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This version of GitHub Enterprise Server was discontinued on 2023-09-25. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Configuration options for the dependabot.yml file

Detailed information for all the options you can use to customize how Dependabot maintains your repositories.

Who can use this feature

People with write permissions to a repository can configure Dependabot for the repository.

Note: Your site administrator must set up Dependabot updates for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance before you can use this feature. For more information, see "Enabling Dependabot for your enterprise."

About the dependabot.yml file

The Dependabot configuration file, dependabot.yml, uses YAML syntax. If you're new to YAML and want to learn more, see "Learn YAML in five minutes."

You must store this file in the .github directory of your repository in the default branch. When you add or update the dependabot.yml file, this triggers an immediate check for version updates. For more information and an example, see "Configuring Dependabot version updates."

Any options that also affect security updates are used the next time a security alert triggers a pull request for a security update. For more information, see "Configuring Dependabot security updates."

Note: You cannot configure Dependabot alerts using the dependabot.yml file.

The dependabot.yml file has two mandatory top-level keys: version, and updates. You can, optionally, include a top-level registries key. The file must start with version: 2.

For a real-world example of dependabot.yml file, see Dependabot's own configuration file.

Configuration options for the dependabot.yml file

The top-level updates key is mandatory. You use it to configure how Dependabot updates the versions or your project's dependencies. Each entry configures the update settings for a particular package manager. You can use the following options.

OptionRequiredSecurity UpdatesVersion UpdatesDescription
package-ecosystemPackage manager to use
directoryLocation of package manifests
schedule.intervalHow often to check for updates
allowCustomize which updates are allowed
assigneesAssignees to set on pull requests
commit-messageCommit message preferences
enable-beta-ecosystemsEnable ecosystems that have beta-level support
ignoreSee ignoreSee ignoreIgnore certain dependencies or versions
insecure-external-code-executionAllow or deny code execution in manifest files
labelsLabels to set on pull requests
milestoneMilestone to set on pull requests
open-pull-requests-limitLimit number of open pull requests for version updates
pull-request-branch-name.separatorChange separator for pull request branch names
rebase-strategyDisable automatic rebasing
registriesPrivate registries that Dependabot can access
reviewersReviewers to set on pull requests
schedule.dayDay of week to check for updates
schedule.timeTime of day to check for updates (hh:mm)
schedule.timezoneTimezone for time of day (zone identifier)
target-branchBranch to create pull requests against
vendorUpdate vendored or cached dependencies
versioning-strategyHow to update manifest version requirements

These options fit broadly into the following categories.

In addition, the open-pull-requests-limit option changes the maximum number of pull requests for version updates that Dependabot can open.

Note: Some of these configuration options may also affect pull requests raised for security updates of vulnerable package manifests.

Security updates are raised for vulnerable package manifests only on the default branch. When configuration options are set for the same branch (true unless you use target-branch), and specify a package-ecosystem and directory for the vulnerable manifest, then pull requests for security updates use relevant options.

In general, security updates use any configuration options that affect pull requests, for example, adding metadata or changing their behavior. For more information about security updates, see "Configuring Dependabot security updates."


Required. You add one package-ecosystem element for each package manager that you want Dependabot to monitor for new versions. The repository must also contain a dependency manifest or lock file for each of these package managers. If you want to enable vendoring for a package manager that supports it, the vendored dependencies must be located in the required directory. For more information, see vendor below.

Note: Enterprise owners can download the most recent version of the Dependabot action to get the best ecosystem coverage. For more information about the action, and for instructions about how to download the most recent version, see "Using the latest version of the official bundled actions."

The following table shows, for each package manager:

  • The YAML value to use in the dependabot.yml file
  • The supported versions of the package manager
  • Whether dependencies in private GitHub repositories or registries are supported
  • Whether vendored dependencies are supported
Package managerYAML valueSupported versionsPrivate repositoriesPrivate registriesVendoring
Bundlerbundlerv1, v2
Cargocargov1 (git only)
Composercomposerv1, v2
Dockerdockerv1Not applicable
git submodulegitsubmoduleNot applicableNot applicable
GitHub Actionsgithub-actionsNot applicableNot applicable
Go modulesgomodv1
GradlegradleNot applicable
MavenmavenNot applicable
npmnpmv6, v7, v8, v9
NuGetnuget<= 4.8
pipenvpip<= 2021-05-29
Terraformterraform>= 0.13, <= 1.5.xNot applicable

Tip: For package managers such as pipenv and poetry, you need to use the pip YAML value. For example, if you use poetry to manage your Python dependencies and want Dependabot to monitor your dependency manifest file for new versions, use package-ecosystem: "pip" in your dependabot.yml file.


