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Эта версия GitHub Enterprise Server была прекращена 2024-03-26. Исправления выпускаться не будут даже при критических проблемах безопасности. Для повышения производительности, повышения безопасности и новых функций выполните обновление до последней версии GitHub Enterprise Server. Чтобы получить справку по обновлению, обратитесь в службу поддержки GitHub Enterprise.

Доступ к журналам миграции для GitHub Enterprise Importer

После выполнения миграции необходимо просмотреть журнал миграции, чтобы проверка для данных, которые не переносятся должным образом.

About migration logs

Each time you run a migration with GitHub Enterprise Importer, a migration log is created. You should check the migration log after every migration to review any migration warnings.

The migration log lists the steps that were completed as part of the migration and includes additional information.

  • Migration warnings, representing data (such as issues, pull requests, or comments) that didn't migrate as expected
  • Who ran the migration
  • The source of the migration
  • How long the migration took

You can access the migration log for a repository migration in multiple ways.

  • On GitHub, by viewing the "Migration Log" issue in the migrated repository. You can use this issue to discuss any warnings with your team and record any decisions.
  • By downloading a log file using the GitHub CLI.

When you run an organization migration, GitHub Enterprise Importer additionally creates a repository named gei-migration-results in the destination organization. This repository contains information about the migration of organization-level data and duplicates the information in the "Migration Log" issues for each migrated repository.

For more information about interpreting warnings in your migration log, see "Troubleshooting your migration with GitHub Enterprise Importer."

Viewing a repository migration log on GitHub

People with read access to a repository can access the migration log for the repository on GitHub.

  1. Navigate to the migrated repository in your destination organization.

  2. Under your repository name, click Issues.

    Screenshot of the main page of a repository. In the horizontal navigation bar, a tab, labeled "Issues," is outlined in dark orange.

  3. Click the issue with the title "Migration Log."

Downloading a repository migration log with the GitHub CLI

Organization owners and organization members with the migrator role can download migration logs using the GitHub CLI.

You can download the latest migration log for an individual repository with the download-logs command. The exact command depends on your migration source.

Migration logs are available to download for 24 hours after the migration is completed.

Downloading a repository migration log with the ADO2GH extension

If your migration source is Azure DevOps, you can download the latest migration log for an individual repository with the gh ado2gh download-logs command. Replace DESTINATION with the destination organization, REPOSITORY with the repository name, and FILENAME with a file name for the downloaded file.

gh ado2gh download-logs --github-target-org DESTINATION --target-repo REPOSITORY --migration-log-file FILENAME

If you don't already have a GH_PAT environment variable set for a personal access token with access to the destination organization, add --github-target-pat TOKEN, replacing TOKEN with the personal access token. For personal access token requirements, see "Managing access for a migration from Azure DevOps."

Downloading a repository migration log with the BBS2GH extension

If your migration source is Bitbucket Server, you can download the latest migration log for an individual repository with the gh bbs2gh download-logs command. Replace DESTINATION with the destination organization, REPOSITORY with the repository name, and FILENAME with a file name for the downloaded file.

gh bbs2gh download-logs --github-target-org DESTINATION --target-repo REPOSITORY --migration-log-file FILENAME

If you don't already have a GH_PAT environment variable set for a personal access token with access to the destination organization, add --github-target-pat TOKEN, replacing TOKEN with the personal access token. For personal access token requirements, see "Managing access for a migration from Bitbucket Server."

Downloading a repository migration log with the GEI extension

If your migration source is a GitHub product, you can download the latest migration log for an individual repository with the gh gei download-logs command. Replace DESTINATION with the destination organization, REPOSITORY with the repository name, and FILENAME with a file name for the downloaded file.

gh gei download-logs --github-target-org DESTINATION --target-repo REPOSITORY --migration-log-file FILENAME

If you don't already have a GH_PAT environment variable set for a personal access token with access to the destination organization, add --github-target-pat TOKEN, replacing TOKEN with the personal access token. For personal access token requirements, see "Managing access for a migration between GitHub products."

Downloading all the repository migration logs for a migration script

To ensure you have access to migration logs for all your migrated repositories, you can use the --download-migration-logs flag when generating a migration script for repository migrations. When you use this flag, the script will include the download-logs command for each repository migrated in the script. For more information, see "About GitHub Enterprise Importer."

Note: You can only use the --download-migration-logs flag with repository migrations, not with organization migrations.

Accessing an organization migration log

Owners of the destination organization can access the migration log for an organization migration on GitHub.

To access the migration log for an organization migration, navigate to the repository named gei-migration-results in your destination organization.

The file in the root of the repository includes the following information about the organization migration:

  • Any warnings or errors related to the migration of organization-level data, such as settings and teams
  • The number of repositories that were successfully migrated and the number of repositories that failed to migrate

The/success and /failure directories contain one file for each repository that was successfully migrated or that failed to migrate, respectively. These files follow the naming convention

Note: The gei-migration-results repository is created at the beginning of the migration process but is only updated with your migration logs after the migration finishes.

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