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REST API теперь версия. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе "О управлении версиями API".

Конечные точки REST API для пакетов

Используйте REST API для взаимодействия с данными GitHub Packages.

Сведения о GitHub Packages

GitHub Packages поддерживает ряд диспетчеров пакетов для публикации пакетов. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Введение в GitHub Packages.

После публикации пакета можно использовать REST API для управления пакетом в репозиториях и организациях GitHub. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Удаление и восстановление пакета.

Чтобы использовать REST API для управления GitHub Packages, необходимо пройти проверку подлинности с помощью personal access token (classic).

  • Чтобы получить доступ к метаданным пакета, маркер должен включать область read:packages.
  • Чтобы удалить пакеты и версии пакетов, маркер должен включать области read:packages и delete:packages.
  • Чтобы восстановить пакеты и версии пакетов, маркер должен включать области read:packages и write:packages.

Если пакет находится в реестре, поддерживающем детализированные разрешения, маркер не нуждается repo в области доступа к этому пакету или управления им. Если пакет находится в реестре, который поддерживает только разрешения на уровне репозитория, маркер также должен включать repo область, так как пакет наследует разрешения от репозитория GitHub . Список реестров, поддерживающих только разрешения в области репозитория, см. в разделе Сведения о разрешениях для пакетов GitHub.

Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for organization

Lists all packages that are in a specific organization, are readable by the requesting user, and that encountered a conflict during a Docker migration.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint.

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for organization

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Эту конечную точку можно использовать без проверки подлинности, если запрашиваются только общедоступные ресурсы.

Параметры для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for organization"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
org string Обязательное поле

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for organization"

Код состоянияОписание



Requires authentication



Примеры кода для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for organization"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/orgs/ORG/docker/conflicts


Status: 200
[ { "id": 197, "name": "hello_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "github", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "Organization", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 1, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/hello_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" }, { "id": 198, "name": "goodbye_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "github", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "Organization", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 2, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/goodbye_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" } ]

List packages for an organization

Lists packages in an organization readable by the user.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "List packages for an organization

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "List packages for an organization"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
org string Обязательное поле

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

visibility string

The selected visibility of the packages. This parameter is optional and only filters an existing result set.

The internal visibility is only supported for GitHub Packages registries that allow for granular permissions. For other ecosystems internal is synonymous with private. For the list of GitHub Packages registries that support granular permissions, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Возможные значения: public, private, internal

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 1

per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 30

Коды состояния http-ответа для "List packages for an organization"

Код состоянияОписание



The value of per_page multiplied by page cannot be greater than 10000.


Requires authentication



Примеры кода для "List packages for an organization"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ "http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/orgs/ORG/packages?package_type=container"


Status: 200
[ { "id": 197, "name": "hello_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "github", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "Organization", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 1, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/hello_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" }, { "id": 198, "name": "goodbye_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "github", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "Organization", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 2, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/goodbye_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" } ]

Get a package for an organization

Gets a specific package in an organization.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Get a package for an organization

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Get a package for an organization"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

org string Обязательное поле

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get a package for an organization"

Код состоянияОписание


Примеры кода для "Get a package for an organization"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/orgs/ORG/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME


Status: 200
{ "id": 197, "name": "hello_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "github", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "Organization", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 1, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/hello_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" }

Delete a package for an organization

Deletes an entire package in an organization. You cannot delete a public package if any version of the package has more than 5,000 downloads. In this scenario, contact GitHub support for further assistance.

The authenticated user must have admin permissions in the organization to use this endpoint. If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, the authenticated user must also have admin permissions to the package. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and delete:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Delete a package for an organization

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Delete a package for an organization"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

org string Обязательное поле

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Delete a package for an organization"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Delete a package for an organization"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/orgs/ORG/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME


Status: 204

Restore a package for an organization

Restores an entire package in an organization.

You can restore a deleted package under the following conditions:

  • The package was deleted within the last 30 days.
  • The same package namespace and version is still available and not reused for a new package. If the same package namespace is not available, you will not be able to restore your package. In this scenario, to restore the deleted package, you must delete the new package that uses the deleted package's namespace first.

