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Reviewing the audit log for your organization

The audit log allows organization admins to quickly review the actions performed by members of your organization. It includes details such as who performed the action, what the action was, and when it was performed.

Neste artigo

Accessing the audit log

The audit log lists events triggered by activities that affect your organization within the last 90 days. Only owners can access an organization's audit log.

  1. No canto superior direito de GitHub Enterprise Server, clique na sua foto de perfil e, em seguida, clique em Seu perfil.
    Profile photo
  2. No lado esquerdo da página do seu perfil, em "Organizações", clique no ícone da sua organização.
    ícones da organização
  3. No nome da sua organização, clique em Settings.
    Botão de configurações da organização
  4. Na barra lateral Settings, clique em Audit log.
    Configurações de log de auditoria para organizações na barra lateral

Searching the audit log

O log lista as seguintes informações sobre cada ação:

  • Em qual repositório uma ação foi executada
  • O usuário que executou a ação
  • A ação que foi executada
  • Em que país a ação foi executada
  • A data e a hora que a ação foi executada

Observe que não é possível pesquisar as entradas usando texto. No entanto, é possível criar consultas de pesquisa usando diversos filtros. Muitos operadores usados ao consultar o log de auditoria, como -, >, ou <, correspondem ao mesmo formato de pesquisa no GitHub Enterprise Server. Para obter mais informações, consulte "Searching on GitHub."

Pesquisar com base em operação

Use o qualificador operation para limitar ações a tipos específicos de operações. Por exemplo:

  • operation:access encontra todos os eventos nos quais um recurso foi acessado.
  • operation:authentication encontra todos os eventos nos quais um evento de autenticação foi executado.
  • operation:create encontra todos os eventos nos quais um recurso foi criado.
  • operation:modify encontra todos os eventos nos quais um recurso foi modificado.
  • operation:remove encontra todos os eventos nos quais um recurso foi removido.
  • operation:restore encontra todos os eventos nos quais um recurso foi restaurado.
  • operation:transfer encontra todos os eventos nos quais um recurso foi transferido.

Pesquisar com base no repositório

Use o qualificador repo para limitar ações a um repositório específico. Por exemplo:

  • repo:my-org/our-repo localiza todos os eventos que ocorreram no repositório our-repo na organização my-org.
  • repo:my-org/our-repo repo:my-org/another-repo localiza todos os eventos que ocorreram para ambos repositórios our-repo e another-repo na organização my-org.
  • -repo:my-org/not-this-repo exclui todos os eventos que ocorreram no repositório not-this-repo na organização my-org.

Observe que você deve incluir o nome da conta no qualificador repo; pesquisar somente repo:our-repo não funcionará.

Pesquisar com base no usuário

O qualificador actor pode pesquisar eventos com base em quem executou a ação. Por exemplo:

  • actor:octocat localiza todos os eventos feitos por octocat.
  • actor:octocat actor:hubot localiza todos os eventos realizados por ambos octocat e hubot.
  • -actor:hubot exclui todos os eventos realizados por hubot.

Observe que só é possível usar um nome de usuário do GitHub Enterprise Server, e não o nome verdadeiro da pessoa.

Search based on the action performed

To search for specific events, use the action qualifier in your query. Actions listed in the audit log are grouped within the following categories:

Category nameDescription
discussion_postContains all activities related to discussions posted to a team page.
discussion_post_replyContains all activities related to replies to discussions posted to a team page.
hookContains all activities related to webhooks.
integration_installation_requestContains all activities related to organization member requests for owners to approve integrations for use in the organization.
issueContains activities related to deleting an issue.
orgContains activities related to organization membership.
organization_labelContains all activities related to default labels for repositories in your organization.
oauth_applicationContains all activities related to OAuth Apps.
profile_pictureContains all activities related to your organization's profile picture.
projectContains all activities related to project boards.
protected_branchContains all activities related to protected branches.
repoContains activities related to the repositories owned by your organization.
repository_dependency_graphContains repository-level activities related to enabling or disabling the dependency graph for a repository. For more information, see "About the dependency graph."
repository_vulnerability_alertContains all activities related to Dependabot alerts for vulnerable dependencies.
teamContains all activities related to teams in your organization.
team_discussionsContains activities related to managing team discussions for an organization.

You can search for specific sets of actions using these terms. For example:

  • action:team finds all events grouped within the team category.
  • -action:hook excludes all events in the webhook category.

Each category has a set of associated actions that you can filter on. For example:

  • action:team.create finds all events where a team was created.
  • -action:hook.events_changed excludes all events where the events on a webhook have been altered.

