收集和采纳用户反馈对产品开发至关重要,但此过程可能具有挑战性。 开发人员和产品团队往往难以有效地分析用户反馈、确定优先级并根据反馈实施更改,同时又不影响现有工作流或引入新议题。
假设你是常用开放源代码仓库的维护者。 由于社区对你的项目非常重视,因此他们经常会创建议题来提供反馈。 他们还经常与未结议题互动。 你想对这些反馈做出回应,但不确定从何处着手。
Find the issues with the feedback label that have the most reactions, and categorize them based on sentiment.
若要试用此提示,可以前往使用标签来跟踪功能请求的 microsoft/vscode
仓库,然后键入:Find the issues with the feature-request label that have the most reactions, and categorize them based on sentiment.
以下响应是示例。 Copilot Chat 响应是不确定的,所以你可能会得到与这里所显示的不同的响应。
Copilot 列出了回应最多的议题,并对每个议题进行了情绪分析。 在确定工作优先级时,可以利用此列表来做出更明智的决策。
1. [Feedback] CLI error messages are difficult to understand
* Issue URL: #321
* Reactions: 543
* Sentiment: Negative
1. [Feedback] Add API to enable third party integration
* Issue URL: #210
* Reactions: 482
* Sentiment: Positive
1. [Feedback] Shortcut for --with-token CLI option
* Issue URL: #426
* Reactions: 187
* Sentiment: Neutral to slightly positive
在这种情况下,你选择了一个要解决的用户反馈。 有人要求为现有的 CLI 选项提供快捷方式。 现在,你要为如何实现这一功能制定一个计划。
此示例假设你在使用 Copilot Chat 的同一仓库中询问议题。
Write a feature specification for Issue #426.
以下响应是示例。 Copilot Chat 响应是不确定的,所以你可能会得到与这里所显示的不同的响应。
Copilot 生成如下所示的功能规范。
# Feature Specification for Issue #426: Shortcut for --with-token CLI option
## Description:
Currently, the --with-token option is used to to pass in a token to commands. Typing --with-token each time is cumbersome. This feature proposes a new flag -wt as a shortcut to quickly specify the --with-token option when running various commands.
## Problem:
Typing --with-token repeatedly is time-consuming and inconvenient for users who frequently use this option.
## Solution:
Introduce a new flag -wt that serves as a shortcut for the --with-token option.
## Feature Details:
### 1. Flag Introduction:
-wt will be introduced as a shorthand for --with-token.
Usage: <command> -wt <token>
### 2. Commands Affected:
All commands that currently support the --with-token option.
### 3. Backward Compatibility:
- The existing --with-token option will continue to work as before.
- No existing functionality will be removed or altered.
### 4. Documentation:
- Update documentation to include the new -wt flag.
- Provide examples and usage scenarios for the new flag.
### 5. Testing:
- Ensure thorough testing of the -wt flag across various commands.
- Test cases should include:
- Valid and invalid tokens.
- Interaction with other options.
- Ensuring no regression in current --with-token functionality.
## Benefits:
- Improved user experience by reducing the amount of typing required.
- Streamlined command execution for users who frequently use the --with-token option.
## Potential Risks:
Minimal risk as this feature is an addition and does not alter existing functionality.