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409 搜索结果 "move repository"

REST API / 操作 /

GitHub Actions 机密的 REST API 终结点

encrypted values. Authenticated users must have collaborator access to a repository to create, update, or read secrets. OAuth app tokens and personal access

REST API / 操作 /

GitHub Actions 变量的 REST API 终结点

organization variables. Authenticated users must have collaborator access to a repository to create, update, or read variables. OAuth app tokens and personal access

REST API / 存储库 /

存储库内容的 REST API 终结点

REST API 在存储库中创建、修改和删除 Base64 编码的内容。 Get repository content Gets the contents of a file or directory in a repository. Specify the file path or directory with

REST API / 代码扫描 /

适用于代码扫描的 REST API 终结点

App 安装访问令牌 细粒度的个人访问令牌 精细令牌必须具有以下权限集: "Code scanning alerts" repository permissions (read) “List code scanning alerts for an organization”的参数

REST API / Dependabot /

适用于 Dependabot 机密的 REST API 终结点

array of strings An array of repository ids that can access the organization secret. You can only provide a list of repository ids when the visibility is

REST API / 存储库 /

规则的 REST API 终结点

be returned, regardless of the level at which they are configured (e.g. repository or organization). Rules in rulesets with "evaluate" or "disabled"

REST API / 身份验证 /

GitHub 应用程序所需的权限

ories/{repository_id} write UATIAT 需要多个权限,或者可以使用不同的权限。 有关权限的更多信息,请参阅此终结点的文档。 DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions/repositories/{repository_id} write

REST API / 协作者 /

存储库邀请的 REST API 终结点

List repository invitations When authenticating as a user with admin rights to a repository, this endpoint will list all currently open repository invitations

REST API / 协作者 /

协作者的 REST API 终结点

REST API/ 协作者/ 协作者 协作者的 REST API 终结点 使用 REST API 管理存储库的协作者。 List repository collaborators For organization-owned repositories, the list of collaborators

REST API / Teams /

团队的 REST API 终结点

repo_names array of strings The full name (e.g., "organization-name/repository-name") of repositories to add the team to. privacy string The level