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Создание сайта GitHub Pages с помощью Jekyll

Вы можете использовать Jekyll, чтобы создать сайт GitHub Pages в новом или существующем репозитории.

Кто эту функцию можно использовать?

People with admin permissions for a repository can create a GitHub Pages site with Jekyll.

GitHub Pages доступен в общедоступных репозиториях с GitHub Free и GitHub Free для организаций, а также в общедоступных и частных репозиториях с GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloudи GitHub Enterprise Server.

Platform navigation

Note: Organization owners can restrict the publication of GitHub Pages sites from repositories owned by the organization. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."


Before you can use Jekyll to create a GitHub Pages site, you must install Jekyll and Git. For more information, see Installation in the Jekyll documentation and "Set up Git."

We recommend using Bundler to install and run Jekyll. Bundler manages Ruby gem dependencies, reduces Jekyll build errors, and prevents environment-related bugs. To install Bundler:

  1. Install Ruby. For more information, see "Installing Ruby" in the Ruby documentation.
  2. Install Bundler. For more information, see "Bundler."

Creating a repository for your site

You can either create a repository or choose an existing repository for your site.

If you want to create a GitHub Pages site for a repository where not all of the files in the repository are related to the site, you will be able to configure a publishing source for your site. For example, you can have a dedicated branch and folder to hold your site source files, or you can use a custom GitHub Actions workflow to build and deploy your site source files. To use GitHub Actions as a publishing source for GitHub Pages, a site administrator must enable GitHub Actions for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. For more information, see "Enabling GitHub Actions for GitHub Enterprise Server."

If you want to create a site in an existing repository, skip to the "Creating your site" section.

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, select , then click New repository.

    Screenshot of a GitHub dropdown menu showing options to create new items. The menu item "New repository" is outlined in dark orange.

  2. Use the Owner dropdown menu to select the account you want to own the repository. Screenshot of the owner menu for a new GitHub repository. The menu shows two options, octocat and github.

  3. Type a name for your repository and an optional description. If you're creating a user or organization site, your repository must be named <user> or <organization> If your user or organization name contains uppercase letters, you must lowercase the letters. For more information, see "About GitHub Pages." Screenshot of GitHub Pages settings in a repository. The repository name field contains the text "" and is outlined in dark orange.

  4. Choose a repository visibility. For more information, see "About repositories."

Creating your site

Before you can create your site, you must have a repository for your site on GitHub Enterprise Server. If you're not creating your site in an existing repository, see "Creating a repository for your site."

Warning: If your site administrator has enabled Public Pages, GitHub Pages sites are publicly available on the internet, even if the repository for the site is private or internal. If you have sensitive data in your site's repository, you may want to remove the data before publishing. For more information, see "Configuring GitHub Pages for your enterprise" and "About repositories."

  1. Open Terminal.

  2. If you don't already have a local copy of your repository, navigate to the location where you want to store your site's source files, replacing PARENT-FOLDER with the folder you want to contain the folder for your repository.

  3. If you haven't already, initialize a local Git repository, replacing REPOSITORY-NAME with the name of your repository.

    $ git init REPOSITORY-NAME
    > Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/octocat/my-site/.git/
    # Creates a new folder on your computer, initialized as a Git repository
  4. Change directories to the repository.

    # Changes the working directory
  5. Decide which publishing source you want to use. For more information, see "Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site."

  6. Navigate to the publishing source for your site. For more information, see "Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site." For example, if you chose to publish your site from the docs folder on the default branch, create and change directories to the docs folder.

    $ mkdir docs
    # Creates a new folder called docs
    $ cd docs

    If you chose to publish your site from the gh-pages branch, create and checkout the gh-pages branch.

    $ git checkout --orphan gh-pages
    # Creates a new branch, with no history or contents, called gh-pages, and switches to the gh-pages branch
    $ git rm -rf .
    # Removes the contents from your default branch from the working directory
  7. To create a new Jekyll site, use the jekyll new command:

    $ jekyll new --skip-bundle .
    # Creates a Jekyll site in the current directory
  8. Open the Gemfile that Jekyll created.

  9. Add "#" to the beginning of the line that starts with gem "jekyll" to comment out this line.

  10. Add the github-pages gem by editing the line starting with # gem "github-pages". Change this line to:

    gem "github-pages", "~> GITHUB-PAGES-VERSION", group: :jekyll_plugins

    Replace GITHUB-PAGES-VERSION with the latest supported version of the github-pages gem. You can find this version here: "Dependency versions."

    The correct version Jekyll will be installed as a dependency of the github-pages gem.

  11. Save and close the Gemfile.

  12. From the command line, run bundle install.

  13. Optionally, make any necessary edits to the _config.yml file. This is required for relative paths when the repository is hosted in a subdirectory. For more information, see "Splitting a subfolder out into a new repository."

    domain:       # if you want to force HTTPS, specify the domain without the http at the start, e.g.
    url:  # the base hostname and protocol for your site, e.g.
    baseurl: /REPOSITORY-NAME/      # place folder name if the site is served in a subfolder
  14. Optionally, test your site locally. For more information, see "Testing your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll."

  15. Add and commit your work.

    git add .
    git commit -m 'Initial GitHub pages site with Jekyll'
  16. Add your repository on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance as a remote, replacing HOSTNAME with your enterprise's hostname, USER with the account that owns the repository, and REPOSITORY with the name of the repository.

    $ git remote add origin https://HOSTNAME/USER/REPOSITORY.git
  17. Push the repository to GitHub Enterprise Server, replacing BRANCH with the name of the branch you're working on.

    git push -u origin BRANCH
  18. Configure your publishing source. For more information, see "Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site."

  19. On GitHub Enterprise Server, navigate to your site's repository.

  20. Under your repository name, click Settings. If you cannot see the "Settings" tab, select the dropdown menu, then click Settings.

    Screenshot of a repository header showing the tabs. The "Settings" tab is highlighted by a dark orange outline.

  21. In the "Code and automation" section of the sidebar, click Pages.

  22. To see your published site, under "GitHub Pages", click Visit site. Screenshot of a confirmation message for GitHub Pages listing the site's URL. To the right of the URL, a button labeled "Visit site" is outlined in dark orange.

    Note: It can take up to 10 minutes for changes to your site to publish after you push the changes to GitHub Enterprise Server. If you don't see your GitHub Pages site changes reflected in your browser after an hour, see "About Jekyll build errors for GitHub Pages sites."


  • If you are publishing from a branch and your site has not published automatically, make sure someone with admin permissions and a verified email address has pushed to the publishing source.

  • Commits pushed by a GitHub Actions workflow that uses the GITHUB_TOKEN do not trigger a GitHub Pages build.

Next steps

To add a new page or post to your site, see "Adding content to your GitHub Pages site using Jekyll."

You can add a Jekyll theme to your GitHub Pages site to customize the look and feel of your site. For more information, see "Adding a theme to your GitHub Pages site using Jekyll."

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