This version of GitHub Enterprise was discontinued on March 02, 2021. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

API previews

You can use API previews to try out new features and provide feedback before these features become official.

In this article

API previews let you try out new APIs and changes to existing API methods before they become part of the official GitHub API.

During the preview period, we may change some features based on developer feedback. If we do make changes, we'll announce them on the developer blog without advance notice.

To access an API preview, you'll need to provide a custom media type in the Accept header for your requests. Feature documentation for each preview specifies which custom media type to provide.

Enhanced deployments

Exercise greater control over deployments with more information and finer granularity.

Custom media type: ant-man-preview Announced: 2016-04-06


Manage reactions for commits, issues, and comments.

Custom media type: squirrel-girl-preview Announced: 2016-05-12 Update: 2016-06-07


Get a list of events for an issue or pull request.

Custom media type: mockingbird-preview Announced: 2016-05-23

Pre-receive environments

Create, list, update, and delete environments for pre-receive hooks.

Custom media type: eye-scream-preview Announced: 2015-07-29


Manage integrations through the API.

Custom media type: machine-man-preview Announced: 2016-09-14


Manage projects.

Custom media type: inertia-preview Announced: 2016-09-14 Update: 2016-10-27

Search commits.

Custom media type: cloak-preview Announced: 2017-01-05

Repository topics

View a list of repository topics in calls that return repository results.

Custom media type: mercy-preview Announced: 2017-01-31

Codes of conduct

View all codes of conduct or get which code of conduct a repository has currently.

Custom media type: scarlet-witch-preview

Global webhooks

Enables global webhooks for organization and user event types. This API preview is only available for GitHub Enterprise Server.

Custom media type: superpro-preview Announced: 2017-12-12

Add lock reason

You can now add a reason when you lock an issue.

Custom media type: sailor-v-preview Announced: 2018-01-10

Require signed commits

You can now use the API to manage the setting for requiring signed commits on protected branches.

Custom media type: zzzax-preview Announced: 2018-02-22

Require multiple approving reviews

You can now require multiple approving reviews for a pull request using the API.

Custom media type: luke-cage-preview Announced: 2018-03-16

Check runs and check suites API

Allows a GitHub App to run external checks on a repository's code. See the Check runs and Check suites APIs for more details.

Custom media type: antiope-preview Announced: 2018-05-07

Project card details

The REST API responses for issue events and issue timeline events now return the project_card field for project-related events.

Custom media type: starfox-preview Announced: 2018-09-05

Deployment statuses

You can now update the environment of a deployment status and use the in_progress and queued states. When you create deployment statuses, you can now use the auto_inactive parameter to mark old production deployments as inactive.

Custom media type: flash-preview Announced: 2018-10-16

Repository creation permissions

You can now configure whether organization members can create repositories and which types of repositories they can create. See "Update an organization" for more details.

Custom media types: surtur-preview Announced: 2019-12-03

Content attachments

You can now provide more information in GitHub for URLs that link to registered domains by using the Content Attachments API. See "Using content attachments" for more details.

Custom media types: corsair-preview Announced: 2018-12-10

Draft pull requests

You can use the Draft Pull Requests API and its pull request endpoints to see whether a pull request is in draft state. To learn more about draft pull requests, see "About pull requests".

Custom media types: shadow-cat-preview Announced: 2019-02-14

Enable and disable Pages

You can use the new endpoints in the Pages API to enable or disable Pages. To learn more about Pages, see "GitHub Pages Basics".

Custom media types: switcheroo-preview Announced: 2019-03-14

List branches or pull requests for a commit

You can use two new endpoints in the Commits API to list branches or pull requests for a commit.

Custom media types: groot-preview Announced: 2019-04-11

Uninstall a GitHub App

Owners of GitHub Apps can now uninstall an app using the Apps API.

Custom media types: gambit-preview

Enable or disable vulnerability alerts for a repository

You can use two new endpoints in the Repos API to enable or disable vulnerability alerts.

Custom media types: dorian-preview Announced: 2019-04-24

Update a pull request branch

You can use a new endpoint to update a pull request branch with changes from the HEAD of the upstream branch.

Custom media types: lydian-preview Announced: 2019-05-29

Create and use repository templates

You can use a new endpoint to Create a repository using a template and Create a repository for the authenticated user that is a template repository by setting the is_template parameter to true. Get a repository to check whether it's set as a template repository using the is_template key.

Custom media types: baptiste-preview Announced: 2019-07-05

New OAuth Applications API endpoints

You can more securely manage tokens for OAuth Apps by using OAuth tokens as input parameters instead of path parameters with the new OAuth Applications API endpoints.

Custom media types: doctor-strange-preview Announced: 2019-11-05

New visibility parameter for the Repositories API

You can set and retrieve the visibility of a repository in the Repositories API.

Custom media types: nebula-preview Announced: 2019-11-25