en la foto de perfil y luego en Configuración de empresa. "Configuración de empresa" en el menú desplegable de la foto de perfil de GitHub Enterprise Server

  2. En la barra lateral de la cuenta de empresa, haga clic en Configuración. Pestaña Configuración en la barra lateral de la cuenta de empresa

  3. In the left sidebar, click Security. Security tab in the enterprise account settings sidebar

  4. En "Entidades de certificación SSH", a la derecha de la entidad de certificación que quiera eliminar, haga clic en Eliminar. Botón Delete (Eliminar)

  5. Lea la advertencia y, después, haga clic en Entiendo, eliminar esta CA. Botón de confirmación de eliminación