The authenticated user must have admin permissions in the organization to use this endpoint. If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, the authenticated user must also have admin permissions to the package. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and write:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Restore a package for an organization

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Restore a package for an organization"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

org string Обязательное поле

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
token string

package token

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Restore a package for an organization"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Restore a package for an organization"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/orgs/ORG/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/restore


Status: 204

List package versions for a package owned by an organization

Lists package versions for a package owned by an organization.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "List package versions for a package owned by an organization

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "List package versions for a package owned by an organization"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

org string Обязательное поле

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 1

per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 30

state string

The state of the package, either active or deleted.

По умолчанию.: active

Возможные значения: active, deleted

Коды состояния http-ответа для "List package versions for a package owned by an organization"

Код состоянияОписание



Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "List package versions for a package owned by an organization"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/orgs/ORG/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions


Status: 200
[ { "id": 245301, "name": "1.0.4", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/octo-org/packages/npm/hello-world-npm/versions/245301", "package_html_url": "", "created_at": "2019-11-05T22:49:04Z", "updated_at": "2019-11-05T22:49:04Z", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "npm" } }, { "id": 209672, "name": "1.0.3", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/octo-org/packages/npm/hello-world-npm/versions/209672", "package_html_url": "", "created_at": "2019-10-29T15:42:11Z", "updated_at": "2019-10-29T15:42:12Z", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "npm" } } ]

Get a package version for an organization

Gets a specific package version in an organization.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Get a package version for an organization

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Get a package version for an organization"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

org string Обязательное поле

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

package_version_id integer Обязательное поле

Unique identifier of the package version.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get a package version for an organization"

Код состоянияОписание


Примеры кода для "Get a package version for an organization"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/orgs/ORG/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions/PACKAGE_VERSION_ID


Status: 200
{ "id": 836, "name": "sha256:b3d3e366b55f9a54599220198b3db5da8f53592acbbb7dc7e4e9878762fc5344", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/hello_docker/versions/836", "package_html_url": "", "created_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "container", "container": { "tags": [ "latest" ] } } }

Delete package version for an organization

Deletes a specific package version in an organization. If the package is public and the package version has more than 5,000 downloads, you cannot delete the package version. In this scenario, contact GitHub support for further assistance.

The authenticated user must have admin permissions in the organization to use this endpoint. If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, the authenticated user must also have admin permissions to the package. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and delete:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Delete package version for an organization

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Delete package version for an organization"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

org string Обязательное поле

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

package_version_id integer Обязательное поле

Unique identifier of the package version.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Delete package version for an organization"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Delete package version for an organization"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/orgs/ORG/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions/PACKAGE_VERSION_ID


Status: 204

Restore package version for an organization

Restores a specific package version in an organization.

You can restore a deleted package under the following conditions:

  • The package was deleted within the last 30 days.
  • The same package namespace and version is still available and not reused for a new package. If the same package namespace is not available, you will not be able to restore your package. In this scenario, to restore the deleted package, you must delete the new package that uses the deleted package's namespace first.

The authenticated user must have admin permissions in the organization to use this endpoint. If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, the authenticated user must also have admin permissions to the package. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and write:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Restore package version for an organization

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Restore package version for an organization"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

org string Обязательное поле

The organization name. The name is not case sensitive.

package_version_id integer Обязательное поле

Unique identifier of the package version.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Restore package version for an organization"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Restore package version for an organization"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/orgs/ORG/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions/PACKAGE_VERSION_ID/restore


Status: 204

Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for authenticated-user

Lists all packages that are owned by the authenticated user within the user's namespace, and that encountered a conflict during a Docker migration.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint.

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for authenticated-user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for authenticated-user"

Код состоянияОписание


Примеры кода для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for authenticated-user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/user/docker/conflicts


Status: 200
[ { "id": 197, "name": "hello_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 1, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/hello_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" }, { "id": 198, "name": "goodbye_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "github", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 2, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/user/octocat/packages/container/goodbye_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" } ]

List packages for the authenticated user's namespace

Lists packages owned by the authenticated user within the user's namespace.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "List packages for the authenticated user's namespace

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "List packages for the authenticated user's namespace"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

visibility string

The selected visibility of the packages. This parameter is optional and only filters an existing result set.

