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Reviewing dependency changes in a pull request

If a pull request contains changes to dependencies, you can view a summary of what has changed and whether there are known vulnerabilities in any of the dependencies.

依赖项评审可用于 GitHub Enterprise Server 中的组织拥有的存储库。 此功能需要 GitHub Advanced Security 的许可证。 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于 GitHub Advanced Security”。

注意:依赖项评审目前以 beta 版本提供,并且可能会发生更改。

About dependency review

依赖项审查帮助您了解依赖项变化以及这些变化在每个拉取请求中的安全影响。 它提供了一个易于理解的依赖项变化视图,多差异显示在拉取请求的“Files Changed(更改的文件)”选项卡上。 依赖项审查告知您:

  • 哪些依赖项连同发行日期一起添� 、� 除或更新。
  • 有多少项目使用这些组件。
  • 这些依赖项的漏洞数据。

Before you can use dependency review, you must enable the dependency graph and connect your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to For more information, see "Enabling alerts for vulnerable dependencies on GitHub Enterprise Server."

Dependency review allows you to "shift left". You can use the provided predictive information to catch vulnerable dependencies before they hit production. For more information, see "About dependency review."

Reviewing dependencies in a pull request

  1. 在存储库名称下,单击 “拉取请求”。 拉取请求选项卡选择

  2. 在拉取请求列表中,单击要审查的拉取请求。

  3. On the pull request, click Files changed. Pull Request Files changed tab

  4. If the pull request contains many files, use the File filter drop-down menu to collapse all files that don't record dependencies. This will make it easier to focus your review on the dependency changes.

    The file filter menu The dependency review provides a clearer view of what has changed in large lock files, where the source diff is not rendered by default.

    Note: Dependency review rich diffs are not available for committed static JavaScript files like jquery.js.

  5. On the right of the header for a manifest or lock file, display the dependency review by clicking the rich diff button.

    The rich diff button

  6. Check the dependencies listed in the dependency review.

    Vulnerability warnings in a dependency review

    Any added or changed dependencies that have vulnerabilities are listed first, ordered by severity and then by dependency name. This means that the highest severity dependencies are always at the top of a dependency review. Other dependencies are listed alphabetically by dependency name.

    The icon beside each dependency indicates whether the dependency has been added (), updated (), or removed () in this pull request.

    Other information includes:

    • The version, or version range, of the new, updated, or deleted dependency.
    • For a specific version of a dependency:
      • The age of that release of the dependency.
      • The number of projects that are dependent on this software. This information is taken from the dependency graph. Checking the number of dependents can help you avoid accidentally adding the wrong dependency.
      • The license used by this dependency, if this information is available. This is useful if you want to avoid code with certain licenses being used in your project.

    Where a dependency has a known vulnerability, the warning message includes:

    • A brief description of the vulnerability.
    • A Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) or GitHub Security Advisories (GHSA) identification number. You can click this ID to find out more about the vulnerability.
    • The severity of the vulnerability.
    • The version of the dependency in which the vulnerability was fixed. If you are reviewing a pull request for someone, you might ask the contributor to update the dependency to the patched version, or a later release.
  7. 您可能还想查看源差异,� 为清单或锁定文件可能会发生变化,但不会更改依赖项,也可能存在 GitHub � 法解析的依赖项,� 此,这些依赖项不会显示在依赖项审� �中。

    要返回到源差异视图,请单击 按钮。
