Informationen zu Abfragen
Jedes GraphQL-Schema verfügt über einen Stammtyp für Abfragen und Mutationen. Der Abfragetyp definiert GraphQL-Vorgänge, die Daten vom Server abrufen.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Erstellen von Aufrufen mit GraphQL.
Für GitHub App-Anforderungen, die über Benutzerzugriffstoken erfolgen, solltest du für Issues und Pull Requests separate Abfragen verwenden. Verwende z. B. die Filter is:issue
und ihre Entsprechungen. Die Verwendung der search
-Verbindung zum Zurückgeben einer Kombination von Problemen und Pullanforderungen in einer einzelnen Abfrage führt zu einer leeren Gruppe von Knoten.
Look up a code of conduct by its key.
Typ: CodeOfConduct
Argumente für codeOfConduct
| The code of conduct's key. |
Look up a pending enterprise administrator invitation by invitee, enterprise and role.
Argumente für enterpriseAdministratorInvitation
| The slug of the enterprise the user was invited to join. |
| The role for the enterprise member invitation. |
| The login of the user invited to join the enterprise. |
Look up a pending enterprise administrator invitation by invitation token.
Argumente für enterpriseAdministratorInvitationByToken
| The invitation token sent with the invitation email. |
Look up a pending enterprise unaffiliated member invitation by invitee and enterprise.
Look up a pending enterprise unaffiliated member invitation by invitation token.
Argumente für enterpriseMemberInvitationByToken
| The invitation token sent with the invitation email. |
Look up an open source license by its key.
Look up a single Marketplace listing.
Typ: MarketplaceListing
Argumente für marketplaceListing
| Select the listing that matches this slug. It's the short name of the listing used in its URL. |
Look up Marketplace listings.
Argumente für marketplaceListings
| Select listings that can be administered by the specified user. |
| Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. |
| Select listings visible to the viewer even if they are not approved. If omitted or false, only approved listings will be returned. |
| Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. |
| Select only listings with the given category. |
| Returns the first n elements from the list. |
| Returns the last n elements from the list. |
| Select listings for products owned by the specified organization. |
| Select only listings where the primary category matches the given category slug. The default value is |
| Select the listings with these slugs, if they are visible to the viewer. |
| Also check topic aliases for the category slug. |
| Select listings to which user has admin access. If omitted, listings visible to the viewer are returned. |
| Select only listings that offer a free trial. The default value is |
Fetches an object given its ID.
Lookup nodes by a list of IDs.
Lookup a organization by login.
Typ: Organization
Argumente für organization
| The organization's login. |
The client's rate limit information.
Workaround for re-exposing the root query object. (Refer to for more information.).
Typ: Query!
Lookup a repository owner (ie. either a User or an Organization) by login.
Typ: RepositoryOwner
Argumente für repositoryOwner
| The username to lookup the owner by. |
Perform a search across resources, returning a maximum of 1,000 results.
Argumente für search
| Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. |
| Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. |
| Returns the first n elements from the list. |
| Returns the last n elements from the list. |
| The search string to look for. GitHub search syntax is supported. For more information, see "Searching on GitHub," "Understanding the search syntax," and "Sorting search results.". |
| The types of search items to search within. |
GitHub Security Advisories.
Argumente für securityAdvisories
| Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. |
| Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. |
| A list of classifications to filter advisories by. |
| The EPSS percentage to filter advisories by. |
| The EPSS percentile to filter advisories by. |
| Returns the first n elements from the list. |
| Filter advisories by identifier, e.g. GHSA or CVE. |
| Returns the last n elements from the list. |
| Ordering options for the returned topics. |
| Filter advisories to those published since a time in the past. |
| Filter advisories to those updated since a time in the past. |
Fetch a Security Advisory by its GHSA ID.
Typ: SecurityAdvisory
Argumente für securityAdvisory
| GitHub Security Advisory ID. |
Software Vulnerabilities documented by GitHub Security Advisories.
Argumente für securityVulnerabilities
| Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. |
| Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. |
| A list of advisory classifications to filter vulnerabilities by. |
| An ecosystem to filter vulnerabilities by. |
| Returns the first n elements from the list. |
| Returns the last n elements from the list. |
| Ordering options for the returned topics. |
| A package name to filter vulnerabilities by. |
| A list of severities to filter vulnerabilities by. |
Users and organizations who can be sponsored via GitHub Sponsors.
Argumente für sponsorables
| Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. |
| Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. |
| Optional filter for which dependencies should be checked for sponsorable owners. Only sponsorable owners of dependencies in this ecosystem will be included. Used when onlyDependencies = true. Upcoming Change on 2022-07-01 UTC
Description: |
| Optional filter for which dependencies should be checked for sponsorable owners. Only sponsorable owners of dependencies in this ecosystem will be included. Used when onlyDependencies = true. |
| Returns the first n elements from the list. |
| Returns the last n elements from the list. |
| Whether only sponsorables who own the viewer's dependencies will be returned. Must be authenticated to use. Can check an organization instead for their dependencies owned by sponsorables by passing orgLoginForDependencies. The default value is |
| Ordering options for users and organizations returned from the connection. |
| Optional organization username for whose dependencies should be checked. Used when onlyDependencies = true. Omit to check your own dependencies. If you are not an administrator of the organization, only dependencies from its public repositories will be considered. |
Look up a topic by name.
Lookup a user by login.