Private registry support applies to git registries, and doesn't include cargo registries.

GitHub Actions

Dependabot only supports updates to GitHub Actions using the GitHub repository syntax, such as actions/checkout@v4. Dependabot will ignore actions or reusable workflows referenced locally (for example, ./.github/actions/foo.yml).

Docker Hub and GitHub Packages Container registry URLs are currently not supported. For example, references to Docker container actions using docker:// syntax aren't supported.

Dependabot supports both public and private repositories for GitHub Actions. For private registry configuration options, see "git" in "Configuration options for the dependabot.yml file."


Gradle is supported for Dependabot version updates only.

Dependabot doesn't run Gradle but supports updates to the following files:

  • build.gradle, build.gradle.kts (for Kotlin projects)
  • Files included via the apply declaration that have dependencies in the filename. Note that apply does not support apply to, recursion, or advanced syntaxes (for example, Kotlin's apply with mapOf, filenames defined by property).


Dependabot doesn't run Maven but supports updates to pom.xml files.


Dependabot doesn't run the NuGet CLI but does support most features up until version 4.8.


pnpm is supported for Dependabot version updates only. Dependabot security updates are not currently supported.


Dependabot won't perform an update for pub when the version that it tries to update to is ignored, even if an earlier version is available.

Example of a basic setup for three package managers

# Basic set up for three package managers

version: 2

  # Maintain dependencies for GitHub Actions
  - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
    # Workflow files stored in the default location of `.github/workflows`. (You don't need to specify `/.github/workflows` for `directory`. You can use `directory: "/"`.)
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"

  # Maintain dependencies for npm
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"

  # Maintain dependencies for Composer
  - package-ecosystem: "composer"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"


Required. You must define the location of the package manifests for each package manager (for example, the package.json or Gemfile). You define the directory relative to the root of the repository for all ecosystems except GitHub Actions.

For GitHub Actions, you do not need to set the directory to /.github/workflows. Configuring the key to / automatically instructs Dependabot to search the /.github/workflows directory, as well as the action.yml / action.yaml file from the root directory.

# Specify location of manifest files for each package manager

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "composer"
    # Files stored in repository root
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"

  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    # Files stored in `app` directory
    directory: "/app"
      interval: "weekly"

  - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
    # Workflow files stored in the default location of `.github/workflows`. (You don't need to specify `/.github/workflows` for `directory`. You can use `directory: "/"`.)
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"


Required. You must define how often to check for new versions for each package manager. By default, Dependabot randomly assigns a time to apply all the updates in the configuration file. To set a specific time, you can use schedule.time and schedule.timezone.

Note: The schedule.time option is a best effort, and it may take some time before Dependabot opens pull requests to update to newer dependency versions.

Interval typesFrequency
dailyRuns on every weekday, Monday to Friday.
weeklyRuns once each week. By default, this is on Monday. To modify this, use
monthlyRuns once each month. This is on the first day of the month.
# Set update schedule for each package manager

version: 2

  - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
    # Workflow files stored in the default location of `.github/workflows`. (You don't need to specify `/.github/workflows` for `directory`. You can use `directory: "/"`.)
    directory: "/"
      # Check for updates to GitHub Actions every weekday
      interval: "daily"

  - package-ecosystem: "composer"
    directory: "/"
      # Check for updates managed by Composer once a week
      interval: "weekly"

Note: schedule defines when Dependabot attempts a new update. However, it's not the only time you may receive pull requests. Updates can be triggered based on changes to your dependabot.yml file, changes to your manifest file(s) after a failed update, or Dependabot security updates. For more information, see "About Dependabot version updates" and "About Dependabot security updates."


