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Viewing a summary of repository activity

You can view an overview of a repository's activity through Pulse. Pulse includes a list of open and merged pull requests, open and closed issues, and a graph showing the commit activity for the top 15 users who committed to the default branch of the project in the selected time period.

This repository insights graph is available in public repositories with GitHub Free and GitHub Free for organizations, and in public and private repositories with GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server.

In this article

Commit co-authors are included in the commit activity summary if their commits were merged into the repository's default branch and they're in the top 15 users who have contributed the most commits.

Accessing pulse

  1. On GitHub Enterprise Server, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. Under your repository name, click Insights.
    Insights tab in the main repository navigation bar

Filtering by time

By default, Pulse shows the last seven days of repository activity. To choose a different time period, click the Period dropdown in the upper-right corner of the Pulse overview.

Filtering Pulse activity by time