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Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise Server wurde eingestellt am 2024-03-26. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features aktualisiere auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise Server. Wende dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe zum Upgrade zu erhalten.

Erfahre mehr über aktuelle und bevorstehende Breaking Changes an der GitHub-GraphQL-API.

Informationen zu Breaking Changes

Breaking Changes sind Änderungen, für die unsere Integratoren möglicherweise Maßnahmen ergreifen müssen. Diese Änderungen werden in zwei Kategorien unterteilt:

  • Breaking Change: Änderungen, die dazu führen, dass bereits vorhandene Abfragen für die GraphQL-API nicht mehr funktionieren. Ein Beispiel wäre etwa das Entfernen eines Felds.
  • Gefährliche Änderung: Änderungen, die nicht dazu führen, dass bereits vorhandene Abfragen nicht mehr funktionieren, aber das Laufzeitverhalten von Clients beeinflussen können. Ein Beispiel wäre etwa das Hinzufügen eines Enumerationswerts.

Wir sind bestrebt, stabile APIs für unsere Integratoren bereitzustellen. Wenn ein neues Feature noch weiterentwickelt wird, wird es im Rahmen einer Schemavorschau veröffentlicht.

Bevorstehende Breaking Changes werden von uns mindestens drei Monate vor der Implementierung der Änderung am GraphQL-Schema angekündigt, damit Integratoren genügend Zeit haben, die erforderlichen Anpassungen vorzunehmen. Änderungen werden am ersten Tag eines Quartals wirksam (also am 1. Januar, 1. April, 1. Juli oder 1. Oktober). Eine am 15. Januar angekündigte Änderung wird also beispielsweise am 1. Juli vorgenommen.

Changes scheduled for 2023-04-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to Repository.squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault.

    squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault will be removed. Use Repository.squashMergeCommitTitle instead.


    squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault will be removed.

  • Breaking A change will be made to ProjectV2View.verticalGroupBy.

    verticalGroupBy will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#vertical_group_by_fields API as an example for the more capable alternative.


    The ProjectV2View#vertical_group_by API is deprecated in favour of the more capable ProjectV2View#vertical_group_by_fields API.

  • Breaking A change will be made to ProjectV2View.sortBy.

    sortBy will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#sort_by_fields API as an example for the more capable alternative.


    The ProjectV2View#sort_by API is deprecated in favour of the more capable ProjectV2View#sort_by_fields API.

  • Breaking A change will be made to ProjectV2View.groupBy.

    groupBy will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#group_by_fields API as an example for the more capable alternative.


    The ProjectV2View#order_by API is deprecated in favour of the more capable ProjectV2View#group_by_field API.

Changes scheduled for 2023-01-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to ProjectV2View.visibleFields.

    visibleFields will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#fields API as an example for the more capable alternative.


    The ProjectV2View#visibleFields API is deprecated in favour of the more capable ProjectV2View#fields API.

  • Breaking A change will be made to Commit.changedFiles.

    changedFiles will be removed. Use changedFilesIfAvailable instead.


    changedFiles will be removed.

Changes scheduled for 2022-10-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixReason.

    fixReason will be removed.


    The fixReason field is being removed. You can still use fixedAt and dismissReason.

  • Breaking A change will be made to RemovePullRequestFromMergeQueueInput.branch.

    branch will be removed.


    PRs are removed from the merge queue for the base branch, the branch argument is now a no-op

  • Breaking A change will be made to DependencyGraphDependency.packageLabel.

    packageLabel will be removed. Use normalized packageName field instead.


    packageLabel will be removed.

Changes scheduled for 2022-07-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to AddPullRequestToMergeQueueInput.branch.

    branch will be removed.


    PRs are added to the merge queue for the base branch, the branch argument is now a no-op

Changes scheduled for 2021-10-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to ReactionGroup.users.

    users will be removed. Use the reactors field instead.


    Reactors can now be mannequins, bots, and organizations.

Changes scheduled for 2021-06-21

  • Breaking A change will be made to PackageType.DOCKER.

    DOCKER will be removed.


    DOCKER will be removed from this enum as this type will be migrated to only be used by the Packages REST API.

Changes scheduled for 2021-01-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to MergeStateStatus.DRAFT.

    DRAFT will be removed. Use PullRequest.isDraft instead.


    DRAFT state will be removed from this enum and isDraft should be used instead

Changes scheduled for 2020-10-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to PullRequest.timeline.

    timeline will be removed. Use PullRequest.timelineItems instead.


    timeline will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to Issue.timeline.

    timeline will be removed. Use Issue.timelineItems instead.


    timeline will be removed

Changes scheduled for 2020-01-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to UnassignedEvent.user.

    user will be removed. Use the assignee field instead.


    Assignees can now be mannequins.

  • Breaking A change will be made to AssignedEvent.user.

    user will be removed. Use the assignee field instead.


    Assignees can now be mannequins.

Changes scheduled for 2019-04-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to LegacyMigration.uploadUrlTemplate.

    uploadUrlTemplate will be removed. Use uploadUrl instead.


    uploadUrlTemplate is being removed because it is not a standard URL and adds an extra user step.