The internal visibility is only supported for GitHub Packages registries that allow for granular permissions. For other ecosystems internal is synonymous with private. For the list of GitHub Packages registries that support granular permissions, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Возможные значения: public, private, internal

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 1

per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 30

Коды состояния http-ответа для "List packages for the authenticated user's namespace"

Код состоянияОписание



The value of per_page multiplied by page cannot be greater than 10000.

Примеры кода для "List packages for the authenticated user's namespace"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ "http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/user/packages?package_type=container"


Status: 200
[ { "id": 197, "name": "hello_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 1, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/hello_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" }, { "id": 198, "name": "goodbye_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "github", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 2, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/user/octocat/packages/container/goodbye_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" } ]

Get a package for the authenticated user

Gets a specific package for a package owned by the authenticated user.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Get a package for the authenticated user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Get a package for the authenticated user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get a package for the authenticated user"

Код состоянияОписание


Примеры кода для "Get a package for the authenticated user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/user/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME


Status: 200
{ "id": 40201, "name": "octo-name", "package_type": "rubygems", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 209477, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIwOTQ3Nw==", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": true }, "version_count": 3, "visibility": "public", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/packages/rubygems/octo-name", "created_at": "2019-10-20T14:17:14Z", "updated_at": "2019-10-20T14:17:14Z", "repository": { "id": 216219492, "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkyMTYyMTk0OTI=", "name": "octo-name-repo", "full_name": "octocat/octo-name-repo", "private": false, "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 209477, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIwOTQ3Nw==", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": true }, "html_url": "", "description": "Project for octocats", "fork": false, "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo", "forks_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/forks", "keys_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/keys{/key_id}", "collaborators_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/collaborators{/collaborator}", "teams_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/teams", "hooks_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/hooks", "issue_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/issues/events{/number}", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/events", "assignees_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/assignees{/user}", "branches_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/branches{/branch}", "tags_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/tags", "blobs_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/blobs{/sha}", "git_tags_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/tags{/sha}", "git_refs_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/refs{/sha}", "trees_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/trees{/sha}", "statuses_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/statuses/{sha}", "languages_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/languages", "stargazers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/stargazers", "contributors_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/contributors", "subscribers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/subscribers", "subscription_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/subscription", "commits_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/commits{/sha}", "git_commits_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/commits{/sha}", "comments_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/comments{/number}", "issue_comment_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/issues/comments{/number}", "contents_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/contents/{+path}", "compare_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/compare/{base}...{head}", "merges_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/merges", "archive_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/{archive_format}{/ref}", "downloads_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/downloads", "issues_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/issues{/number}", "pulls_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/pulls{/number}", "milestones_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/milestones{/number}", "notifications_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/notifications{?since,all,participating}", "labels_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/labels{/name}", "releases_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/releases{/id}", "deployments_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/deployments" }, "html_url": "" }

Delete a package for the authenticated user

Deletes a package owned by the authenticated user. You cannot delete a public package if any version of the package has more than 5,000 downloads. In this scenario, contact GitHub support for further assistance.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and delete:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Delete a package for the authenticated user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Delete a package for the authenticated user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Delete a package for the authenticated user"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Delete a package for the authenticated user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/user/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME


Status: 204

Restore a package for the authenticated user

Restores a package owned by the authenticated user.

You can restore a deleted package under the following conditions:

  • The package was deleted within the last 30 days.
  • The same package namespace and version is still available and not reused for a new package. If the same package namespace is not available, you will not be able to restore your package. In this scenario, to restore the deleted package, you must delete the new package that uses the deleted package's namespace first.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and write:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Restore a package for the authenticated user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Restore a package for the authenticated user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
token string

package token

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Restore a package for the authenticated user"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Restore a package for the authenticated user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/user/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/restore


Status: 204

List package versions for a package owned by the authenticated user

Lists package versions for a package owned by the authenticated user.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "List package versions for a package owned by the authenticated user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "List package versions for a package owned by the authenticated user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 1

per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 30

state string

The state of the package, either active or deleted.