Search based on time of action

Use the created qualifier to filter events in the audit log based on when they occurred. O formato de data deve seguir o padrão ISO8601, que é YYYY-MM-DD (ano-mês-dia). Você também pode adicionar informações de tempo opcionais THH:MM:SS+00:00 após a data, para pesquisar por hora, minuto e segundo. Isso se faz adicionando T, seguido de HH:MM:SS (hora-minutos-segundos) e um intervalo de UTC (+00:00).

When you search for a date, you can use greater than, less than, and range qualifiers to further filter results. Para obter mais informações, consulte "Entender a sintaxe de pesquisa".

For example:

  • created:2014-07-08 finds all events that occurred on July 8th, 2014.
  • created:>=2014-07-08 finds all events that occurred on or after July 8th, 2014.
  • created:<=2014-07-08 finds all events that occurred on or before July 8th, 2014.
  • created:2014-07-01..2014-07-31 finds all events that occurred in the month of July 2014.

The audit log contains data for the past 90 days, but you can use the created qualifier to search for events earlier than that.

Search based on location

Using the qualifier country, you can filter events in the audit log based on the originating country. You can use a country's two-letter short code or its full name. Keep in mind that countries with spaces in their name will need to be wrapped in quotation marks. For example:

  • country:de finds all events that occurred in Germany.
  • country:Mexico finds all events that occurred in Mexico.
  • country:"United States" all finds events that occurred in the United States.

Using the audit log API

You can interact with the audit log using the GraphQL API.

Note: The audit log GraphQL API is available for organizations using GitHub Enterprise.

To ensure a secure IP and maintain compliance for your organization, you can use the audit log GraphQL API to keep copies of your audit log data and monitor:

  • O acesso às configurações da sua organização ou repositório
  • As alterações nas permissões
  • Os usuários adicionados ou removidos em uma organização, repositório ou equipe
  • Os usuários promovidos a administradores
  • Alterações nas permissões de um aplicativo GitHub

The GraphQL response can include data for up to 90 to 120 days.

For example, you can make a GraphQL request to see all the new organization members added to your organization. For more information, see the "GraphQL API Audit Log."

Audit log actions

An overview of some of the most common actions that are recorded as events in the audit log.

discussion_post category actions

updateTriggered when a team discussion post is edited.
destroyTriggered when a team discussion post is deleted.

discussion_post_reply category actions

updateTriggered when a reply to a team discussion post is edited.
destroyTriggered when a reply to a team discussion post is deleted.

hook category actions

createTriggered when a new hook was added to a repository owned by your organization.
config_changedTriggered when an existing hook has its configuration altered.
destroyTriggered when an existing hook was removed from a repository.
events_changedTriggered when the events on a hook have been altered.

integration_installation_request category actions

createTriggered when an organization member requests that an organization owner install an integration for use in the organization.
closeTriggered when a request to install an integration for use in an organization is either approved or denied by an organization owner, or canceled by the organization member who opened the request.

issue category actions

destroyTriggered when an organization owner or someone with admin permissions in a repository deletes an issue from an organization-owned repository.

org category actions

disable_member_team_creation_permissionTriggered when an organization owner limits team creation to owners. For more information, see "Setting team creation permissions in your organization."
disable_two_factor_requirementTriggered when an owner disables a two-factor authentication requirement for all members and outside collaborators in an organization.
enable_member_team_creation_permissionTriggered when an organization owner allows members to create teams. For more information, see "Setting team creation permissions in your organization."
enable_two_factor_requirementTriggered when an owner requires two-factor authentication for all members and outside collaborators in an organization.
invite_memberTriggered when a new user was invited to join your organization.
remove_memberTriggered when an owner removes a member from an organization or when two-factor authentication is required in an organization and an organization member doesn't use 2FA or disables 2FA. Also triggered when an organization member removes themselves from an organization.
remove_outside_collaboratorTriggered when an owner removes an outside collaborator from an organization or when two-factor authentication is required in an organization and an outside collaborator does not use 2FA or disables 2FA.
update_default_repository_permissionTriggered when an owner changes the default repository permission level for organization members.
update_memberTriggered when an owner changes a person's role from owner to member or member to owner.
update_member_repository_creation_permissionTriggered when an owner changes the create repository permission for organization members.

organization_label category actions

createTriggered when a default label is created.
updateTriggered when a default label is edited.
destroyTriggered when a default label is deleted.

