About filtering security overview
You can use filters in a security overview to narrow your focus based on a range of factors, like alert risk level, alert type, and feature enablement. Different filters are available depending on the specific view, and whether you are viewing data at the enterprise or organization level.
The information shown by security overview varies according to your access to repositories and organizations, and according to whether GitHub Advanced Security is used by those repositories and organizations. For more information, see About security overview.
Filter logic for security overview
You can apply filters and use logical operators to display results that meet specific criteria on security overview. By default, if you apply several different filters, you are using AND logic, meaning you will only see results that match every filter you apply. For example, if you add the filter is:public dependabot:enabled
, you will only see results from repositories that are public and have Dependabot enabled.
Currently, there are two logical operators that you can apply to your filters on security overview:
- The
operator applies NOT logic, displaying all results except those that match the specified filter. To use the-
operator, add it to the beginning of a filter. For example, filtering for-repo:REPOSITORY-NAME
will display data from all repositories exceptREPOSITORY-NAME
. - The
operator applies OR logic, displaying results that match any of the specified values for a single filter. To use the,
operator, add it between each listed value for a filter. For example, filtering foris:public,private
will display data from all repositories that are public or private. Similarly, if you apply the same filter multiple times with different values, you are using OR logic. For example,is:public is:private
is equivalent tois:public,private
Filter methods
All security views have features to help you define filters. These provide an easy way to set up filters and understand the options available.
- Interactive search text box. When you click in the search box and press the keyboard "Space" key, a pop-up text box shows the filter options available in that view. You can use the mouse or keyboard arrow keys to select the options you want in the text box before pressing the keyboard "Return" key to add the filter. Supported for all views.
- Dropdown selectors and toggles. Shown at the end of the "Search text box" or in the header of the data table. As you choose the data to view, the filters shown in the search text box are updated accordingly. Supported on the alert views.
- Advanced filters dialog. When you click the Filter button, you can use dropdown lists to select the "Qualifier", "Operator", and "Values" for each filter. Supported on the "Overview" and metric views.
Repository name, visibility, and status filters
In all views, there are two methods for filtering results by repository name.
- Free text or keyword search. Display data for all repositories with a name that contains the keyword. For example, search for
to show data for both the "test-repository" and "octocat-testing" repositories. repo
qualifier. Display data only for the repository that exactly matches the value of the qualifier. For example, search forrepo:octocat-testing
to show data for only the "octocat-testing" repository.
You can also filter by repository visibility (internal, private, or public) and archive status.
Qualifier | Description | Views |
visibility | Display data for all repositories that are public , private , or internal . | "Overview" and metrics |
is | Display data for all repositories that are public , private , or internal . | "Risk" and "Coverage" |
archived | Display only data for archived (true ) or active (false ) repositories. | All except "Alerts" views |
Team and topic filters
These qualifiers are available in all views.
Qualifier | Description |
team | Display data for all repositories that the specified team has write access or admin access to. For more information on repository roles, see Repository roles for an organization. |
topic | Display data for all repositories that are classified with a specific topic. For more information on repository topics, see Classifying your repository with topics. |
Custom repository property filters
Repository properties are in public preview and subject to change.
Custom repository properties are metadata that organization owners can add to repositories in an organization, providing a way to group repositories by the information you are interested in. For example, you can add custom repository properties for compliance frameworks or data sensitivity. For more information on adding custom repository properties, see Managing custom properties for repositories in your organization.
If you add custom properties to your organization and set values for repositories, you can filter the "Overview" using those custom properties as qualifiers. These qualifiers are available in both the organization-level and enterprise-level views.
qualifier. The qualifier consists of aprops.
prefix, followed by the name of the custom property. For example,props.data_sensitivity:high
displays results for repositories with thedata_sensitivity
property set to the valuehigh
. |
Repository owner name and type filters
In enterprise-level views, you can limit the data to repositories owned by a single organization in your enterprise.
Qualifier | Description | Views |
owner | Display data for all repositories owned by one account owner. | Most views |
org | Display data for repositories owned by one organization. | Dependabot alerts and code scanning alerts |
Security feature enablement filters
In the "Risk" and "Coverage" views, you can show data only for repositories where security features are enabled (enabled
), or not enabled (not-enabled
Qualifier | Description |
code-scanning-alerts | Display repositories that have configured code scanning. |
dependabot-alerts | Display repositories that have enabled Dependabot alerts. |
secret-scanning-alerts | Display repositories that have enabled secret scanning alerts. |
any-feature | Display repositories where at least one security feature is enabled. |
Extra filters for the "Coverage" view
Qualifier | Description |
advanced-security | Display data for repositories where GitHub Advanced Security is enabled or not enabled. |
code-scanning-default-setup | Display data for repositories where code scanning is enabled or not enabled using CodeQL default setup. |
code-scanning-pull-request-alerts | Display data for repositories where code scanning is enabled or not enabled to run on pull requests. |
dependabot-security-updates | Display data for repositories where Dependabot security updates is enabled or not enabled. |
secret-scanning-push-protection | Display data for repositories where push protection for secret scanning is enabled or not enabled. |
Alert number filters
In the "Risk" view, you can filter repositories by the number of alerts they have of a specific type.