By default all dependencies that are explicitly defined in a manifest are kept up to date by Dependabot version updates. In addition, Dependabot security updates also update vulnerable dependencies that are defined in lock files. You can use allow and ignore to customize which dependencies to maintain. Dependabot checks for all allowed dependencies and then filters out any ignored dependencies or versions. So a dependency that is matched by both an allow and an ignore will be ignored.

Use the allow option to customize which dependencies are updated. This applies to both version and security updates. You can use the following options:

  • dependency-name—use to allow updates for dependencies with matching names, optionally using * to match zero or more characters.

    • For Java dependencies, the format of the dependency-name attribute is: groupId:artifactId; for example: org.kohsuke:github-api.
    • For Docker image tags, the format is the full name of the repository; for example, for an image tag of <account ID>, use base/foo/bar/ruby.
  • dependency-type—use to allow updates for dependencies of specific types.

    Dependency typesSupported by package managersAllow updates
    directAllAll explicitly defined dependencies.
    indirectbundler, pip, composer, cargoDependencies of direct dependencies (also known as sub-dependencies, or transient dependencies).
    allAllAll explicitly defined dependencies. For bundler, pip, composer, cargo, also the dependencies of direct dependencies.
    productionbundler, composer, mix, maven, npm, pipOnly dependencies in the "Production dependency group".
    developmentbundler, composer, mix, maven, npm, pipOnly dependencies in the "Development dependency group".
# Use `allow` to specify which dependencies to maintain

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      # Allow updates for Lodash
      - dependency-name: "lodash"
      # Allow updates for React and any packages starting "react"
      - dependency-name: "react*"

  - package-ecosystem: "composer"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      # Allow both direct and indirect updates for all packages
      - dependency-type: "all"

  - package-ecosystem: "pip"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      # Allow only direct updates for
      # Django and any packages starting "django"
      - dependency-name: "django*"
        dependency-type: "direct"
      # Allow only production updates for Sphinx
      - dependency-name: "sphinx"
        dependency-type: "production"


Use assignees to specify individual assignees for all pull requests raised for a package manager.

Setting this option will also affect pull requests for security updates to the manifest files of this package manager, unless you use target-branch to check for version updates on a non-default branch.

# Specify assignees for pull requests

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Add assignees
      - "octocat"


By default, Dependabot attempts to detect your commit message preferences and use similar patterns. Use the commit-message option to specify your preferences explicitly.

Supported options

Note: The prefix and the prefix-development options have a 15 character limit.

  • prefix specifies a prefix for all commit messages. When you specify a prefix for commit messages, GitHub will automatically add a colon between the defined prefix and the commit message provided the defined prefix ends with a letter, number, closing parenthesis, or closing bracket. This means that, for example, if you end the prefix with a whitespace, there will be no colon added between the prefix and the commit message. The code snippet below provides examples of both in the same configuration file.

  • prefix-development specifies a separate prefix for all commit messages that update dependencies in the Development dependency group. When you specify a value for this option, the prefix is used only for updates to dependencies in the Production dependency group. This is supported by: bundler, composer, mix, maven, npm, and pip.

  • include: "scope" specifies that any prefix is followed by a list of the dependencies updated in the commit.

Setting this option will also affect pull requests for security updates to the manifest files of this package manager, unless you use target-branch to check for version updates on a non-default branch.

# Customize commit messages

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      # Prefix all commit messages with "npm: "
      prefix: "npm"

  - package-ecosystem: "docker"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      # Prefix all commit messages with "[docker] " (no colon, but a trailing whitespace)
      prefix: "[docker] "

  - package-ecosystem: "composer"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Prefix all commit messages with "Composer" plus its scope, that is, a
    # list of updated dependencies
      prefix: "Composer"
      include: "scope"

  - package-ecosystem: "pip"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Include a list of updated dependencies
    # with a prefix determined by the dependency group
      prefix: "pip prod"
      prefix-development: "pip dev"
      include: "scope"

If you use the same configuration as in the example above, bumping the requests library in the pip development dependency group will generate a commit message of:

pip dev: bump requests from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1


By default all dependencies that are explicitly defined in a manifest are kept up to date by Dependabot version updates. In addition, Dependabot security updates also update vulnerable dependencies that are defined in lock files. You can use allow and ignore to customize which dependencies to maintain. Dependabot checks for all allowed dependencies and then filters out any ignored dependencies or versions. So a dependency that is matched by both an allow and an ignore will be ignored.

