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Запросы Swift для анализа CodeQL

Изучите запросы, которые CodeQL используются для анализа кода, написанного в Swift при выборе default или наборе security-extended запросов.

Кто может использовать эту функцию?

Code scanning доступен для репозиториев, принадлежащих организации, в GitHub Enterprise Server. Для этой функции требуется лицензия на GitHub Advanced Security. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Сведения о GitHub Advanced Security.

CodeQL includes many queries for analyzing Swift code. All queries in the default query suite are run by default. If you choose to use the security-extended query suite, additional queries are run. For more information, see "CodeQL query suites."


  • CodeQL analysis for Swift is currently in beta. During the beta, analysis of Swift code, and the accompanying documentation, will not be as comprehensive as for other languages.

Built-in queries for Swift analysis

This table lists the queries available with the latest release of the CodeQL action and CodeQL CLI. For more information, see CodeQL change logs in the CodeQL documentation site.

Note: The initial release of GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13 included CodeQL action and CodeQL CLI 2.16.5, which may not include all of these queries. Your site administrator can update your CodeQL version to a newer release. For more information, see "Configuring code scanning for your appliance."