По умолчанию.: active

Возможные значения: active, deleted

Коды состояния http-ответа для "List package versions for a package owned by the authenticated user"

Код состоянияОписание



Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "List package versions for a package owned by the authenticated user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/user/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions


Status: 200
[ { "id": 45763, "name": "sha256:08a44bab0bddaddd8837a8b381aebc2e4b933768b981685a9e088360af0d3dd9", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/packages/container/hello_docker/versions/45763", "package_html_url": "", "created_at": "2020-09-11T21:56:40Z", "updated_at": "2021-02-05T21:32:32Z", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "container", "container": { "tags": [ "latest" ] } } }, { "id": 881, "name": "sha256:b3d3e366b55f9a54599220198b3db5da8f53592acbbb7dc7e4e9878762fc5344", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/packages/container/hello_docker/versions/881", "package_html_url": "", "created_at": "2020-05-21T22:22:20Z", "updated_at": "2021-02-05T21:32:32Z", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "container", "container": { "tags": [] } } } ]

Get a package version for the authenticated user

Gets a specific package version for a package owned by the authenticated user.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Get a package version for the authenticated user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Get a package version for the authenticated user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

package_version_id integer Обязательное поле

Unique identifier of the package version.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get a package version for the authenticated user"

Код состоянияОписание


Примеры кода для "Get a package version for the authenticated user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/user/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions/PACKAGE_VERSION_ID


Status: 200
{ "id": 214, "name": "sha256:3561f0cff06caccddb99c93bd26e712fcc56a811de0f8ea7a17bb865f30b176a", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/packages/container/hello_docker/versions/214", "package_html_url": "", "created_at": "2020-05-15T03:46:45Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-15T03:46:45Z", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "container", "container": { "tags": [ "1.13.6" ] } } }

Delete a package version for the authenticated user

Deletes a specific package version for a package owned by the authenticated user. If the package is public and the package version has more than 5,000 downloads, you cannot delete the package version. In this scenario, contact GitHub support for further assistance.

The authenticated user must have admin permissions in the organization to use this endpoint.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and delete:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Delete a package version for the authenticated user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Delete a package version for the authenticated user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

package_version_id integer Обязательное поле

Unique identifier of the package version.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Delete a package version for the authenticated user"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Delete a package version for the authenticated user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/user/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions/PACKAGE_VERSION_ID


Status: 204

Restore a package version for the authenticated user

Restores a package version owned by the authenticated user.

You can restore a deleted package version under the following conditions:

  • The package was deleted within the last 30 days.
  • The same package namespace and version is still available and not reused for a new package. If the same package namespace is not available, you will not be able to restore your package. In this scenario, to restore the deleted package, you must delete the new package that uses the deleted package's namespace first.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and write:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Restore a package version for the authenticated user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Restore a package version for the authenticated user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

package_version_id integer Обязательное поле

Unique identifier of the package version.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Restore a package version for the authenticated user"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Restore a package version for the authenticated user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/user/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions/PACKAGE_VERSION_ID/restore


Status: 204

Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for user

Lists all packages that are in a specific user's namespace, that the requesting user has access to, and that encountered a conflict during Docker migration.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint.

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Эту конечную точку можно использовать без проверки подлинности, если запрашиваются только общедоступные ресурсы.

Параметры для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
username string Обязательное поле

The handle for the GitHub user account.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for user"

Код состоянияОписание



Requires authentication



Примеры кода для "Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/users/USERNAME/docker/conflicts


Status: 200
[ { "id": 197, "name": "hello_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 1, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/hello_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" }, { "id": 198, "name": "goodbye_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "github", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 2, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/user/octocat/packages/container/goodbye_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" } ]

List packages for a user

Lists all packages in a user's namespace for which the requesting user has access.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "List packages for a user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "List packages for a user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
username string Обязательное поле

The handle for the GitHub user account.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

visibility string

The selected visibility of the packages. This parameter is optional and only filters an existing result set.

The internal visibility is only supported for GitHub Packages registries that allow for granular permissions. For other ecosystems internal is synonymous with private. For the list of GitHub Packages registries that support granular permissions, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Возможные значения: public, private, internal

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 1

per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

По умолчанию.: 30

Коды состояния http-ответа для "List packages for a user"

Код состоянияОписание



The value of per_page multiplied by page cannot be greater than 10000.


