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Эта версия GitHub Enterprise Server была прекращена 2024-03-26. Исправления выпускаться не будут даже при критических проблемах безопасности. Для повышения производительности, повышения безопасности и новых функций выполните обновление до последней версии GitHub Enterprise Server. Чтобы получить справку по обновлению, обратитесь в службу поддержки GitHub Enterprise.

Связывание репозитория с компонентом "project (classic)"

You can link a repository to your organization's or personal account's project (classic).


  • Projects (beta), the all-new projects experience, is now available. For more information about Projects (beta), see "About Projects (beta)."
  • You can only create a new project (classic) for an organization, repository, or user that already has at least one project (classic). If you're unable to create a project (classic), create a project instead.

Anyone with write permissions to a project (classic) can link repositories owned by that organization or personal account to the project (classic). For more information, see "Project (classic) permissions for an organization" or "Permission levels for a project (classic) owned by a personal account."

You can link up to twenty-five repositories to your organization or user-owned project (classic). Linking repositories makes it easier to add issues and pull requests from those repositories to your project (classic) using Add cards or from the issue or pull requests sidebar. You can add issues and pull requests from any unlinked repositories by typing the issue or pull request URL in a card. For more information, see "Adding issues and pull requests to a project (classic)."

  1. Navigate to the project (classic) where you want to link a repository.

  2. On the top-right side of the project (classic), click Menu.

  3. Click , then click Settings.

    Screenshot showing the project menu. The settings option is highlighted with an orange outline.

  4. In the left sidebar, click Linked repositories.

  5. Click Link a repository.

  6. Search for the repository you'd like to link.

  7. Click Link. To unlink, click Unlink.

Note: In order to link a repository to your organization or user owned project (classic) the repository needs to have issues enabled. That is, the repository has an "Issues" tab (in forked repositories issues are disabled by default). For information on how to enable or disable issues for a repository, see "Disabling issues."

Further reading

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