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Отключение двухфакторной проверки подлинности для личной учетной записи

Если отключить двухфакторную проверку подлинности для личной учетной записи, вы можете потерять доступ к организациям, к которым вы принадлежите.

Warning: If you're a member or outside collaborator to a public repository of an organization that requires two-factor authentication and you disable 2FA, you'll be automatically removed from the organization, and you'll lose your access to their repositories. To regain access to the organization, re-enable two-factor authentication and contact an organization owner.

We strongly recommend using two-factor authentication (2FA) to secure your account. If you need to disable 2FA, we recommend re-enabling it as soon as possible.

If your organization requires two-factor authentication and you're a member, owner, or an outside collaborator on a private repository of your organization, you must first leave your organization before you can disable two-factor authentication.

To remove yourself from your organization:

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.

    Screenshot of a user's account menu on GitHub. The menu item "Settings" is outlined in dark orange.

  2. In the "Access" section of the sidebar, click Password and authentication.

  3. Hover over Enabled, then click Disable.

    Screenshot of an account's 2FA settings. A green button labeled "Enabled" is outlined in orange.

  4. If necessary, enter your password or perform 2FA once more to disable 2FA for your GitHub account.

Further reading