Navigate to git-lfs.com and click Download. Alternatively, you can install Git LFS using a package manager:
If you install Git LFS with Homebrew or MacPorts, skip to step six.
On your computer, locate and unzip the downloaded file.
Open Terminal .
Change the current working directory into the folder you downloaded and unzipped.
cd ~/Downloads/git-lfs-1.X.X
The file path you use after
depends on your operating system, Git LFS version you downloaded, and where you saved the Git LFS download. -
To install the file, run this command:
$ ./install.sh > Git LFS initialized.
You may have to use
sudo ./install.sh
to install the file. -
Next, make required changes to your global Git config:
$ git lfs install > Git LFS initialized.
If you don't see a message indicating that
git lfs install
was successful, please contact your site administrator. Be sure to include the name of your operating system.