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409 搜索结果 "move repository"

REST API / 指标 /

存储库流量的 REST API 终结点

关于存储库流量 可以使用这些终结点检索存储库图中为对其具有写入访问权限的存储库提供的信息。 有关详细信息,请参阅“查看仓库的流量”。 Get repository clones Get the total number of clones and breakdown per day or week for

REST API / 提交 /

适用于提交注释的 REST API 终结点

有关详细信息,请参阅“处理注释”。 List commit comments for a repository Lists the commit comments for a specified repository. Comments are ordered by ascending ID. This

REST API / 依赖关系图 /

适用于依赖项提交的 REST API 终结点

dependencies for a repository Create a new snapshot of a repository's dependencies. The authenticated user must have access to the repository. OAuth app tokens

REST API / 拉取请求 /

用于拉取请求审查注释的 REST API 终结点

REST API 终结点。 List review comments in a repository Lists review comments for all pull requests in a repository. By default, review comments are in ascending

GitHub Actions / 管理 GitHub Actions /

查看 GitHub Actions 指标

into how your workflows and jobs are performing at the organization and repository levels. There are two types of metrics to help you analyze different aspects

REST API / 检查 /

检查套件的 REST API 终结点

creation using "Update repository preferences for check suites". Note The Checks API only looks for pushes in the repository where the check suite

REST API / 许可证 /

许可证的 REST API 终结点

commonly used licenses on GitHub. For more information, see "Licensing a repository ." “Get all commonly used licenses”的细粒度访问令牌 此端点支持以下精细令牌类型: GitHub

REST API / 问题 /

适用于问题事件的 REST API 终结点

代理人、标签和里程碑。 List issue events for a repository Lists events for a repository. “List issue events for a repository”的细粒度访问令牌 此端点支持以下精细令牌类型: GitHub App 用户访问令牌

REST API / 应用 /

GitHub Apps 的 REST API 终结点

"config.yml", ".github/" ], "repository_selection": "selected", "created_at": "2017-

REST API / 问题 /

适用于问题的 REST API 终结点

"", "repository_url": ""