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Эта версия GitHub Enterprise Server была прекращена 2024-03-26. Исправления выпускаться не будут даже при критических проблемах безопасности. Для повышения производительности, повышения безопасности и новых функций выполните обновление до последней версии GitHub Enterprise Server. Чтобы получить справку по обновлению, обратитесь в службу поддержки GitHub Enterprise.

Сортировка результатов поиска

Вы можете сортировать результаты GitHub Enterprise Server с помощью меню "Сортировка" или путем добавления квалификатора sort в запрос.

Use the Sort dropdown menu to sort results by relevance, number of stars, number of forks, and how recently the items were updated.

To sort by interactions, reactions, author date, committer date, or how recently the items were updated, you can add a sort qualifier to your search query.

Sort by interactions

The sort:interactions qualifier sorts by the highest combined number of reactions and comments.

sort:interactions or sort:interactions-descorg:github sort:interactions matches issues in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by the highest combined number of reactions and comments.
sort:interactions-ascorg:github sort:interactions-asc matches issues in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by the lowest combined number of reactions and comments.

Sort by reactions

The sort:reactions qualifier sorts by the number or type of reactions.

sort:reactions or sort:reactions-descorg:github sort:reactions matches issues in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by the highest number of reactions.
sort:reactions-ascorg:github sort:reactions-asc matches issues in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by ascending number of reactions (the fewest to the most).
sort:reactions-reactionorg:github sort:reactions-+1 matches issues in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by most thumbs up (👍) reactions.
sort:reactions-reactionorg:github sort:reactions--1 matches issues in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by most thumbs down (👎) reactions.
sort:reactions-reactionorg:github sort:reactions-smile matches issues in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by most laugh (😄) reactions.
sort:reactions-reactionorg:github sort:reactions-tada matches issues in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by most hurray (🎉) reactions.
sort:reactions-reactionorg:github sort:reactions-heart matches issues in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by most heart (❤️) reactions.

Sort by author date

The sort:author-date qualifier sorts by descending or ascending author date.

sort:author-date or sort:author-date-descfeature org:github sort:author-date matches commits containing the word "feature" in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by descending author date.
sort:author-date-ascfeature org:github sort:author-date-asc matches commits containing the word "feature" in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by ascending author date.

Sort by committer date

The sort:committer-date qualifier sorts by descending or ascending committer date.

sort:committer-date or sort:committer-date-descfeature org:github sort:committer-date matches commits containing the word "feature" in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by descending committer date.
sort:committer-date-ascfeature org:github sort:committer-date-asc matches commits containing the word "feature" in repositories owned by GitHub Enterprise Server, sorted by ascending committer date.

Sort by updated date

The sort:updated qualifier sorts by how recently the items were updated.

sort:updated or sort:updated-descfeature sort:updated matches repositories containing the word "feature," sorted by most recently updated date.
sort:updated-ascfeature sort:updated-asc matches repositories containing the word "feature," sorted by least recently updated date.

Further reading

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