oauth_application category actions

createTriggered when a new aplicativo OAuth is created.
destroyTriggered when an existing aplicativo OAuth is deleted.
reset_secretTriggered when an aplicativo OAuth's client secret is reset.
revoke_tokensTriggered when an aplicativo OAuth's user tokens are revoked.
transferTriggered when an existing aplicativo OAuth is transferred to a new organization.

profile_picture category actions

updateTriggered when you set or update your organization's profile picture.

project category actions

createTriggered when a project board is created.
linkTriggered when a repository is linked to a project board.
renameTriggered when a project board is renamed.
updateTriggered when a project board is updated.
deleteTriggered when a project board is deleted.
unlinkTriggered when a repository is unlinked from a project board.
update_org_permissionTriggered when the base-level permission for all organization members is changed or removed.
update_team_permissionTriggered when a team's project board permission level is changed or when a team is added or removed from a project board.
update_user_permissionTriggered when an organization member or outside collaborator is added to or removed from a project board or has their permission level changed.

protected_branch category actions

create Triggered when branch protection is enabled on a branch.
destroyTriggered when branch protection is disabled on a branch.
update_admin_enforced Triggered when branch protection is enforced for repository administrators.
update_require_code_owner_review Triggered when enforcement of required Code Owner review is updated on a branch.
dismiss_stale_reviews Triggered when enforcement of dismissing stale pull requests is updated on a branch.
update_signature_requirement_enforcement_level Triggered when enforcement of required commit signing is updated on a branch.
update_pull_request_reviews_enforcement_level Triggered when enforcement of required pull request reviews is updated on a branch.
update_required_status_checks_enforcement_level Triggered when enforcement of required status checks is updated on a branch.
update_strict_required_status_checks_policyTriggered when the requirement for a branch to be up to date before merging is changed.
rejected_ref_update Triggered when a branch update attempt is rejected.
policy_override Triggered when a branch protection requirement is overridden by a repository administrator.
update_allow_force_pushes_enforcement_level Triggered when force pushes are enabled or disabled for a protected branch.
update_allow_deletions_enforcement_level Triggered when branch deletion is enabled or disabled for a protected branch.
update_linear_history_requirement_enforcement_level Triggered when required linear commit history is enabled or disabled for a protected branch.

repo category actions

accessTriggered when a user changes the visibility of a repository in the organization.
add_memberTriggered when a user accepts an invitation to have collaboration access to a repository.
add_topicTriggered when a repository admin adds a topic to a repository.
archivedTriggered when a repository admin archives a repository.
config.disable_anonymous_git_accessTriggered when anonymous Git read access is disabled in a public repository.
config.enable_anonymous_git_accessTriggered when anonymous Git read access is enabled in a public repository.
config.lock_anonymous_git_accessTriggered when a repository's anonymous Git read access setting is locked.
config.unlock_anonymous_git_accessTriggered when a repository's anonymous Git read access setting is unlocked.
createTriggered when a new repository is created.
destroyTriggered when a repository is deleted.
enableTriggered when a repository is reenabled.
remove_memberTriggered when a user is removed from a repository as a collaborator.
remove_topicTriggered when a repository admin removes a topic from a repository.
renameTriggered when a repository is renamed.
transferTriggered when a repository is transferred.
transfer_startTriggered when a repository transfer is about to occur.
unarchivedTriggered when a repository admin unarchives a repository.

repository_dependency_graph category actions

disableTriggered when a repository owner or person with admin access to the repository disables the dependency graph for a repository. For more information, see "About the dependency graph."
enableTriggered when a repository owner or person with admin access to the repository enables the dependency graph for a repository.

repository_vulnerability_alert category actions

createTriggered when GitHub Enterprise Server creates a security alert for a repository that uses a vulnerable dependency. For more information, see "About alerts for vulnerable dependencies."
dismissTriggered when an organization owner or person with admin access to the repository dismisses a security alert about a vulnerable dependency.
resolveTriggered when someone with write access to a repository pushes changes to update and resolve a vulnerability in a project dependency.

team category actions

add_memberTriggered when a member of an organization is added to a team.
add_repositoryTriggered when a team is given control of a repository.
change_parent_teamTriggered when a child team is created or a child team's parent is changed.
change_privacyTriggered when a team's privacy level is changed.
createTriggered when a new team is created.
destroyTriggered when a team is deleted from the organization.
remove_memberTriggered when a member of an organization is removed from a team.
remove_repositoryTriggered when a repository is no longer under a team's control.

team_discussions category actions

disableTriggered when an organization owner disables team discussions for an organization. For more information, see "Disabling team discussions for your organization."
enableTriggered when an organization owner enables team discussions for an organization.

Further reading