409 搜索结果 "move repository"
REST API / 组织 /
规则的 REST API 终结点
Get all organization repository rulesets
Get all the repository rulesets for an organization.
“Get all organization repository rulesets”的细粒度访问令牌
REST API / 安全通知 /
适用于存储库安全公告的 REST API 终结点
使用 REST API 查看和管理存储库安全公告。
List repository security advisories for an organization
Lists repository security advisories for an organization.
REST API / 存储库 /
存储库自动链接的 REST API 终结点
autolinks of a repository
Gets all autolinks that are configured for a repository.
Information about autolinks are only available to repository administrators
REST API / 操作 /
GitHub Actions 缓存的 REST API 终结点
Get GitHub Actions cache usage for a repository
Gets GitHub Actions cache usage for a repository.
The data fetched using this API is refreshed
存储库 / 创建和管理存储库 /
About repository restoration
A deleted repository can be restored within 90 days, unless the repository was part of a fork network
REST API / 存储库 /
存储库标记的 REST API 终结点
for a repository
Closing down notice: This operation is closing down and will be removed after August 30, 2024. Use the "Repository Rulesets"
REST API / 操作 /
自托管运行器组的 REST API 终结点
Only return runner groups that are allowed to be used by this repository.
“List self-hosted runner groups for an organization”的 HTTP 响应状态代码
REST API / 交互 /
适用于存储库交互的 REST API 终结点
Get interaction restrictions for a repository
Shows which type of GitHub user can interact with this repository and when the restriction expires. If
REST API / Codespaces /
Codespaces 的 REST API 终结点
List codespaces in a repository for the authenticated user
Lists the codespaces associated to a specified repository and the authenticated user.
REST API / 活动 /
标星的 REST API 端点
subscribers_count 对应于观察程序的数量。
List stargazers
Lists the people that have starred the repository.
This endpoint supports the following custom media types. For more information