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此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2022-10-12. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 为了获得更好的性能、更高的安全性和新功能,请升级到最新版本的 GitHub Enterprise。 如需升级帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

Managing security and analysis settings for your organization

You can control features that secure and analyze the code in your organization's projects on GitHub.

Who can use this feature

Organization owners can manage security and analysis settings for repositories in the organization.

About management of security and analysis settings

GitHub can help secure the repositories in your organization. You can manage the security and analysis features for all existing or new repositories that members create in your organization.

Displaying the security and analysis settings

  1. 在 GitHub Enterprise Server 的右上角,单击� 的个人资料照片,然后单击“� 的组织”。 贵组织在配置文件菜单中

  2. 在组织旁边,单击“设置”。 设置按钮

  3. In the left sidebar, click Security & analysis. "Security & analysis" tab in organization settings

The page that's displayed allows you to enable or disable all security and analysis features for the repositories in your organization.

If you have a license for GitHub Advanced Security, the page will also contain options to enable and disable Advanced Security features. Any repositories that use GitHub Advanced Security are listed at the bottom of the page.

Enabling or disabling a feature for all existing repositories

You can enable or disable features for all repositories.

注意: 如果启用 GitHub Advanced Security,这些存储库的提交者将使用� 的 GitHub Advanced Security 许可证上的席位。 如果您已超出许可证容量,此选项将被禁用。

Note: If you encounter an error that reads "GitHub Advanced Security cannot be enabled because of a policy setting for the organization," contact your enterprise admin and ask them to change the GitHub Advanced Security policy for your enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing policies for Advanced Security in your enterprise."

  1. Go to the security and analysis settings for your organization. For more information, see "Displaying the security and analysis settings."

  2. Under "Code security and analysis", to the right of the feature, click Disable all or Enable all. The control for "GitHub Advanced Security" is disabled if you have no available seats in your GitHub Advanced Security license.

    "Enable all" or "Disable all" button for "Configure security and analysis" features

  3. Click Enable/Disable all or Enable/Disable for eligible repositories to confirm the change. Button to enable feature for all the eligible repositories in the organization

当您为现有仓库启用一个或多个安全和分析功能时,您将在� 分钟内看到 GitHub 上显示的任何结果:

  • 所有现有仓库将具有选定的配置。
  • 如果启用了新存储库的复选框,则新存储库将遵循所选配置。

Enabling or disabling a feature automatically when new repositories are added

  1. Go to the security and analysis settings for your organization. For more information, see "Displaying the security and analysis settings."

  2. Under "Code security and analysis", to the right of the feature, enable or disable the feature by default for new repositories in your organization.

    Screenshot of a checkbox for enabling a feature for new repositories

Removing access to GitHub Advanced Security from individual repositories in an organization

You can manage access to GitHub Advanced Security features for a repository from its "Settings" tab. For more information, see "Managing security and analysis settings for your repository." However, you can also disable GitHub Advanced Security features for a repository from the "Settings" tab for the organization.

  1. Go to the security and analysis settings for your organization. For more information, see "Displaying the security and analysis settings."
  2. To see a list of all the repositories in your organization with GitHub Advanced Security enabled, scroll to the "GitHub Advanced Security repositories" section. GitHub Advanced Security repositories section The table lists the number of unique committers for each repository. This is the number of seats you could free up on your license by removing access to GitHub Advanced Security. For more information, see "About billing for GitHub Advanced Security."
  3. To remove access to GitHub Advanced Security from a repository and free up seats used by any committers that are unique to the repository, click the adjacent .
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Remove repository to remove access to the features of GitHub Advanced Security.

Note: If you remove access to GitHub Advanced Security for a repository, you should communicate with the affected development team so that they know that the change was intended. This ensures that they don't waste time debugging failed runs of code scanning.

Further reading