Dependencies can be ignored either by adding them to ignore or by using the @dependabot ignore command on a pull request opened by Dependabot.

Creating ignore conditions from @dependabot ignore

Dependencies ignored by using the @dependabot ignore command are stored centrally for each package manager. If you start ignoring dependencies in the dependabot.yml file, these existing preferences are considered alongside the ignore dependencies in the configuration.

You can check whether a repository has stored ignore preferences by searching the repository for "@dependabot ignore" in:comments, or by using the @dependabot show DEPENDENCY_NAME ignore conditions comment command. If you wish to unblock updates for a dependency ignored this way, re-open the pull request. This clears the ignore conditions that were set when the pull request was closed and resumes those Dependabot version updates for the dependency. To update the dependency to a newer version, merge the pull request.

For more information about the @dependabot ignore commands, see "Managing pull requests for dependency updates."

Specifying dependencies and versions to ignore

You can use the ignore option to customize which dependencies are updated. The ignore option supports the following options.

dependency-nameUse to ignore updates for dependencies with matching names, optionally using * to match zero or more characters.
For Java dependencies, the format of the dependency-name attribute is: groupId:artifactId (for example: org.kohsuke:github-api).
To prevent Dependabot from automatically updating TypeScript type definitions from DefinitelyTyped, use @types/*.
versionsUse to ignore specific versions or ranges of versions. If you want to define a range, use the standard pattern for the package manager.
For example, for npm, use ^1.0.0; for Bundler, use ~> 2.0; for Docker, use Ruby version syntax; for NuGet, use 7.*.
update-typesUse to ignore types of updates, such as semver major, minor, or patch updates on version updates (for example: version-update:semver-patch will ignore patch updates). You can combine this with dependency-name: "*" to ignore particular update-types for all dependencies.
Currently, version-update:semver-major, version-update:semver-minor, and version-update:semver-patch are the only supported options.

When used alone, the ignore.versions key affects both Dependabot updates, but the ignore.update-types key affects only Dependabot version updates.

However, if versions and update-types are used together in the same ignore rule, both Dependabot updates are affected, unless the configuration uses target-branch to check for version updates on a non-default branch.

# Use `ignore` to specify dependencies that should not be updated

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      - dependency-name: "express"
        # For Express, ignore all Dependabot updates for version 4 and 5
        versions: ["4.x", "5.x"]
        # For Lodash, ignore all updates
      - dependency-name: "lodash"
        # For AWS SDK, ignore all patch updates for version updates only
      - dependency-name: "aws-sdk"
        update-types: ["version-update:semver-patch"]

Note: Dependabot can only run version updates on manifest or lock files if it can access all of the dependencies in the file, even if you add inaccessible dependencies to the ignore option of your configuration file. For more information, see "Managing security and analysis settings for your organization" and "Troubleshooting Dependabot errors."

Note: For the pub ecosystem, Dependabot won't perform an update when the version that it tries to update to is ignored, even if an earlier version is available.


Package managers with the package-ecosystem values bundler, mix, and pip may execute external code in the manifest as part of the version update process. This might allow a compromised package to steal credentials or gain access to configured registries. When you add a registries setting within an updates configuration, Dependabot automatically prevents external code execution, in which case the version update may fail. You can choose to override this behavior and allow external code execution for bundler, mix, and pip package managers by setting insecure-external-code-execution to allow.

# Allow external code execution when updating dependencies from private registries

version: 2
    type: rubygems-server
    token: ${{secrets.MY_GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN}}
  - package-ecosystem: "bundler"
    directory: "/rubygems-server"
    insecure-external-code-execution: allow
    registries: "*"
      interval: "monthly"

If you define a registries setting to allow Dependabot to access a private package registry, and you set insecure-external-code-execution to allow in the same updates configuration, external code execution that occurs will only have access to the package managers in the registries associated with that updatessetting. There is no access allowed to any of the registries defined in the top level registries configuration.

In this example, the configuration file allows Dependabot to access the ruby-github private package registry. In the same updatessetting, insecure-external-code-executionis set to allow, which means that the code executed by dependencies will only access the ruby-github registry, and not the dockerhub registry.