Qualifier | Description |
code-scanning-alerts | Display data for repositories that have exactly (= ), more than (> ) or fewer than (< ) a specific number of code scanning alerts. For example: code-scanning-alerts:>100 for repositories with more than 100 alerts. |
dependabot-alerts | Display data for repositories that have a specific number (= ), more than (> ) or fewer than (< ) a specific number of Dependabot alerts. For example: dependabot-alerts:<=10 for repositories with fewer than or equal to 10 alerts. |
secret-scanning-alerts | Display data for repositories that have a specific number (= ), more than (> ) or fewer than (< ) a specific number of secret scanning alerts. For example: secret-scanning-alerts:=10 for repositories with exactly 10 alerts. |
Alert type and property filters
You can filter the "Overview" view by the type and property of alerts. Use the tool
qualifier to display only data for alerts generated by a specific tool or type of tool.
to show data only for code scanning alerts generated using CodeQL.tool:dependabot
to show data only for Dependabot alerts.tool:secret-scanning
to show data only for secret scanning alerts.tool:github
to show data for all types of alerts generated by GitHub tools or by third-party tools.tool:TOOL-NAME
to show data for all alerts generated by a third-party tool for code scanning.
You can also filter the "Overview" view by properties of alerts.
Qualifier | Description |
codeql.rule | Display data only for code scanning identified by a specific rule for CodeQL. |
dependabot.ecosystem | Display data only for Dependabot alerts for a specific ecosystem, for example: npm . |
dependabot.package | Display data only for Dependabot alerts for a specific package, for example: tensorflow . |
dependabot.scope | Display data only for Dependabot alerts with a runtime or development scope. |
secret-scanning.bypassed | Display data only for secret scanning alerts where push protection was bypassed (true ) or not bypassed (false ). |
secret-scanning.provider | Display data only for secret scanning alerts issued by a specific provider, for example: secret-scanning.provider:adafruit . |
secret-scanning.secret-type | Display data only for secret scanning alerts for a specific type of secret, for example: secret-scanning.secret-type:adafruit_ . |
secret-scanning.validity | Display data only for secret scanning alerts for a specific validity (active , inactive , or unknown ). |
severity | Display data only for alerts of a specific severity (critical , high , medium , or low ). |
third-party.rule | Display data only for code scanning identified by a specific rule for a tool developed by a third party. For example, third-party.rule:CVE-2021-26291-maven-artifact shows only results for the CVE-2021-26291-maven-artifact rule of a third-party code scanning tool. |
Dependabot alert view filters
You can filter the view to show Dependabot alerts that are ready to fix or where additional information about exposure is available. You can click any result to see full details of the alert.
Qualifier | Description |
ecosystem | Display Dependabot alerts detected in a specified ecosystem, for example: ecosystem:Maven . |
has | Display Dependabot alerts for vulnerabilities where either a secure version is already available (patch ) or where at least one call from the repository to a vulnerable function is detected (vulnerable-calls ). For more information, see Viewing and updating Dependabot alerts. |
is | Display Dependabot alerts that are open (open ) or closed (closed ). |
package | Display Dependabot alerts detected in the specified package, for example: package:semver . |
resolution | Display Dependabot alerts closed as "auto-dismissed" (auto-dismissed ), "a fix has already been started" (fix-started ), "fixed" (fixed ), "this alert is inaccurate or incorrect" (inaccurate ), "no bandwidth to fix this" (no-bandwidth ), "vulnerable code is not actually used" (not-used ), or "risk is tolerable to this project" (tolerable-risk ). |
scope | Display Dependabot alerts from the development dependency (development ) or from the runtime dependency (runtime ). |
sort | Groups Dependabot alerts by the manifest file path the alerts point to (manifest-path ) or by the name of the package where the alert was detected (package-name ). Alternatively, displays alerts from most important to least important, as determined by CVSS score, vulnerability impact, relevancy, and actionability (most-important ), from newest to oldest (newest ), from oldest to newest (oldest ), or from most to least severe (severity ). |
Code scanning alert view filters
All code scanning alerts have one of the categories shown below. You can click any result to see full details of the relevant query and the line of code that triggered the alert.
Qualifier | Description |
is | Display code scanning alerts that are open (open ) or closed (closed ). |
resolution | Display code scanning alerts closed as "false positive" (false-postive ), "fixed" (fixed ), "used in tests" (used-in-tests ), or "won't fix" (wont-fix ). |
rule | Display code scanning alerts identified by the specified rule. |
severity | Display code scanning alerts categorized as critical , high , medium , or low security alerts. Alternatively, displays code scanning alerts categorized as error , warning , note problems. |
sort | Display alerts from newest to oldest (created-desc ), oldest to newest (created-asc ), most recently updated (updated-desc ), or least recently updated (updated-asc ). |
tool | Display code scanning alerts detected by the specified tool, for example: tool:CodeQL for alerts created using the CodeQL application in GitHub. |
Secret scanning alert view filters
Qualifier | Description |
bypassed | Display secret scanning alerts where push protection was bypassed (true ) or not bypassed (false ). |
results | Display default (default ) or experimental (experimental ) secret scanning alerts. |
is | Display secret scanning alerts that are open (open ) or closed (closed ). |
provider | Display alerts for all secrets issued by a specified provider, for example: adafruit . |
resolution | Display secret scanning alerts closed as "false positive" (false-positive ), "pattern deleted" (pattern-deleted ), "pattern edited' (pattern-edited ), "revoked" (revoked ) "used in tests" (used-in-tests ), or "won't fix" (wont-fix ). |
sort | Display alerts from newest to oldest (created-desc ), oldest to newest (created-asc ), most recently updated (updated-desc ), or least recently updated (updated-asc ). |
secret-type | Display alerts for the specified secret and provider (provider-pattern ) or custom pattern (custom-pattern ). |