Requires authentication



Примеры кода для "List packages for a user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ "http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/users/USERNAME/packages?package_type=container"


Status: 200
[ { "id": 197, "name": "hello_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 1, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/orgs/github/packages/container/hello_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-19T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" }, { "id": 198, "name": "goodbye_docker", "package_type": "container", "owner": { "login": "github", "id": 9919, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjk5MTk=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/github/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "version_count": 2, "visibility": "private", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/user/octocat/packages/container/goodbye_docker", "created_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-05-20T22:19:11Z", "html_url": "" } ]

Get a package for a user

Gets a specific package metadata for a public package owned by a user.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Get a package for a user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Get a package for a user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

username string Обязательное поле

The handle for the GitHub user account.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get a package for a user"

Код состоянияОписание


Примеры кода для "Get a package for a user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/users/USERNAME/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME


Status: 200
{ "id": 40201, "name": "octo-name", "package_type": "rubygems", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 209477, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIwOTQ3Nw==", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": true }, "version_count": 3, "visibility": "public", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/packages/rubygems/octo-name", "created_at": "2019-10-20T14:17:14Z", "updated_at": "2019-10-20T14:17:14Z", "repository": { "id": 216219492, "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkyMTYyMTk0OTI=", "name": "octo-name-repo", "full_name": "octocat/octo-name-repo", "private": false, "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 209477, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIwOTQ3Nw==", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/followers", "following_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/orgs", "repos_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/repos", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": true }, "html_url": "", "description": "Project for octocats", "fork": false, "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo", "forks_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/forks", "keys_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/keys{/key_id}", "collaborators_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/collaborators{/collaborator}", "teams_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/teams", "hooks_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/hooks", "issue_events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/issues/events{/number}", "events_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/events", "assignees_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/assignees{/user}", "branches_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/branches{/branch}", "tags_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/tags", "blobs_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/blobs{/sha}", "git_tags_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/tags{/sha}", "git_refs_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/refs{/sha}", "trees_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/trees{/sha}", "statuses_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/statuses/{sha}", "languages_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/languages", "stargazers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/stargazers", "contributors_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/contributors", "subscribers_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/subscribers", "subscription_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/subscription", "commits_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/commits{/sha}", "git_commits_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/git/commits{/sha}", "comments_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/comments{/number}", "issue_comment_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/issues/comments{/number}", "contents_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/contents/{+path}", "compare_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/compare/{base}...{head}", "merges_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/merges", "archive_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/{archive_format}{/ref}", "downloads_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/downloads", "issues_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/issues{/number}", "pulls_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/pulls{/number}", "milestones_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/milestones{/number}", "notifications_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/notifications{?since,all,participating}", "labels_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/labels{/name}", "releases_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/releases{/id}", "deployments_url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octocat/octo-name-repo/deployments" }, "html_url": "" }

Delete a package for a user

Deletes an entire package for a user. You cannot delete a public package if any version of the package has more than 5,000 downloads. In this scenario, contact GitHub support for further assistance.

If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, the authenticated user must have admin permissions to the package. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and delete:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Delete a package for a user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Delete a package for a user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

username string Обязательное поле

The handle for the GitHub user account.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Delete a package for a user"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Delete a package for a user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/users/USERNAME/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME


Status: 204

Restore a package for a user

Restores an entire package for a user.

You can restore a deleted package under the following conditions:

  • The package was deleted within the last 30 days.
  • The same package namespace and version is still available and not reused for a new package. If the same package namespace is not available, you will not be able to restore your package. In this scenario, to restore the deleted package, you must delete the new package that uses the deleted package's namespace first.

If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, the authenticated user must have admin permissions to the package. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and write:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Restore a package for a user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Restore a package for a user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

username string Обязательное поле

The handle for the GitHub user account.