# Using `registries` in conjunction with `insecure-external-code-execution:allow`
# in the same `updates` setting

version: 2
    type: rubygems-server
    token: ${{secrets.MY_GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN}}
    type: docker-registry
    username: octocat
    password: ${{secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD}}
  - package-ecosystem: "bundler"
    directory: "/rubygems-server"
    insecure-external-code-execution: allow
      - ruby-github # only access to registries associated with this ecosystem/directory
      interval: "monthly"

You can explicitly deny external code execution, regardless of whether there is a registries setting for this update configuration, by setting insecure-external-code-execution to deny.


By default, Dependabot raises all pull requests with the dependencies label. If more than one package manager is defined, Dependabot includes an additional label on each pull request. This indicates which language or ecosystem the pull request will update, for example: java for Gradle updates and submodules for git submodule updates. Dependabot creates these default labels automatically, as necessary in your repository.

Use labels to override the default labels and specify alternative labels for all pull requests raised for a package manager. If any of these labels is not defined in the repository, it is ignored. To disable all labels, including the default labels, use labels: [ ].

Setting this option will also affect pull requests for security updates to the manifest files of this package manager, unless you use target-branch to check for version updates on a non-default branch.

# Specify labels for pull requests

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Specify labels for npm pull requests
      - "npm"
      - "dependencies"


Use milestone to associate all pull requests raised for a package manager with a milestone. You need to specify the numeric identifier of the milestone and not its label. If you view a milestone, the final part of the page URL, after milestone, is the identifier. For example:<org>/<repo>/milestone/3.

Setting this option will also affect pull requests for security updates to the manifest files of this package manager, unless you use target-branch to check for version updates on a non-default branch.

# Specify a milestone for pull requests

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Associate pull requests with milestone "4"
    milestone: 4


By default, Dependabot opens a maximum of five pull requests for version updates. Once there are five open pull requests from Dependabot, Dependabot will not open any new requests until some of those open requests are merged or closed. Use open-pull-requests-limit to change this limit. This also provides a simple way to temporarily disable version updates for a package manager.

This option has no impact on security updates, which have a separate, internal limit of ten open pull requests.

# Specify the number of open pull requests allowed

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Disable version updates for npm dependencies
    open-pull-requests-limit: 0

  - package-ecosystem: "pip"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Allow up to 10 open pull requests for pip dependencies
    open-pull-requests-limit: 10


Dependabot generates a branch for each pull request. Each branch name includes dependabot, and the package manager and dependency that are updated. By default, these parts are separated by a / symbol, for example: dependabot/npm_and_yarn/next_js/acorn-6.4.1.

Use pull-request-branch-name.separator to specify a different separator. This can be one of: "-", _ or /. The hyphen symbol must be quoted because otherwise it's interpreted as starting an empty YAML list.

Setting this option will also affect pull requests for security updates to the manifest files of this package manager, unless you use target-branch to check for version updates on a non-default branch.

# Specify a different separator for branch names

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      # Separate sections of the branch name with a hyphen
      # for example, `dependabot-npm_and_yarn-next_js-acorn-6.4.1`
      separator: "-"


By default, Dependabot automatically rebases open pull requests when it detects any changes to the pull request. Use rebase-strategy to disable this behavior.

Available rebase strategies

  • auto to use the default behavior and rebase open pull requests when changes are detected.
  • disabled to disable automatic rebasing.

When rebase-strategy is set to auto, Dependabot attempts to rebase pull requests in the following cases.

  • When you use Dependabot version updates, for any open Dependabot pull request when your schedule runs.
  • When you reopen a closed Dependabot pull request.
  • When you change the value of target-branch in the Dependabot configuration file. For more information about this field, see "target-branch."
  • When Dependabot detects that a Dependabot pull request is in conflict after a recent push to the target branch.

Note: Dependabot will keep rebasing a pull request indefinitely until the pull request is closed, merged or you disable Dependabot updates.

When rebase-strategy is set to disabled, Dependabot stops rebasing pull requests.

Note: This behavior only applies to pull requests that go into conflict with the target branch. Dependabot will keep rebasing pull requests opened prior to the rebase-strategy setting being changed, and pull requests that are part of a scheduled run.

