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About GitHub Connect

GitHub Connect enhances GitHub Enterprise Server by giving you access to additional features and workflows that rely on the power of

About GitHub Connect

GitHub Connect enhances GitHub Enterprise Server by allowing Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance to benefit from the power of in limited ways. After you enable GitHub Connect, you can enable additional features and workflows that rely on, such as Dependabot alerts for security vulnerabilities that are tracked in the GitHub Advisory Database.

GitHub Connect does not open Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance to the public internet. None of your enterprise's private data is exposed to users. Instead, GitHub Connect transmits only the limited data needed for the individual features you choose to enable. Unless you enable license sync, no personal data is transmitted by GitHub Connect. For more information about what data is transmitted by GitHub Connect, see "Data transmission for GitHub Connect."

Enabling GitHub Connect will not allow users to make changes to GitHub Enterprise Server.

To enable GitHub Connect, you configure a connection between Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance and enterprise account on that uses GitHub Enterprise Cloud. Die Verbindung verwendet HTTPS über die Ports 443 oder 80 und wird durch TLS gesichert. For more information, see "Verwalten von GitHub Connect."

After enabling GitHub Connect, you will be able to enable features such as automatic user license sync and Dependabot alerts. For more information about all of the features available, see "GitHub Connect features."

GitHub Connect features

After you configure the connection between Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance and GitHub Enterprise Cloud, you can enable individual features of GitHub Connect for your enterprise.

FeatureDescriptionMore information
Automatic user license syncManage license usage across your GitHub Enterprise deployments by automatically syncing user licenses from Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance to GitHub Enterprise Cloud."Aktivieren der automatischen Benutzerlizenzsynchronisierung für dein Unternehmen"
DependabotAllow users to find and fix vulnerabilities in code dependencies."Aktivieren von Dependabot für dein Unternehmen" actionsAllow users to use actions from in public workflow files."Aktivieren des automatischen Zugriffs auf mit GitHub Connect"
Server StatisticsAnalyze your own aggregate data from GitHub Enterprise Server, and help us improve GitHub products."Aktivieren von Serverstatistiken für dein Unternehmen"
Unified searchAllow users to include repositories on in their search results when searching from Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance."Aktivieren der einheitlichen Suche für dein Unternehmen"
Unified contributionsAllow users to include anonymized contribution counts for their work on Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance in their contribution graphs on"Aktivieren einheitlicher Beiträge für dein Unternehmen"

Data transmission for GitHub Connect

When GitHub Connect is enabled, a record on GitHub Enterprise Cloud stores information about the connection. If you enable individual features of GitHub Connect, additional data is transmitted.

Note: No repositories, issues, or pull requests are ever transmitted from GitHub Enterprise Server to by GitHub Connect.

Data transmitted when GitHub Connect is enabled

When you enable GitHub Connect or specific GitHub Connect features, a record on GitHub Enterprise Cloud stores the following information about the connection.

  • The public key portion of your GitHub Enterprise Server license
  • A hash of your GitHub Enterprise Server license
  • The customer name on your GitHub Enterprise Server license
  • The version of deine GitHub Enterprise Server-Instanz
  • The hostname of Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance
  • The enterprise account on GitHub Enterprise Cloud that's connected to Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance
  • The authentication token that's used by Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance to make requests to GitHub Enterprise Cloud
  • If Transport Layer Security (TLS) is enabled and configured on Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance
  • The GitHub Connect features that are enabled on Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance, and the date and time of enablement
  • The dormancy threshold for your enterprise
  • The number of dormant users for your enterprise
  • A count of license-consuming seats, which does not include suspended users

GitHub Connect syncs the above connection data between Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance and GitHub Enterprise Cloud weekly, starting from the day and approximate time that GitHub Connect was enabled.

Data transmitted by individual features of GitHub Connect

Additional data is transmitted if you enable individual features of GitHub Connect.

FeatureDataWhich way does the data flow?Where is the data used?
Automatic user license syncEach GitHub Enterprise Server user's user ID and email addresses, and whether the user consumes a license for GitHub Advanced SecurityFrom GitHub Enterprise Server to GitHub Enterprise CloudGitHub Enterprise Cloud
Dependabot alertsVulnerability alertsFrom to GitHub Enterprise ServerGitHub Enterprise Server
Dependabot updatesDependencies and the metadata for each dependency's repository

If a dependency is stored in a private repository on, data will only be transmitted if Dependabot is configured and authorized to access that repository.
From to GitHub Enterprise ServerGitHub Enterprise Server actionsName of action, action (YAML file from GitHub Marketplace)From to GitHub Enterprise Server

From GitHub Enterprise Server to
GitHub Enterprise Server
Server StatisticsAggregate metrics about your usage of GitHub Enterprise Server. For the complete list of metrics, see "Informationen zu Serverstatistiken."From GitHub Enterprise Server to GitHub Enterprise CloudGitHub Enterprise Cloud
Unified searchSearch terms, search resultsFrom to GitHub Enterprise Server

From GitHub Enterprise Server to
GitHub Enterprise Server
Unified contributionsContribution countsFrom GitHub Enterprise Server to

Further reading