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409 搜索结果 "move repository"

GitHub Copilot / 使用 GitHub Copilot / Guides /

Modernizing legacy code with GitHub Copilot

Node.js. You can find the COBOL code in the modernize-legacy-cobol-app repository. The account management system consists of three key files: main.cob:

REST API / Projects (classic) /

Project (classic) 列的 REST API 终结点

用户访问令牌 GitHub App 安装访问令牌 细粒度的个人访问令牌 精细令牌必须至少具有以下权限集之一: "Projects" repository permissions (read) "Projects" organization permissions (read)

REST API / Projects (classic) /

Project (classic) 卡的 REST API 终结点

用户访问令牌 GitHub App 安装访问令牌 细粒度的个人访问令牌 精细令牌必须至少具有以下权限集之一: "Projects" repository permissions (read) "Projects" organization permissions (read)

存储库 / 存档存储库 /


Blob Storage, Google Drive, or Dropbox. Backing up a Git repository with the Git CLI A Git repository includes all of the files and folders associated with

身份验证 / 帐户安全性 /


库的历史记录中移除敏感数据__。 About removing sensitive data from a repository When altering your repository's history using tools like git-filter-repo, it's crucial


Projects (classic) 的 REST API 终结点

project Get a project Update a project Delete a project List repository projects Create a repository project Create a user project List user projects Project

入门 / 登记 /

开始使用 GitHub 帐户

approach to development depends on publishing commits from your local repository to GitHub for other people to view, fetch, and update using Git. For more

入门 / 使用 Git /

2 GB 推送限制疑难解答

few commits at a time. If you haven't configured the remote yet, add the repository as a new remote. For more information, see Managing remote repositories

存储库 / 处理文件 / 管理文件 /


rm)文件,并将文件添加(即 git add)到新位置。 $ git add . # Adds the file to your local repository and stages it for commit. # 若要取消暂存文件,请使用“git reset HEAD YOUR-FILE”。 使用

代码安全 / 适用于 VS Code 的 CodeQL / 高级功能 /

使用 CodeQL 模型编辑器

the APIs that have been identified are shown in the editor. Tip You can move the CodeQL "Method Modeling" view from the primary sidebar to the