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Adding licenses to your account

Learn how to add licensed seats to your organization account using the enhanced billing platform.



If you have access to the new billing platform, you can add seats to your account through the "Licensing" page. To check if you have access, see 关于新计费平台.

  1. 在 GitHub 的右上角,选择个人资料照片,然后单击 你的组织”。
  2. 在组织旁边,单击“设置”。
  3. 在页面左侧的组织边栏中,单击“Billing & Licensing”****。
  4. Click Licensing.
  5. In the GitHub Team banner, click Edit and select Add seats to display the "Billing / Add seats" view.
  6. Define the number of new seats you require. The details of the prorated cost for the remainder of the billing cycle and the total for your next bill are updated automatically.
  7. When you have defined the number of additional seats to add, click Add seats.

You can also use the Edit option to remove seats and see which users are using seats in your account.