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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-06-03. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener un mejor desempeño, más seguridad y nuevas características, actualiza a la última versión de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, contacta al soporte de GitHub Enterprise.

Managing releases in a repository

You can create releases to bundle and deliver iterations of a project to users.

Repository collaborators and people with write access to a repository can create, edit, and delete a release.

About release management

You can create new releases with release notes, @mentions of contributors, and links to binary files, as well as edit or delete existing releases.

Creating a release

  1. En tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server, visita la página principal del repositorio.

  2. A la derecha de la lista de archivos, haz clic en Lanzamientos. Sección de lanzamientos en la barra lateral de lado derecho

  3. Click Draft a new release.

    Releases draft button

  4. Type a version number for your release. Alternatively, select an existing tag.

    Releases tagged version

  5. If you have created a new tag, use the drop-down menu to select the branch that contains the project you want to release.

    Releases tagged branch

  6. Type a title and description for your release.

    Releases description

  7. Optionally, to include binary files such as compiled programs in your release, drag and drop or manually select files in the binaries box. Providing a DMG with the Release

  8. To notify users that the release is not ready for production and may be unstable, select This is a pre-release. Checkbox to mark a release as prerelease

  9. If you're ready to publicize your release, click Publish release. To work on the release later, click Save draft. Publish release and Draft release buttons

Para aprender más sobre el CLI de GitHub, consulta la sección "Acerca del CLI de GitHub".

  1. To create a release, use the gh release create subcommand. Replace tag with the desired tag for the release.

    gh release create tag
  2. Follow the interactive prompts. Alternatively, you can specify arguments to skip these prompts. For more information about possible arguments, see the CLI de GitHub manual. For example, this command creates a prerelease with the specified title and notes.

    gh release create v1.3.2 --title "v1.3.2 (beta)" --notes "this is a beta release" --prerelease

Editing a release

  1. En tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server, visita la página principal del repositorio.

  2. A la derecha de la lista de archivos, haz clic en Lanzamientos. Sección de lanzamientos en la barra lateral de lado derecho

  3. On the right side of the page, next to the release you want to edit, click Edit release. Edit a release

  4. Edit the details for the release in the form, then click Update release. Update a release

Releases cannot currently be edited with CLI de GitHub.

Deleting a release

  1. En tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server, visita la página principal del repositorio.

  2. A la derecha de la lista de archivos, haz clic en Lanzamientos. Sección de lanzamientos en la barra lateral de lado derecho

  3. Click the name of the release you wish to delete. Link to view release

  4. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Delete. Delete release button

  5. Click Delete this release. Confirm delete release

  1. To delete a release, use the gh release delete subcommand. Replace tag with the tag of the release to delete. Use the -y flag to skip confirmation.

    gh release delete tag -y