Параметры запроса
Имя., Тип, Description
token string

package token

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Restore a package for a user"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Restore a package for a user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/users/USERNAME/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/restore


Status: 204

List package versions for a package owned by a user

Lists package versions for a public package owned by a specified user.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "List package versions for a package owned by a user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "List package versions for a package owned by a user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

username string Обязательное поле

The handle for the GitHub user account.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "List package versions for a package owned by a user"

Код состоянияОписание



Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "List package versions for a package owned by a user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/users/USERNAME/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions


Status: 200
[ { "id": 3497268, "name": "0.3.0", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/packages/rubygems/octo-name/versions/3497268", "package_html_url": "", "license": "MIT", "created_at": "2020-08-31T15:22:11Z", "updated_at": "2020-08-31T15:22:12Z", "description": "Project for octocats", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "rubygems" } }, { "id": 387039, "name": "0.2.0", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/packages/rubygems/octo-name/versions/387039", "package_html_url": "", "license": "MIT", "created_at": "2019-12-01T20:49:29Z", "updated_at": "2019-12-01T20:49:30Z", "description": "Project for octocats", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "rubygems" } }, { "id": 169770, "name": "0.1.0", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/packages/rubygems/octo-name/versions/169770", "package_html_url": "", "license": "MIT", "created_at": "2019-10-20T14:17:14Z", "updated_at": "2019-10-20T14:17:15Z", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "rubygems" } } ]

Get a package version for a user

Gets a specific package version for a public package owned by a specified user.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages scope to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Get a package version for a user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Get a package version for a user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

package_version_id integer Обязательное поле

Unique identifier of the package version.

username string Обязательное поле

The handle for the GitHub user account.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Get a package version for a user"

Код состоянияОписание


Примеры кода для "Get a package version for a user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/users/USERNAME/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions/PACKAGE_VERSION_ID


Status: 200
{ "id": 387039, "name": "0.2.0", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/users/octocat/packages/rubygems/octo-name/versions/387039", "package_html_url": "", "license": "MIT", "created_at": "2019-12-01T20:49:29Z", "updated_at": "2019-12-01T20:49:30Z", "description": "Octo-name client for Ruby", "html_url": "", "metadata": { "package_type": "rubygems" } }

Delete package version for a user

Deletes a specific package version for a user. If the package is public and the package version has more than 5,000 downloads, you cannot delete the package version. In this scenario, contact GitHub support for further assistance.

If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, the authenticated user must have admin permissions to the package. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and delete:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Delete package version for a user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Delete package version for a user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

username string Обязательное поле

The handle for the GitHub user account.

package_version_id integer Обязательное поле

Unique identifier of the package version.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Delete package version for a user"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Delete package version for a user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/users/USERNAME/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions/PACKAGE_VERSION_ID


Status: 204

Restore package version for a user

Restores a specific package version for a user.

You can restore a deleted package under the following conditions:

  • The package was deleted within the last 30 days.
  • The same package namespace and version is still available and not reused for a new package. If the same package namespace is not available, you will not be able to restore your package. In this scenario, to restore the deleted package, you must delete the new package that uses the deleted package's namespace first.

If the package_type belongs to a GitHub Packages registry that supports granular permissions, the authenticated user must have admin permissions to the package. For the list of these registries, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the read:packages and write:packages scopes to use this endpoint. For more information, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

Подробные маркеры доступа для "Restore package version for a user

Эта конечная точка работает со следующими точными типами маркеров:

Для тонкого маркера не требуются разрешения.

Параметры для "Restore package version for a user"

Имя., Тип, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Параметры пути
Имя., Тип, Description
package_type string Обязательное поле

The type of supported package. Packages in GitHub's Gradle registry have the type maven. Docker images pushed to GitHub's Container registry ( have the type container. You can use the type docker to find images that were pushed to GitHub's Docker registry (, even if these have now been migrated to the Container registry.

Возможные значения: npm, maven, rubygems, docker, nuget, container

package_name string Обязательное поле

The name of the package.

username string Обязательное поле

The handle for the GitHub user account.

package_version_id integer Обязательное поле

Unique identifier of the package version.

Коды состояния http-ответа для "Restore package version for a user"

Код состоянияОписание

No Content


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Примеры кода для "Restore package version for a user"

Пример запроса

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/users/USERNAME/packages/PACKAGE_TYPE/PACKAGE_NAME/versions/PACKAGE_VERSION_ID/restore


Status: 204