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Moving assigned issues on project boards

You can use GitHub Actions to automatically move an issue to a specific column on a project board when the issue is assigned.

注意:GitHub Enterprise Server 目前不支持 GitHub 托管的运行器。 可以在 GitHub public roadmap 上查看有关未来支持计划的更多信息。


This tutorial demonstrates how to use the alex-page/github-project-automation-plus action to automatically move an issue to a specific column on a project board when the issue is assigned. For example, when an issue is assigned, you can move it into the In Progress column your project board.

In the tutorial, you will first make a workflow file that uses the alex-page/github-project-automation-plus action. Then, you will customize the workflow to suit your needs.

Creating the workflow

  1. 选择要应用此项目管理工作流程的仓库。 您可以使用您有写入权限的现有仓库,或者创建一个新的仓库。 有关创建存储库的详细信息,请参阅“新建存储库”。

  2. In your repository, choose a project board. You can use an existing project, or you can create a new project. For more information about creating a project, see "Creating a project board."

  3. 在存储库中,创建一个名为 .github/workflows/YOUR_WORKFLOW.yml 的文件,将 YOUR_WORKFLOW 替换为� 选择的名称。 这是一个工作流程文件。 有关在 GitHub 上创建新文件的详细信息,请参阅“创建新文件”。

  4. Copy the following YAML contents into your workflow file.

    # 此工作流使用未经 GitHub 认证的操作。
    # 它们由第三方提供,并受
    # 单独的服务条款、隐私政策和支持
    # 文档。
    # GitHub 建议将操作固定到提交 SHA。
    # 若要获取较新版本,需要更新 SHA。
    # 还可以引用� �记或分支,但该操作可能会更改而不发出警告。
    name: Move assigned card
          - assigned
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: alex-page/github-project-automation-plus@5bcba1c1c091a222584d10913e5c060d32c44044
              project: Docs Work
              column: In Progress
              repo-token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
  5. Customize the parameters in your workflow file:

    • Change the value for project to the name of your project board. If you have multiple project boards with the same name, the alex-page/github-project-automation-plus action will act on all projects with the specified name.
    • Change the value for column to the name of the column where you want issues to move when they are assigned.
    • Change the value for repo-token:
      1. Create a personal access token with the repo scope. For more information, see "Creating a personal access token."
      2. Store this personal access token as a secret in your repository. For more information about storing secrets, see "Encrypted secrets."
      3. In your workflow file, replace PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN with the name of your secret.
  6. 将工作流程文件提交到仓库的默认分支。 有关详细信息,请参阅“新建文件”。

Testing the workflow

Whenever an issue in your repository is assigned, the issue will be moved to the specified project board column. If the issue is not already on the project board, it will be added to the project board.

If your repository is user-owned, the alex-page/github-project-automation-plus action will act on all projects in your repository or personal account that have the specified project name and column. Likewise, if your repository is organization-owned, the action will act on all projects in your repository or organization that have the specified project name and column.

Test your workflow by assigning an issue in your repository.

  1. Open an issue in your repository. For more information, see "Creating an issue."
  2. Assign the issue. For more information, see "Assigning issues and pull requests to other GitHub users."
  3. To see the workflow run that assigning the issue triggered, view the history of your workflow runs. For more information, see "Viewing workflow run history."
  4. When the workflow completes, the issue that you assigned should be added to the specified project board column.

Next steps