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400 Результаты поиска для "pull requests"

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Сведения о проверках состояния

branch on your repository's branches page or in your repository's list of pull requests. If status checks are required for a repository, the required status

Создание сообществ / Здоровый вклад /

Создание рекомендаций для участников репозитория

the guidelines help them verify that they're submitting well-formed pull requests and opening useful issues. For both owners and contributors, contribution

Репозитории / Управление параметрами репозитория / Настройка репозитория /

О владельцах кода

automatically requested to review draft pull requests. For more information about draft pull requests, see "About pull requests." When you mark a draft

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Участие в проекте

access to the upstream repository. You can contribute by submitting pull requests from your fork to the upstream repository. For more information, see

Проверка подлинности / Безопасность учетной записи /

Удаление конфиденциальных данных из репозитория

it's crucial to understand the implications, especially regarding open pull requests and sensitive data. The git filter-repo tool and the BFG Repo-Cleaner

GitHub Issues / Projects / Создание проекты /

Создание проект

that stay up-to-date with GitHub data. Your projects can track issues, pull requests, and ideas that you note down. You can add custom fields and create views

Безопасность кода / Проверка кода / Управление оповещениями /

О автофиксе для сканирования кода CodeQL

with targeted recommendations to help them fix code scanning alerts in pull requests so they can avoid introducing new security vulnerabilities. The potential

Безопасность кода / Безопасность цепочки поставок / Сквозная цепочка поставок /

Рекомендации по защите кода в цепочке поставок

security vulnerability in a dependency. Enforce dependency reviews on your pull requests. Assess the impact of that vulnerability on your code and decide what

GitHub Issues / Projects / Автоматизация проекты /

Использование встроенных автоматизаций

enabled by default: When issues or pull requests in your project are closed, their status is set to Done, and when pull requests in your project are merged, their

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Сведения о написании и форматировании текста на GitHub

and code across our site. You can also interact with other users in pull requests and issues using features like @-mentions, issue and PR references, and