Setting this option will also affect pull requests for security updates to the manifest files of this package manager, unless you use target-branch to check for version updates on a non-default branch.

# Disable automatic rebasing

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Disable rebasing for npm pull requests
    rebase-strategy: "disabled"


To allow Dependabot to access a private package registry when performing a version update, you must include a registries setting within the relevant updates configuration. You can allow all of the defined registries to be used by setting registries to "*". Alternatively, you can list the registries that the update can use. To do this, use the name of the registry as defined in the top-level registries section of the dependabot.yml file. For more information, see "Configuration options for private registries" below.

For in-depth information about available options, as well as recommendations and advice when configuring private registries, see "Guidance for the configuration of private registries for Dependabot."

To allow Dependabot to use bundler, mix, and pip package managers to update dependencies in private registries, you can choose to allow external code execution. For more information, see insecure-external-code-execution above.

# Allow Dependabot to use one of the two defined private registries
# when updating dependency versions for this ecosystem

version: 2
    type: maven-repository
    username: octocat
    password: ${{secrets.MY_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD}}
    type: npm-registry
    username: octocat
    password: ${{secrets.MY_NPM_PASSWORD}}
  - package-ecosystem: "gitsubmodule"
    directory: "/"
      - maven-github
      interval: "monthly"


Use reviewers to specify individual reviewers or teams of reviewers for all pull requests raised for a package manager. You must use the full team name, including the organization, as if you were @mentioning the team.

Setting this option will also affect pull requests for security updates to the manifest files of this package manager, unless you use target-branch to check for version updates on a non-default branch.

# Specify reviewers for pull requests

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "pip"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Add reviewers
      - "octocat"
      - "my-username"
      - "my-org/python-team"

When you set a weekly update schedule, by default, Dependabot checks for new versions on Monday at a random set time for the repository. Use to specify an alternative day to check for updates.

Supported values

  • monday
  • tuesday
  • wednesday
  • thursday
  • friday
  • saturday
  • sunday
# Specify the day for weekly checks

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      # Check for npm updates on Sundays
      day: "sunday"


By default, Dependabot checks for new versions at a random set time for the repository. Use schedule.time to specify an alternative time of day to check for updates (format: hh:mm).

# Set a time for checks
version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      # Check for npm updates at 9am UTC
      time: "09:00"


By default, Dependabot checks for new versions at a random set time for the repository. Use schedule.timezone to specify an alternative time zone. The time zone identifier must be from the Time Zone database maintained by iana. For more information, see List of tz database time zones.

# Specify the timezone for checks

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      time: "09:00"
      # Use Japan Standard Time (UTC +09:00)
      timezone: "Asia/Tokyo"


By default, Dependabot checks for manifest files on the default branch and raises pull requests for version updates against this branch. Use target-branch to specify a different branch for manifest files and for pull requests. When you use this option, the settings for this package manager will no longer affect any pull requests raised for security updates.

# Specify a non-default branch for pull requests for pip

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "pip"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Raise pull requests for version updates
    # to pip against the `develop` branch
    target-branch: "develop"
    # Labels on pull requests for version updates only
      - "pip dependencies"

  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      # Check for npm updates on Sundays
      day: "sunday"
    # Labels on pull requests for security and version updates
      - "npm dependencies"


Use the vendor option to tell Dependabot to vendor dependencies when updating them. Don't use this option if you're using gomod as Dependabot automatically detects vendoring for this tool.

# Configure version updates for both dependencies defined in manifests and vendored dependencies

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "bundler"
    # Raise pull requests to update vendored dependencies that are checked in to the repository
    vendor: true
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"

Dependabot only updates the vendored dependencies located in specific directories in a repository.

Package managerRequired file path for vendored dependenciesMore information
bundlerThe dependencies must be in the vendor/cache directory.
Other file paths are not supported.
bundle cache documentation
gomodNo path requirement (dependencies are usually located in the vendor directory)go mod vendor documentation


When Dependabot edits a manifest file to update a version, there are several different potential versioning strategies:

autoTry to differentiate between apps and libraries. Use increase for apps and widen for libraries.
increaseAlways increase the minimum version requirement to match the new version. If a range already exists, typically this only increases the lower bound.
increase-if-necessaryLeave the constraint if the original constraint allows the new version, otherwise, bump the constraint.
lockfile-onlyOnly create pull requests to update lockfiles. Ignore any new versions that would require package manifest changes.
widenWiden the allowed version requirements to include both the new and old versions, when possible. Typically, this only increases the maximum allowed version requirement.
N/ASome package managers do not yet support configuring the versioning-strategy parameter.

