This version of GitHub Enterprise was discontinued on March 02, 2021. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Git and GitHub learning resources

There are a lot of helpful Git and GitHub Enterprise Server resources on the web. This is a short list of our favorites!

In this article

Using Git

Familiarize yourself with Git by visiting the official Git project site and reading the ProGit book. You can review the Git command list or Git command lookup reference while using the Try Git simulator.

Using GitHub Enterprise Server

Become better acquainted with GitHub Enterprise Server through our getting started articles. See our GitHub flow for a process introduction. Refer to our overview guides to walk through basic concepts.

You can connect with developers around the world in the GitHub Community Support to ask and answer questions, learn, and interact directly with GitHub Enterprise Server staff.

Branches, forks, and pull requests

Learn about Git branching using an interactive tool. Read about forks and pull requests as well as how we use pull requests at GitHub. Access references about using GitHub from the command line.

Tune in

Our GitHub YouTube Training and Guides channel offers tutorials about pull requests, forking, rebase, and reset functions. Each topic is covered in 5 minutes or less.


Free courses

GitHub Enterprise Server offers a series of interactive, on-demand training courses including Introduction to GitHub; courses on programming languages and tools such as HTML, Python, and NodeJS; and courses on GitHub Enterprise Server specific tools such as GitHub Actions.

GitHub's web-based educational programs

GitHub offers live trainings with a hands-on, project-based approach for those who love the command line and those who don't.

Training for your company

GitHub offers in-person classes taught by our highly-experienced educators. Contact us to ask your training-related questions.


An interactive online Git course from Code School has seven levels with dozens of exercises in a fun game format. Feel free to adapt our .gitignore templates to meet your needs.

Extend your GitHub reach through integrations, or by installing GitHub Desktop and the robust Atom text editor.

Learn how to launch and grow your open source project with the Open Source Guides.