Erweiterte Abrechnungsplattform
Verwende die REST-API, um Informationen zur Nutzungsabrechnung von der erweiterten Abrechnungsplattform abzurufen.
Get billing usage report for an organization
Gets a report of the total usage for an organization. To use this endpoint, you must be an administrator of an organization within an enterprise or an organization account.
Note: This endpoint is only available to organizations with access to the enhanced billing platform. For more information, see "About the enhanced billing platform."
Differenzierte Zugriffstoken für "Get billing usage report for an organization"
Dieser Endpunkt funktioniert mit den folgenden differenzierten Tokentypen.:
- GitHub-App-Benutzerzugriffstoken
- Zugriffstoken für GitHub App-Installation
- Differenzierte persönliche Zugriffstoken
Das differenzierte Token muss einen der folgenden Berechtigungssätze aufweisen.:
- "Administration" organization permissions (read)
Parameter für „Get billing usage report for an organization“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
accept string Setting to |
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
org string ErforderlichThe organization name. The name is not case sensitive. |
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
year integer If specified, only return results for a single year. The value of |
month integer If specified, only return results for a single month. The value of |
day integer If specified, only return results for a single day. The value of |
hour integer If specified, only return results for a single hour. The value of |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get billing usage report for an organization“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | Billing usage report response for an organization |
400 | Bad Request |
403 | Forbidden |
500 | Internal Error |
503 | Service unavailable |
Codebeispiele für „Get billing usage report for an organization“
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
Billing usage report response for an organization
Status: 200
"usageItems": [
"date": "2023-08-01",
"product": "Actions",
"sku": "Actions Linux",
"quantity": 100,
"unitType": "minutes",
"pricePerUnit": 0.008,
"grossAmount": 0.8,
"discountAmount": 0,
"netAmount": 0.8,
"organizationName": "GitHub",
"repositoryName": "github/example"