The following table shows an example of how versioning-strategy can be used.

Current constraintCurrent versionNew versionStrategyNew constraint
^>=1.0.0 <3.0.0

Use the versioning-strategy option to change this behavior for supported package managers.

Setting this option will also affect pull requests for security updates to the manifest files of this package manager, unless you use target-branch to check for version updates on a non-default branch.

Available update strategies:

EcosystemSupported versioning strategiesDefault strategy
bundlerauto, increase, increase-if-necessary, lockfile-onlyauto
cargoauto, lockfile-onlyauto
composerauto, increase, increase-if-necessary, lockfile-only, widenauto
mixauto, lockfile-onlyauto
npmauto, increase, increase-if-necessary, lockfile-only, widenauto
pipauto, increase, increase-if-necessary, lockfile-onlyauto
pubauto, increase, increase-if-necessary, widenauto

Note: N/A indicates that the package manager does not yet support configuring the versioning-strategy parameter. The strategy code is open source, so if you'd like a particular ecosystem to support a new strategy, you are always welcome to submit a pull request in

# Example configuration for customizing the manifest version strategy

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "composer"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
    # Increase the version requirements for Composer only when required
    versioning-strategy: increase-if-necessary

Configuration options for private registries

The top-level registries key is optional. It allows you to specify authentication details that Dependabot can use to access private package registries.

Note: Private registries behind firewalls on private networks are not supported.

The value of the registries key is an associative array, each element of which consists of a key that identifies a particular registry and a value which is an associative array that specifies the settings required to access that registry. The following dependabot.yml file configures a registry identified as dockerhub in the registries section of the file and then references this in the updates section of the file.

# Minimal settings to update dependencies in one private registry

version: 2
  dockerhub: # Define access for a private registry
    type: docker-registry
    username: octocat
    password: ${{secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD}}
  - package-ecosystem: "docker"
    directory: "/docker-registry/dockerhub"
      - dockerhub # Allow version updates for dependencies in this registry
      interval: "monthly"

You use the following options to specify access settings. Registry settings must contain a type and a url, and typically either a username and password combination or a token.

Option                Description
typeIdentifies the type of registry. See the full list of types below.
urlThe URL to use to access the dependencies in this registry. The protocol is optional. If not specified, https:// is assumed. Dependabot adds or ignores trailing slashes as required.
usernameThe username that Dependabot uses to access the registry.
username is the username or email address for the account.
passwordA reference to a Dependabot secret containing the password for the specified user. For more information, see "Configuring access to private registries for Dependabot."
password is the password for the account specified by the username. If the account is a GitHub account, you can use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password.
keyA reference to a Dependabot secret containing an access key for this registry. For more information, see "Configuring access to private registries for Dependabot."
tokenA reference to a Dependabot secret containing an access token for this registry. For more information, see "Configuring access to private registries for Dependabot."
token is used to provide an access token for an external system and should not be used to provide a GitHub personal access token. If you want to use a GitHub personal access token, you should supply it as a password.
replaces-baseFor registries with type: python-index, if the boolean value is true, pip resolves dependencies by using the specified URL rather than the base URL of the Python Package Index (by default

You must provide the required settings for each configuration type that you specify. Some types allow more than one way to connect. The following sections provide details of the settings you should use for each type.

For in-depth information about available options, as well as recommendations and advice when configuring private registries, see "Guidance for the configuration of private registries for Dependabot."


The composer-repository type supports username and password. If the account is a GitHub account, you can use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password.

This registry type will prefix-match the path provided in the url option. This means you can provide multiple credentials to the same host, which can be used to access distinct paths. However, if you don't have multiple registries on the same host, we recommend that you omit the path from the url, so that all paths to the registry will receive credentials.

    type: composer-repository
    username: octocat
    password: ${{secrets.MY_PACKAGIST_PASSWORD}}


Dependabot works with any container registries that implement the OCI container registry spec. For more information, see Dependabot supports authentication to private registries via a central token service or HTTP Basic Auth. For further details, see Token Authentication Specification in the Docker documentation and Basic access authentication on Wikipedia.

