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Перемещение файла в репозитории в Git Large File Storage

Если вы настроили Git LFS и у вас есть файл в репозитории, который необходимо отслеживать в Git LFS, необходимо сначала удалить его из репозитория.

After installing Git LFS and configuring Git LFS tracking, you can move files from Git's regular tracking to Git LFS. For more information, see "Installing Git Large File Storage" and "Configuring Git Large File Storage."

If there are referenced Git LFS files that did not upload successfully, you will receive an error message. For more information, see "Resolving Git Large File Storage upload failures."


If you get an error that "this exceeds Git LFS's file size limit of 100 MiB" when you try to push files to Git, you can use git lfs migrate instead of filter-repo, to move the large file to Git Large File Storage. For more information about the git lfs migrate command, see the Git LFS 2.2.0 release announcement.

  1. Remove the file from the repository's Git history using the filter-repo command. For detailed information on using these, see "Removing sensitive data from a repository."
  2. Configure tracking for your file and push it to Git LFS. For more information on this procedure, see "Configuring Git Large File Storage."

Further reading