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Поиск пакетов

Пакеты можно найти на GitHub и сузить результаты с помощью квалификаторов поиска.

Кто может использовать эту функцию?

Anyone can search for packages they have access to.

GitHub Packages is available with GitHub Free, GitHub Pro, GitHub Free for organizations, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 or higher.

GitHub Packages is not available for private repositories owned by accounts using legacy per-repository plans. Also, accounts using legacy per-repository plans cannot access registries that support granular permissions, because these accounts are billed by repository. Enterprise Managed Users do not have individual storage allocation to publish packages within their account's namespace, but can publish to an organization's namespace. For additional information on Enterprise Managed Users, see About Enterprise Managed Users. For the list of registries that support granular permissions, see About permissions for GitHub Packages. For more information, see GitHub’s plans.

About searching for packages

You can search for packages globally across all of GitHub, or search for packages within a particular organization. For more information, see About searching on GitHub.


  • This article contains links to example searches on the website, but you can use the same search filters in any GitHub platform. In the linked example searches, replace with the hostname for your GitHub platform.
  • For a list of search syntaxes that you can add to any search qualifier to further improve your results, see Understanding the search syntax.
  • Use quotations around multi-word search terms. For example, if you want to search for issues with the label "In progress," you'd search for label:"in progress". Search is not case sensitive.

Searching within a user's or organization's packages

To find packages owned by a certain user or organization, use the user or org qualifier.

user:USERNAMEuser:codertocat matches packages owned by @codertocat
org:ORGNAMEorg:github matches packages owned by the GitHub organization

Filtering by package visibility

To filter your search by whether a package is public or private, use the is qualifier.

is:publicis:public angular matches public packages that contain the word "angular"
is:privateis:private php matches private packages that contain the word "php"