The docker-registry type supports username and password. If the account is a GitHub account, you can use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password.

This registry type will prefix-match the path provided in the url option. This means you can provide multiple credentials to the same host, which can be used to access distinct paths. However, if you don't have multiple registries on the same host, we recommend that you omit the path from the url, so that all paths to the registry will receive credentials.

    type: docker-registry
    username: octocat
    password: ${{secrets.MY_DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD}}

The docker-registry type can also be used to pull from private Amazon ECR using static AWS credentials.

    type: docker-registry
    username: ${{secrets.ECR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}}
    password: ${{secrets.ECR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}}


The git type supports username and password. If the account is a GitHub account, you can use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password.

    type: git
    username: x-access-token
    password: ${{secrets.MY_GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN}}


The hex-organization type supports organization and key.

This registry type will prefix-match the path provided in the url option. This means you can provide multiple credentials to the same host, which can be used to access distinct paths. However, if you don't have multiple registries on the same host, we recommend that you omit the path from the url, so that all paths to the registry will receive credentials.

    type: hex-organization
    organization: github
    key: ${{secrets.MY_HEX_ORGANIZATION_KEY}}


The maven-repository type supports username and password. If the account is a GitHub account, you can use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password.

This registry type will prefix-match the path provided in the url option. This means you can provide multiple credentials to the same host, which can be used to access distinct paths. However, if you don't have multiple registries on the same host, we recommend that you omit the path from the url, so that all paths to the registry will receive credentials.

    type: maven-repository
    username: octocat
    password: ${{secrets.MY_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD}}


The npm-registry type supports username and password, or token. If the account is a GitHub account, you can use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password.

When using username and password, your .npmrc's auth token may contain a base64 encoded _password; however, the password referenced in your Dependabot configuration file must be the original (unencoded) password.

Note: When using, don't include a path. Instead use the URL without a path.

    type: npm-registry
    username: octocat
    password: ${{secrets.MY_NPM_PASSWORD}}  # Must be an unencoded password
    type: npm-registry
    token: ${{secrets.MY_GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN}}


The nuget-feed type supports username and password, or token. If the account is a GitHub account, you can use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password.

    type: nuget-feed
    password: ${{secrets.MY_NUGET_PASSWORD}}
    type: nuget-feed
    password: ${{secrets.MY_AZURE_DEVOPS_TOKEN}}


The python-index type supports username and password, or token. If the account is a GitHub account, you can use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password.

This registry type will prefix-match the path provided in the url option. This means you can provide multiple credentials to the same host, which can be used to access distinct paths. However, if you don't have multiple registries on the same host, we recommend that you omit the path from the url, so that all paths to the registry will receive credentials.

    type: python-index
    username: octocat
    password: ${{secrets.MY_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD}}
    replaces-base: true
    type: python-index
    password: ${{secrets.MY_AZURE_DEVOPS_TOKEN}}
    replaces-base: true


The rubygems-server type supports username and password, or token. If the account is a GitHub account, you can use a GitHub personal access token in place of the password.

This registry type will prefix-match the path provided in the url option. This means you can provide multiple credentials to the same host, which can be used to access distinct paths. However, if you don't have multiple registries on the same host, we recommend that you omit the path from the url, so that all paths to the registry will receive credentials.

    type: rubygems-server
    password: ${{secrets.MY_RUBYGEMS_PASSWORD}}
    type: rubygems-server
    token: ${{secrets.MY_GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN}}


The terraform-registry type supports a token.

    type: terraform-registry
    token: ${{secrets.MY_TERRAFORM_API_TOKEN}}

Enabling support for beta-level ecosystems


By default, Dependabot updates the dependency manifests and lock files only for fully supported ecosystems. Use the enable-beta-ecosystems flag to opt in to updates for ecosystems that are not yet generally available.

There are currently no ecosystems in beta.

# Configure beta ecosystem

version: 2
enable-beta-ecosystems: true
  - package-ecosystem: "beta-ecosystem"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"

Press alt+up to activate